Chapter 422

"Who dares to break into the Wuji Sword Sect?" A roar came from the Wuji Sword Sect, and then a huge sword glow like a mountain, containing the aura of destroying heaven and earth, shattered the void, and ruthlessly slammed at the person who came. Cut it up.

"court death!"

This group of people was Zhang Ao and others. They had just arrived in the sky above the Wuji Sword Sect, and they were attacked by the Wuji Sword Sect regardless of reason, which made them furious.

And Duanmuqing took a step forward, stretched out his jade hand, and shattered the huge sword glow coming from the chopping with one palm.

"A member of the Holy Sect?" At this time, the members of the Wuji Sword Sect had already recognized the identity of Zhang Ao and the others, which surprised them, but they were even more pleasantly surprised.

Because they discovered that these people were all high-ranking members of the Holy Ancestor.Moreover, although each of them seems to be in the realm of a half-step immortal, but there are only a mere 100 people, how can they be opponents of the Wuji Sword Sect?

"I was thinking about how to get into the Holy Sect, and these people automatically came to the door. I killed them all today, and then directly killed the Holy Sect and occupied the Holy Sect." The senior leaders of the Wuji Sword Sect thought in their hearts. Joyful, they soared into the sky one after another, surrounding Zhang Ao and others from a distance.

Zhang Ao and hundreds of immortals from the Holy Sect were actually surrounded by these half-step immortals, first-step immortals, and even half-immortals in the Wuji Sword Sect. If this got out, the Wuji Sword Sect and these people might be ridiculed for their overreaching. .

This is a hundred angels!
Even though the Wuji Sword Sect has strong men above the level of half-immortals, Zhang Ao and the others are heavenly immortals, and the strength between the two is the gap between giants and ants.

Even if only Zhang Ao and a few others are needed, they are capable of killing these people.Of course, the premise is that these people are not desperate and surrounded.

If these people go crazy, even if Zhang Ao and others are gods, they won't be able to please them.However, Zhang Ao and others now have hundreds of people.

Therefore, when they saw themselves and others being surrounded by people from the Wuji Sword Sect, they didn't even change their expressions.

"It seems that they want to catch all the masters of our Holy Sect." Looking at the murderous Wuji Sword Sect, Yang Man couldn't help but sneered.

"Even if these people are not all the masters of Wuji Sword Sect, they should be about the same? Sure enough, they dare to surround them only if they pretend to be not high-level." Duanmuqing also sneered in his heart.

According to their intentions, they had originally sent the Wuji Sword to be wiped out directly.However, if the Wuji Sword Sect finds out that they are all in the realm of celestial beings, they might just run away.With so many strong men, once they escape, it is impossible to kill them all.

Therefore, on the way, everyone suppressed their realm to the half-step immortal realm.

"I really don't know how to live or die, and even came to our Wuji Sword Sect. Today ### you all stay with me." A half-step immortal from the Wuji Sword Sect said with a sneer.

"He actually said that we don't know how to live or die, haha, it's really ridiculous." Wu Feng couldn't help laughing, he was really laughed at by these people.

Don't they all have brains?Since I and others dared to rush to the Wuji Sword Sect single-handedly, could it be that they are really bored with life?
"I heard that there is a holy son of your Wuji Sword Sect named Xue Chen. It is said that he has defeated our holy master several times before. I don't know where he is now?" Zhang Ao took a step forward and glanced around the crowd, but But he didn't find Xue Chen, so he asked.

"Xue Chen is the holy son of our Wuji Sword Sect, how can you see him? You don't have the qualifications." A step-by-step immortal looked at Zhang Ao with disdain.

"Don't talk to them, just kill all the members of Wuji Sword Sect." Wu Feng also stepped forward and said murderously.

"Haha, just rely on how many of you?"

Hearing Wu Feng's words, a half-step immortal couldn't help but burst out laughing, with a look of disdain on his face.

Indeed, Zhang Ao's hundreds of people are all half-step immortals, and their strength is very strong.But Wuji Sword Sect had several times as many half-step immortals as him, plus one-step immortals and half-immortals, it was more than enough to kill them.

"I'd like to see why you killed us." Duanmuqing sneered, and disappeared on the spot in a flash.

With a muffled bang, the half-step immortal who spoke before suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and he couldn't die anymore.He was directly killed by Duanmuqing.

Many experts of Wuji Sword Sect were shocked, because they didn't know how Duanmuqing made the move.They even saw Duanmuqing swaying, as if he had never left the spot.


Zhang Ao let out a loud shout, and an extremely terrifying aura erupted from his body, the aura of a celestial being!At the same time, Yang Man, Pei Peiyu and others no longer suppressed their own realm cultivation, and burst out the aura of immortals.

boom! boom! boom!
The terrifying power erupted by a hundred angels is very terrifying.And the powerhouses of the Wuji Sword Sect who surrounded Zhang Ao and the others were the first to bear the brunt, and were immediately sent flying.Even some half-immortals and step-immortals couldn't bear such a terrifying breath, and were directly shattered.

