Chapter 408
The moment they saw Li Xu, the pupils of many demon kings suddenly shrank, and their faces changed slightly.

Although they had never met Li Xu, Li Xu didn't show too strong aura.But they are all powerful half-step immortals. The moment Li Xu arrived, they felt a faint coercion from Li Xu's body.

This is the coercion that belongs to the strong, a kind of coercion that the strong exerts on the weak.

Li Xu is stronger than them!
This idea immediately appeared in the minds of many demon kings.

"Is he Li Xu?"

In the world of comprehension, there are not many people who are stronger than them.There is one person who executes the punishment, and so is Chen Hao, and the Lord of the Mountain and Li Xu are also stronger than them.

This kind of strength is not the gap between their half-step immortals, but the huge gap that can directly kill their half-step immortals.

And Li Xu couldn't be the punisher or the master of the Magic Mountain, so Li Xu's identity was clearly revealed, who else could there be besides Li Xu?

In the world of comprehension, there are only two monks who have the ability to kill immortals before ascending.The strength is strong, even stronger than the Lord of the Magic Mountain.

Today, these two people went to the Magic Mountain together, what are they going to do?
All kinds of thoughts flashed through the hearts of many demon kings. The difference was that the Golden Lion King and the others just had an attitude of watching a show, while the faces of the Dapeng King and the others were somewhat embarrassed.

The Bull Demon King, who wanted to talk at first, immediately shut up when he saw Li Xu, the Little Ape King and others coming hand in hand, and appeared beside the Golden Lion King with a flash of his figure.

Different from many demon kings is King Xiaopeng.At this time, King Xiaopeng's eyes flickered with brilliance, and the fighting spirit burst out uncontrollably.This guy is so belligerent.

"Nine out of the top ten demon kings in the Devil's Mountain, what are you doing? Do you want to besiege my brother Chen Hao with a large number of people? If that's the case, I, Li Xu, have no choice but to intervene in this matter."

Li Xu took a step forward and appeared next to Chen Hao to stand with him, looking at the two of them indifferently.

At this time, the faces of King Dapeng and the others were very embarrassed.

Originally, if it was just Chen Hao alone, relying on their three major demon kings and the powerful Xiaopeng King, they would have the power to fight Chen Hao.

It's just that now Li Xu is standing beside Chen Hao, obviously the relationship with Chen Hao is extraordinary.If the two join forces, even if the Lord of the Magic Mountain appears today, it may not be able to stop them from killing people.Even, the Magic Mountain may be wiped out by them.

The Blue Bat King's face became more and more ugly.Any fool would understand that if Chen Hao insisted on not letting him go today, he would definitely die.At this time, the Blue Bat King didn't know how regretful he was.

"I knew that I would have killed Chen Hao no matter what, and I would have killed him desperately when I was promoted to Xiantai. The growth rate of this little bastard is amazing!"

The Blue Bat King gritted his teeth.I think that when I met Chen Hao for the first time, Chen Hao was just a little monk, and even his divine thoughts could not stop him, and he was almost killed.It's just that he didn't expect that in just a few years, Chen Hao had grown to the point where he could easily kill himself, a powerful demon king.

"If I had known this, I shouldn't have let him continue to grow." The Green Bat King looked at Chen Hao murderously, wishing he could slap him to death.

At the same time, he looked at the Nine-tailed King and the Golden Lion King with vicious eyes.If the two of them hadn't made a move when ascending to Xiantai, he would have killed Chen Hao long ago.

Li Xu sized up King Dapeng with a sneer on his face, and after a long time, he asked Chen Hao, "How is it? What do you think? Should we kill them all or just a certain person? Do you want me to help?"

Hearing Li Xu's words, the faces of Dapeng Wang and others became more and more gloomy.But the Golden Lion King and the others were speechless for a while.Especially the little ape king and the little lion king were puzzled for a while.

The two of them are usually arrogant enough, but compared with Li Xu, there is still a big gap.

"You two are still so presumptuous when you come to my Demon Mountain Monster Clan. You are really looking for death. I, King Xiaopeng, have long seen that you are unhappy. Today, if I can't say it, I will teach you a lesson and let you know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people." King Peng's disdainful voice came out, and at the same time King Xiaopeng took a step forward, looking at Chen Hao and the two with murderous intent.

Hearing this, Chen Hao and Li Xu looked at each other first, and then showed an inexplicable smile: "King Xiaopeng, right? Your strength is pretty good. But you want to fight with us? You are not qualified, go first Let's talk about it after killing an immortal." Li Xu said lightly, his tone full of strong disdain.

"He? Going to kill the immortal? You think the immortal is so easy to kill. It seems that I heard that he was hunted down and seriously injured by the immortal a few days ago." Chen Hao also said indifferently.

King Xiaopeng was furious immediately, was severely injured by the immortal, and was hunted down.Although in the eyes of the world, this is already a very remarkable thing.

