Chapter 401 Reasonable?
"So it's the Holy Master of the Holy Clan." A faint voice came over, and then a figure appeared out of thin air in front of the gate of the Bada Chamber of Commerce.

Come to meet an old man, it is the one-step immortal who just exuded a huge aura.After learning about Chen Hao, the old man's aura naturally subsided.

At the same time, those strong players in the Bada Chamber of Commerce who were about to make a move also stopped making a move.

"I have seen the Holy Master, the Great Elder is retreating, please come with me."

After the old man came out, he first clasped his hands slightly towards Chen Hao, and then invited Chen Hao to enter.

Chen Hao nodded, without saying anything, followed the old man and walked in.With his current strength and status, these elders should treat him like this, and Chen Hao also accepted the other party's salute with peace of mind.

"Haha, it turned out to be the Holy Master, are you safe?"

After following the old man into the headquarters of the Bada Chamber of Commerce, he walked around for a while, and finally came to a courtyard.As soon as Chen Hao and the others appeared, they found that Elder Qi Yang was walking out of the courtyard.

"Senior laughed at me." Chen Hao walked over, Qi Yang, the person who helped him before, Chen Hao still respected him very much.

The other party gave him an Octaling as a gift.It was precisely because of the Badalling that Chen Hao even wiped out a big family when his strength was not strong.

"I heard that the Great Elder is retreating? Are you sprinting for the last step?" Chen Hao asked with a smile after Qi Yang entered the hall and the guests and hosts sat down.

When he first met Great Elder Qi Yang, Chen Hao thought that the Great Elder was only in the stage of transformation, but now he saw that Qi Yang had already reached the half-step immortal state.

The strength is so strong that he is already the top powerhouse in the cultivation world.

Elder Qi Yang chuckled, and said: "The last step, how could it be so easy to sprint? Maybe you won't be able to ascend in this life. It's you who killed the immortal and even established the Chaos Sect. I overestimated you at the beginning. , I just realized now that I still underestimated you too much."

At the beginning, Great Elder Qi Yang just thought that Chen Hao had great potential, and he would definitely have good achievements in the future, so he made friends with him, but he didn't expect Chen Hao's achievements to be so great.

Burning down the Immortal Gate, killing the Immortals, and establishing the Chaos Holy Sect, all of this happened to a person who has only been practicing for more than 20 years, it is really shocking.

At the same time, Great Elder Qi Yang also felt happy because he had met Chen Hao back then.

"The Great Elder is only one step away. As long as he forges an immortal body, he will naturally be able to ascend in the daytime. Why not try the Immortal Immortal Pill?"

Qi Yang smiled helplessly: "The Immortal Immortal Pill has long been extinct in the realm of comprehension. A pill appeared by chance back then, and it was eventually obtained by Xutianzong. The most important thing is that although the Immortal Immortal Pill can speed up the transformation of the immortal body, If there are only one or two pills, it won't work at all."

It is precisely because of this that Qi Yang did not bid for the Immortal Immortal Pill during the Tianxia Auction.A grain of Immortal Immortal Pill has very little effect on him.

Of course, if there are a large number of Immortal Immortal Pills, it will have a greater effect on them.It's just that only one pill appears in the realm of comprehension, so where are there more Immortal Pills?

"Could it be that the Immortal Immortal Pill in the cultivation world is really extinct?" Chen Hao frowned slightly. If this is the case, then he would have to think of other ways to improve the strength of the disciples of the Holy Sect.

"What? You need Immortal Immortal Pill?" Qi Yang looked at Chen Hao strangely, and continued: "You have only been practicing for more than 20 years. With your cultivation speed, there is absolutely no problem with ascension. Immortal Immortal Elixir should not have much effect on you."

Qi Yang thought it was Chen Hao himself who needed to ascend to the Immortal Terrace to increase the speed of his immortal body transformation.

"Surviving Immortal Pill is useless to me. I don't need Shengxian Pill at all. I need Shengxian Pill for other purposes." Chen Hao didn't deliberately hide it, but he still didn't want others to know that Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron can refine a large number of pills , that was truly shocking.Once it gets out, I am afraid that even the strong in the fairy world and even the heavenly world will come down to snatch it.

A look of surprise appeared on Qi Yang's face.Chen Hao didn't need the Immortal Immortal Pill, which he expected, but Chen Hao said that the Immortal Immortal Elixir was useless to him, he didn't need the Immortal Immortal Elixir at all, could it be that he had already become an immortal?

Looking at Elder Qi Yang's surprised eyes, Chen Hao shook his head and said, "I didn't become a fairy, I'm still a mortal."

Even if he didn't become an immortal body now, it might not be far away.After all, Chen Hao burned down the fairy gate that was hundreds of miles wide and ten thousand miles high.From such a big fairy gate, the fairy aura that flows out every moment is definitely more terrifying than Wang Yang.

Under the tempering of such an immortal spirit energy, it didn't take long for Chen Hao's physical body to completely transform into an immortal body.However, Qi Yang didn't know that these fairy spirits had little effect on Chen Hao. After all, Chen Hao's "chaotic celestial body" physique was originally an existence beyond the fairy body.

