Chapter 403 Only
"Holy Master Shengzong, you'd better go back. We don't have anything you want to borrow in Yuanxu Sect." The half-step immortal who said before said again.

Chen Hao's face suddenly became gloomy: "I haven't said what I want to borrow, and you know that I don't have what I want? Huh? You are looking for death, you know? You are looking for death!"

"Yuanxu sect is not Xutian sect. If Holy Master Murong still leaves, don't blame us for asking you out." A half-step immortal said in a cold voice.

"Very well, you guys are forcing me to do it, you know? You Yuanxumen want to follow in the footsteps of Xutianzong. Anyway, since you don't want to lend us things, then we have to kill all of you, and then we slow down. Find slowly."

While speaking, Chen Hao exploded with a soaring aura!A coercion as powerful as a fairy, like a stormy sea, like a tide, centered on Chen Hao's body, and spread out in all directions.

Almost at the same time, this terrifying aura has already enveloped the entire Yuanxu Gate.All the disciples of Yuanxu Sect, who were so terrifying and overwhelming, fell to the ground and trembled, each and every one of them was terrified.

Even those one-step immortals and half-step immortals were constantly regressed by this terrifying coercion.All of them with ugly faces erupted with the strongest force to resist Chen Hao's powerful suppression.

Chen Hao's strength has grown stronger again!
The four daughters of Duanmuqing who were standing behind Chen Hao couldn't help feeling extremely shocked when they saw Chen Hao suppressing the entire Yuanxu Sect with just his aura.They only realized Chen Hao's strength at this moment, and this was not Chen Hao's full strength.

Immediately, the four girls all looked at Chen Hao with brilliant eyes, and they adored Chen Hao even more.

At this time, those one-step immortals and half-step immortals of Yuanxu Sect all had ugly faces.They have heard about Chen Hao's strength, but today, Chen Hao seems to be even stronger!
Only now did they believe that Chen Hao really had the ability to destroy their Yuanxu Sect.Because just relying on momentum is enough to suppress their entire sect.

"One more question, are you borrowing or not?" Chen Hao's faint but terrifying voice rang clearly in the ears of all the disciples of Yuanxu Sect.

Many strong men from Yuanxu Sect looked at each other, and finally a half-step immortal said, "I don't know what Chen Haosheng mainly borrowed?"

Hearing this, Chen Hao suddenly showed a smile on his face: "Wouldn't it be better to be like this a long time ago? If you don't listen to the reasoning with you, you insist on using force."

"Actually, what I want is not at all before. I want to borrow from your sect..." Chen Hao paused on purpose at this point.

Want to borrow their sect?Can sects also borrow it?If Chen Hao really wants to borrow their sect, their Yuanxu sect will probably be removed from the cultivation world the moment they are loaned out.

This is simply impossible!

The hearts of everyone in Yuanxu Sect sank suddenly, and just when they were about to get furious, they heard Chen Hao continue to say: "...that Immortal Immortal Pill."

Is it just a elixir of immortality?

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Shengxian Pill is indeed worthless to them, and there is only one pill, which has no effect.

However, what did Chen Hao use the Immortal Pill to do?Could it be that he is going to eat the Immortal Elixir and ascend to the Immortal Realm?
If this is the case, they will definitely give him the Immortal Immortal Pill.After all, it would be better for this big devil to ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible, so as not to make troubles in the cultivation world and make the cultivation world fly away.

However, Chen Hao's celestial door is fully open, does he need the Immortal Immortal Pill?

However, whether he wanted to use the Immortal Immortal Pill himself or not, it was just an Immortal Immortal Elixir anyway, and it was worthless.If he wants it, give it to him.

Although this made Yuanxu's family lose face, what is Chen Hao?That is a super strong man who can kill even an immortal, and he can kill Xu Tianzong by himself.

Yuan Xu Sect and Xu Tian Sect were both one of the top ten sects in the cultivation world, and the strength of the two sects was similar.Chen Hao can destroy Xutianzong and Yuanxu Sect.

Even if they compromise on this, they will suffer a lot of embarrassment.But it's better to lose face than to get rid of the sect, right?Moreover, Chen Hao's celestial gate is fully opened, and it may not be long before the day of ascension.

After he ascended to the Immortal Realm, what Chen Hao owed them, they would naturally demand it back like the Chaos Sect.The Chaos Sacred Sect is just a newly established sect. With Chen Hao in charge, they are of course powerful, but the Sacred Sect without Chen Hao is just a second-rate force.

Everyone in the Yuanxu Sect felt relieved when they thought of this: "Just be patient for a while, and I will ask the Chaos Sect to get it back soon."

"It turns out that Chen Haosheng's main thing is the Immortal Immortal Pill, why didn't he say it earlier? Our Yuanxu Sect happens to have an Immortal Immortal Elixir. If you said it earlier, we wouldn't have to have a conflict. Just wait, I'll give you the Immortal Immortal Pill right now. "A half-step immortal laughed hypocritically, then disappeared in place with a flicker of figure.