But in the eyes of Chen Hao and Li Xu, they were dismissive.Even King Xiaopeng thought this was a great shame for him.This time, when he came back to the Magic Mountain, he planned to continue his cultivation, and after he became stronger, he would kill the immortal who chased him down!
"You are nothing more than that. Even though I can't kill the immortal, I can still kill both of you." King Xiaopeng's voice was cold and full of murderous aura, and he stepped on the void repeatedly while speaking.

Under the action of powerful force, the void under King Xiaopeng's feet was continuously crushed by him, which was very terrifying.

"King Xiaopeng, do you really want to kill both of us?" Chen Hao's face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at King Xiaopeng with murderous intent.

King Xiaopeng just snorted coldly. Although he didn't speak, his attitude already showed everything.

"Li Xu, don't you mind joining hands with me to slaughter this flat-haired beast today? It just so happens that I haven't tasted the golden-winged roc yet. Why don't we kill him and grill him to eat? "

Li Xu was overjoyed: "It's so good, let's kill him."

"Listen, don't forget the two of us." Seeing Chen Hao and the two running against King Xiaopeng, the little lion king and the little ape king felt very relieved.

It's just that as a party involved, King Xiaopeng's face was livid with anger.But King Dapeng's face was ashen, but at the same time he was very worried.

Chen Hao and Li Xu teamed up. Although King Xiaopeng is strong, he is very likely to be killed by them.

"You are courting death!"

King Xiaopeng was furious, he flipped his hands, and a golden scorpion appeared in his hands, full of murderous intent.

"You come back to me!"

Just when King Xiaopeng was about to make a move, King Dapeng appeared beside him in a teleport, and held him down: "The two of them join hands, you are not his opponent."

"I'm going to kill them!" King Xiaopeng was obviously very angry, struggling to rush forward.

"Perhaps, we came here for nothing today." Seeing this, Li Xu glanced at Chen Hao, shook his head and said.

Chen Hao smiled faintly, looked at the Green Bat King in front, and said, "Not necessarily, today is not without gains." While speaking, Chen Hao took a step forward, and then stepped forward in the void, slowly walking forward past.

"Today, the Blue Bat King will definitely die. Anyone who stops me is my enemy. To the enemy, there is only one word of kill!" Chen Hao's voice spread slowly, and he kept walking towards the Blue Bat King.

King Qing Jiao looked at Chen Hao who was approaching step by step with a livid face, but he didn't say a word.Now even if he wants to make a move, he dare not.Chen Hao killing him is like slaughtering a dog.What's more, there is Li Xu who can also kill immortals?

Seeing the attitudes of King Qingjiao and King Dapeng, King Qingbat was desperate, and he looked at Chen Haomen with a look of resentment, and suddenly said: "We are all monsters, so why don't you just let him be a human?" Presumptuous on the Magic Mountain?

Hearing this, King Qing Jiao and King Dapeng turned their faces away, while Golden Lion King and others looked at Qing Bat King indifferently.They have long been upset with this old bastard, and relying on their own speed, they don't pay attention to other demon kings at all.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the Blue Bat King felt even more desperate and resentful.

"Lord of the Demon Mountain, don't you just watch your fellow monsters being slaughtered and still not show up?" the desperate Blue Bat King suddenly shouted, and the voice spread far away, actually wanting to force Lord of the Devil Mountain.

"Green Bat King, don't use your race to suppress me. Killing you today is just a grievance between you and me. You are not only despicable as a demon king, but also so greedy for life and afraid of death. I really disdain it .” Chen Hao’s voice also came out slowly.

At the same time, he reached out with one hand and directly grabbed the Blue Bat King.

"Chen Hao, want to kill me? We will die together today!" The Blue Bat King suddenly became hideous, and with a flick of his figure, he teleported towards Chen Hao.

With a swish, the Blue Bat King had already appeared beside Chen Hao.At the same time, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from him.

And the body that the Blue Bat King originally felt swelled up at this time, like a ball, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

"Blow up!"

Seeing this scene, the people around exclaimed.At the same time, they started teleporting one by one, and flew towards the distance.

The self-destruction of a half-step immortal can definitely seriously injure or even kill an immortal.And if these half-step immortals don't leave in time, they might all be killed.

However, what surprised them was that the Green Bat King, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, was willing to blow himself up!

It should be noted that self-explosion will completely dissipate the soul, the soul will be completely annihilated, and the dead cannot die again!

"In front of me, you don't even have the qualifications to blow yourself up!" Chen Hao sneered, and with a big wave of his hand, the Qiankun Yinyang Cauldron appeared directly beside the Cyan Bat King, and the yin and yang fire that filled the sky instantly annihilated the Cyan Bat King.

Under the burning of the yin and yang fire that can burn the world, the Green Bat King was burned in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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