"Great Elder, do you know that there is no Immortal Immortal Pill in the cultivation world? I came here just for the Immortal Immortality Pill." After a while with the Elder, Chen Hao finally got straight to the point.

Qi Yang pondered, even though the Bada Chamber of Commerce was the number one chamber of commerce in the cultivation world, it did not have the Immortal Immortality Pill.To be honest, Immortal Immortal Pill is like a tasteless existence to monks. At the beginning, Zhuang Ningguang used trillions of Yuan Pills to take pictures of Immortal Immortal Pill.

One Trillion Returning Yuan Pill is a bit expensive for this Immortal Immortal Pill, which has little effect on one-step immortals or half-step immortals.After all, there is only one pill, which has no effect.

"Surviving Immortal Pill, it is said that we monks can't refine it, and some of the medicinal materials it needs need the elixir of the fairy world. Therefore, I think that Shengxian Pill should come from the upper realm. But..."

"Yuanxumen obtained a Immortal Immortal Pill a long time ago, and it is said that Yuanxumen has kept it as a treasure. Because they want to give it to a strong man who can ascend to the ascension with just one kick. At that time, the half-step immortal Then you can use the power of Immortal Immortal Pill to transform all the immortal bodies in one fell swoop, and ascend in the daytime!"

"Yuanxu Gate?" Chen Hao's eyes flashed, "If that's the case, then we have to go to Yuanxu Gate. However, I hope they won't ruin the Immortal Immortal Pill."

"Great Elder, I am in urgent need of Immortal Immortality Pill, and I need to go to Yuanxu Gate. If you are fine, you can go to the Holy Sect as a guest. The suppression of immortal veins in the Holy Sect is not of great benefit to you, but it is still a little bit small." It works."

After chatting for a while, Chen Hao got up and said goodbye.

Qi Yang laughed and said: "Even if you don't tell me, I will have the cheek to go to Shengzong. After all, who doesn't want to ascend in the daylight?"

Soaring in the daytime and becoming a flying fairy is the ultimate goal of all monks.They want to ascend to the fairy world all their lives.Especially those half-step immortals, their desire to become immortals is even more intense.

After all, no one wants to see that they are only half a step away, but they are blocked from the fairy world, and finally die of exhaustion of life energy.

Not long after, Chen Hao bid farewell to Qi Yang, took Duanmuqing's four daughters and left Yunshuijian, and flew towards Yuanxu Gate.

And after Chen Hao left, Qi Yang also confessed some things, and even after he left Yunshuijian, he actually went to the Holy Chaos Sect.

For this, Chen Hao naturally welcomed it extremely.

After all, there is not much more than him. The most important thing is that Qi Yang is also a half-step immortal powerhouse. With him sitting in the Holy Sect, Chen Hao is also more at ease.

Qi Yang is the great elder of the Bada Chamber of Commerce, and the strength of the Bada Chamber of Commerce is definitely not inferior to the original top ten sects.Who dares to touch Qi Yang, that is to touch the Bada Chamber of Commerce, and the whole body will be affected by one move.

"Holy Master, are we going to grab the Immortal Immortal Pill directly? Or should we destroy the Yuanxu Gate first?" Yu Jia asked suddenly on the way.At the same time, the other three women also looked eager to try.

Chen Hao staggered and almost fell from the void.

"Steal? Destroy other sects? Remember, we are members of the Holy Sect. It is not right to rob others and destroy their sects. We should reason with them. Do you understand?" Chen Hao said with a conscientious education.

The four girls nodded repeatedly, as if they had been educated.However, they secretly slandered: "Holy Master is too hypocritical. Burning, killing, looting, and exterminating families has always been his strong point. And he did it openly!"

"Holy Master, are you trying to change your behavior? You may not listen to them when you reason with them." Jia Xue asked directly.

"I've always been a good person. I never rob others, destroy people all over the house and so on. You have all been misled by rumors." Chen Hao said righteously.

The four girls curled their lips, they would not believe Chen Hao's nonsense.

Chen Hao was a little embarrassed, and continued: "Of course, we call it "beginning with etiquette and then soldiers. If they listen to our reasoning, it's fine. If they don't listen, then beat them to listen. If it doesn't work, we will kill them all. Remember, What our Holy Clan wants, we must get it."

"Holy Master, you are really domineering." Mu Lanchen said with a smile.

"Am I domineering? I have always been called a gentle little man, a tender little lover."

The four girls looked at Chen Hao with the look of vomiting, and Duanmuqing said with disdain: "Holy Master, I seem to remember that you have always been single, right? You don't even have a woman. How can you be so gentle and small?" Sir, tender little lover, you are sincerely making us despise you."

Yep, Chen Hao was hit.

Seeing that Chen Hao was actually shocked, the four girls smiled coquettishly, and amidst the commotion, they had already arrived outside the Yuanxu Gate.

"Holy Master, should we reason with him?" Duanmuqing asked.

"Of course, but I have always been at odds with Yuanxu Sect. Before reasoning with them, I smashed their mountain gate." A cold light flashed in Chen Hao's eyes.

The four girls rolled their eyes in succession, is this reasoning with them?

(End of this chapter)

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