Chen Hao looked at these people from Yuanxu Sect with a smile on his face.But he sneered endlessly in his heart: How could he not know what these guys were up to?

As long as Chen Hao gets the Immortal Immortal Pill, the Chaos Sacred Sect will still be the most powerful sect in the cultivation world even without him.

These damned sects, I will not destroy you for the time being, I will leave it to the disciples of the Holy Sect to practice in the future.Chen Hao kept sneering in his heart. Chen Hao didn't like these ten sects at all. Back then, many strong men from these sects tried to put him to death.

With Chen Hao's character, this alone is enough to destroy these sects thousands of times.However, he now wants to leave these sects to Shengzong.

After all, if he wipes out the front of the cultivation world and only Shengzong is left, the Shengzong family will dominate, which will not benefit the development of Shengzong.

Not long after, the half-step immortal who left before the Yuanxu Gate came back, holding a brocade box in his hand.

"This is the Immortal Immortal Pill. If Holy Master Chen Hao is fine, we will keep you soon." Immortal Banbu threw the brocade box to Chen Hao, and at the same time issued an order to drive away.

Chen Hao opened the brocade box, and took a look at the Shengxian Pill inside the brocade box, which was indeed the same as the one he saw at the auction that day, so he put it into the red envelope of the system.

Slowly glanced at everyone, then Chen Hao took Duanmuqing's four daughters and flew out of Yuanxu Gate.Immediately, Chen Hao's voice came from afar...

"This person is really cheap, he won't listen to reasoning with him, and he will compromise if he insists on using force with him! Remember, whenever you encounter such a thing in the future, don't reason with them, just kill them! Scared to kill. They will listen to your reasoning."

The four daughters of Duanmu Qing quickly nodded yes, but the people of Yuanxu Sect who heard these words almost vomited blood.

What Chen Hao said was clearly mocking them for being bullying!

Everyone from the Yuanxu Sect looked at Chen Hao with gritted teeth, and each one was murderous: "Chen Hao, I will let you be proud for a while, and when you ascend to the fairy world, we will take your chaotic holy sect from the cultivation world. Erase!"

After getting the Immortal Pill, Chen Hao was a little elated.As long as there is the Immortal Immortality Pill, the Chaos Saint Sect will not continue to have the embarrassment of being the only peak master.

In the end, Chen Hao, who couldn't wait any longer, no longer flew to the Chaos Sacred Sect, but directly entered the system red envelope and sent it back to the Sacred Sect.

"System, how is it? When can we batch refine the Immortal Pill?"

In the system's red envelope world, Chen Hao handed the Immortal Pill to the system, and asked anxiously.

"It doesn't take long for the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron to analyze the formula of the Immortal Immortal Pill. However, if you want to refine the Immortal Immortal Pill, you need one more thing, otherwise you can't refine it."

"What?" Chen Hao frowned slightly.

"Immortal veins. The Immortal Immortal Pill is originally a elixir only available in the immortal world. Most of the elixir is produced in the immortal world and cannot be found in the cultivation world. Even if the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron is really against the sky, if there is no immortal vein, it cannot be refined. Make Immortal Immortal Pill. After all, ordinary spirit veins do not have immortal aura, even if you refine Immortal Immortal Pill, it is useless and cannot transform the immortal body."

"Immortal pulse?"

Chen Hao frowned slightly. After killing the immortal Xu De, he got two immortal veins from Xu De's storage ring.But these two immortal veins have been suppressed by him in the Holy Sect.

These two celestial veins are the township celestial veins of the Holy Sect, and Chen Hao would never use them to refine elixir.Then, if you want to refine the Immortal Immortal Pill, you need to find another way.

It's just that only the immortal world has immortal veins, and it's impossible in the realm of comprehension!Chen Hao can't go to the Immortal Realm now, even though he has the ability to ascend to the Immortal Realm, it is impossible for him to find the Immortal Vein so easily.

After all, immortal veins are also very precious to immortals.

"Immortal! Since Xu De has two immortal veins, other immortals should also have immortal veins. As long as they are killed, they will naturally have no worries about immortal veins." Chen Hao immediately set his mind on the immortal.

It's just that those are immortals after all, it was a bit of a fluke to kill Xu De last time, how to kill another immortal now?And it can only be a fairy who is alone.

"Just like Li Xu, challenge the immortal?" Chen Hao frowned slightly. If so, he could give it a try.

With a flash of his figure, Chen Hao appeared on the Tianjue Peak, and then he entered the hall of the punisher.As he expected, the old man was indeed in the hall.

"Old man, I'm here to see you again." Chen Hao walked over with a smile on his face, and sat on the chair next to him.

"Tell me, what plan do you want to make this time? Let me declare first that I don't have any treasures on me." The punisher gave Chen Hao a faint look, and then closed his eyes again.

"Stingy." Chen Hao said contemptuously.

"Don't worry, old man, I don't want any treasures this time. I just want to ask, among those immortals in the cultivation world, which one is the weakest?"

The punisher opened his eyes and looked at Chen Hao: "What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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