The terrifying aura swept out in all directions centered on Zhang Ao and the others like a tide.

I saw the void shatter, and the mountains collapsed into dust.The buildings within the Wuji Sword Sect were immediately blasted into powder.As for those ordinary disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect?
Even a step-by-step immortal was shocked and killed by this terrifying aura, let alone these ordinary disciples?
The breath swept past, and these ordinary disciples were smashed to pieces before they could even make a scream.

In an instant, tens of thousands of disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect were killed, and the number of disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect decreased by one-tenth in an instant.This is only due to Zhang Ao and others restraining themselves, otherwise, just these auras could kill all the disciples of the Wuji Sword Sect.

"Immortal! They are all in the realm of immortals!"

They are no strangers to the breath of immortals.Since those immortals came down to earth, there have been many battles with Chen Hao and others one after another. The monks are already familiar with the breath of immortals.

Therefore, when the aura of Zhang Ao and the others erupted, they had already recognized them.But it doesn't matter even if they haven't seen the aura of an immortal, because the aura of Zhang Ao and others is definitely many times better than that of a half-step immortal.

"It's an immortal, oh my god, there are hundreds of immortals! When did the Holy Sect have so many more immortals?" These masters of the Wuji Sword Sect were ashen-faced and had no fighting spirit, and quickly fled in all directions.

If it was just a few immortals, they might still have this idea, but there are hundreds of them!Hundreds of immortals, how to fight with them?

"Kill them all, leave none behind." Zhang Ao yelled loudly, and the spiritual weapon of his family's sword appeared in his hand.Then the power of the immortal poured into the long sword in his hand.

The long sword of the spirit weapon level burst out with dazzling light, but at this moment, the spirit weapon burst into pieces.Spiritual weapons, especially low-level spiritual weapons, can no longer withstand the power of immortals.

Zhang Ao was stunned for a while, and took away the fragments of the spirit weapon with some pity.Then his figure flickered, and he began to chase and kill these strong men of the Wuji Sword Sect with his bare hands.


It was a massacre, a one-sided massacre.

Blowing dry, completely vulnerable.

Although these powerhouses of the Wuji Sword Sect reacted quickly, but facing the wolf-like Zhang Ao and hundreds of immortals, and these people were not good at it, they shot fiercely one by one, and all of them were sure to kill with one blow. .

In just a few breaths, half of the powerhouses of the Wuji Sword Sect had been slaughtered.

"I fought with you!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, a half-step immortal finally roared and wanted to blow himself up to die with Zhang Ao and others.

"Self-explosion? You don't even have the qualifications to self-explosion in front of me." Wu Feng grinned, and teleported to the sky above the half-step immortal's head, and then stepped on it.

This half-step immortal was trampled to death by Wu Feng before he even started to blew himself up.

Xue Chen, who had been in seclusion for several years, finally felt that he had made a breakthrough, so he slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of joy in them.

Although he has not yet broken through to reach the realm of immortals, he is one step closer to the realm of celestial beings, and his strength is even more terrifying than before.

If you use that power, you should be able to compete with the most ordinary angels, right?
Xue Chen thought about it.

He was originally the proud son of heaven, the third strongest in the dragon and phoenix list.

Originally, he thought that there was not much difference between him and Li Xu, but when Li Xu killed the immortal and King Xiaopeng challenged the immortal, even though he was wounded and escaped, Xue Chen knew that there was a big gap between him and them. how big.

He can accept these, after all, Li Xu and King Xiaopeng are already in front of him, and they should be stronger than him.However, what he couldn't bear was the sudden appearance of Chen Hao, who met him not long ago and was defeated repeatedly, and even almost killed him once.

But why?He came from behind, and he actually has the strength to kill immortals?Even stepped on Li Xu?Although he used the said treasure to kill the immortal, he didn't kill a single immortal.

Xue Chen was not reconciled in his heart, and finally chose to retreat to attack a stronger force.

Now, he felt that his strength had skyrocketed, and he was about to leave the level.

"Huh? What happened?" Xue Chen's expression suddenly changed after he felt his own formidable strength, and then disappeared in a flash.

The place was in a mess, blood flowed like rivers, and the Wuji Sword Sect, which was originally like a fairyland, was now in ruins.

With a sweep of his divine sense, what shocked Xue Chen even more was that all the powerful auras in the sect disappeared.

"Who is it, who is attacking my Wuji Sword Sect?" Xue Chen raised his head to the sky and roared, his eyes were red.

Xue Chen teleported to the depths of the Wuji Sword School, which is the treasure room of the Wuji Sword School.

(End of this chapter)

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