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Chapter 559 1 Visit to Lingzhou

Chapter 559 A Visit to Lingzhou

Wei Shi hurriedly said, "Zuo'er, I promise you one condition."

This made Li Gu'er even more curious, what was in the bottle?However, compared to this curiosity, she felt that it was more affordable for her mother to agree to her conditions.

So he said, "Queen, I'm going to Lingzhou."

Wei Shi had guessed in his mind what his daughter was going to do this time, and the only thing she could agree to was this condition.So he said, "You'd better take this bottle."

Li Bao'er blinked, and said again: "Then my daughter, for a change, I want you to release Zhang Jiuling and Yan Tingzhi."

"You silly girl, I'm going to marry the little princess of Xiangwang's family soon, so you're still thinking about it."

"Mother, why did this result happen?" Li Bao'er's face turned cold.

"Okay, I promise you," Wei Shi was really worried that she would pry open the vial, so he said hastily.

Send this aunt away earlier.

"You issue a decree," Li Gu'er said.Now she is very worried about her reputation as a mother.

Webster had no choice but to call an eunuch and ask him to go to Dali Temple to issue an order to let the officials of Dali Temple release Zhang Jiuling and Yan Tingzhi.In fact, Webster didn't care whether to kill them or not. This was also the arrangement of Ji Chuna and the others, and Webster agreed after hearing it.

Li Gu'er just put down the small bottle, but before leaving, she still wondered suspiciously, what is in the bottle, if mother cares?No, I have to ask that Ma Qinke.The next day, Li Bao'er left the palace.

She was still very free to go in and out, but every time she went out, many eunuchs followed her and put her under house arrest in different directions.This caused her to feel increasingly disgusted with her parents, especially her mother.Li Xian thinks he is too weak, pitiful and hateful.

Feng Jia went straight to Ma Qin's Hakka's house. His house was very luxurious, which was probably a gift from Webster.But it made Li Bao'er feel strange, the whole Ma family was dressed in mourning, and sent someone up to inquire. Last night, Ma Qinke suddenly died suddenly.

Li Bao'er didn't care about it yet, people have misfortunes and fortunes, and sudden death is very normal.

But when they arrived at the Yang Mansion, they heard a burst of crying again.

One person is a coincidence, two people are not a coincidence.

Could it be that the mother killed her because she broke her adultery?This is also unlikely, and my own father doesn't care much.Is it because of that little bottle?What's in that little bottle?
But let her hear the good news that Zhang Jiuling and Yan Tingzhi were finally released.

Originally, Li Gu'er planned to go over and take a look.But since Wang Hua came out of Luoyang, she visited several times in a row. When the two families saw her coming, they immediately closed the door tightly, even if they shouted, they couldn't open it.Really shouting urgently, the servants came out and said to her: "Your Highness, Wang Shilang has been forced out of Luoyang because of you, and his life and death are unknown. Our family Alang is not as capable as Wang Shilang. You should let us live in peace for a few more days. "

Li Gu'er had no choice but to go back.

This time she was going to see if Dafeng and Sanfeng had endured hardships in the prison, but after thinking about it, sitting in the phoenix chariot, she still asked people to drive the phoenix chariot back to the palace.

However, the release of Zhang Jiuling and Yan Tingzhi was not entirely due to her credit.
Li Xian found several prime ministers and was furious.

Several prime ministers were taken aback, and Webster sent people to Dali Temple to release them, so they finally shied away from each other's responsibilities, and finally let the Ministry of Justice issue an order for release.

This matter finally aroused Li Xian's vigilance. However, when he was about to discuss with a confidant minister, he suddenly felt that all the ministers in the court could not be trusted.Either it was a member of the Wei family, or it was the wife who hummed around in the palace and agreed to grant the official, or it might be someone who secretly flirted with the fourth child.

It turned out that there was one person who convinced him, Wei Yuanzhong, but he just passed away due to illness.

So I came to Lao Tang's house, and at first I didn't say anything about my intentions, but Lao Tang is really old now, 84 years old.Since the spring, it was a feigned illness at first, and then a real illness.Often the parts in the body keep malfunctioning.

Li Xian helped him up, let him sit down, and said, "Tang Qing, how is your health recently?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. However, I am old, and the years are not forgiving, so I can't do it."

"Yeah, I'm only in my fifties, and I often feel unwell."

Old Tang ordered his servants to serve tea.

Li Xian took a sip of tea and said, "Tang Qing, there are a few things I would like to ask Tang Qing about."

"Your Majesty, don't dare, please inquire."

"Now the imperial court has dispatched 30 troops to the northwest, Tang Qing, what do you think?"

Old Tang shook his head: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for speaking bluntly. There are soldiers but no generals. No matter how many soldiers are stationed, if the blood camp wants to rebel, it will be useless. On the contrary, because there are too many troops, the court will waste a lot of expenses." Either not station troops, or gather famous generals from various places, such as Xue Na in Youzhou, Zhang Renyuan in the court, and lead more troops to attack Lingzhou."

"However, by doing so, it ended in death. I am worried that the blood camp is dying, and the imperial court will suffer heavy losses."

"Then what are you doing with so many troops? If the blood battalion wanted to rebel, it would have taken advantage of the momentum of defeating the Tubo Turks to advance the army to Yanzhou and Qinzhou. Some ministers came forward to ask His Majesty to send troops to Lingzhou. This is not to station troops, but to induce and persecute His Majesty step by step. Also, Your Majesty, why did you confiscate the 400 million shi of food in the blood camp? Your Majesty, your attitude now makes the minister I am very worried. If you attack, you will attack. It is natural and righteous for the king to defeat the ministers. If you don’t attack, then win over. Zhang said that some of the words brought back, the veterans have also heard, it is just Wang Hua talking nonsense, asking for prices, it may not be no peace The conditions. Since His Majesty does not want to attack the blood camp, but blindly provokes, I am really worried."

"When did I have someone confiscate Wang Hua's 400 million shi of grain?"

"You don't know?" Old Tang was annoyed. You, the emperor, are really capable.If it wasn't for Li Xian's normal speech, he would have been able to compare the Jin Hui Emperor with Li Xian in history.

"I really don't know."

"Wang Hua drove the Turkic people out of Liuhu Prefecture, and conquered Jishi Mountain. Because of the attack of several armies, he destroyed a lot of farming. If his food is cut off, Your Majesty, you can wait for the civil war." Old Tang couldn't help shaking his head.

"This group of people are too courageous," Li Xian said angrily.

Tang Xiujing thought for a while, and finally realized that some people were afraid of falling into Zong Chuke's fate, and they were gambling with the whole country.He fell silent.

Li Xian asked again: "Tang Qing, the second thing I came here for is this matter. Now I feel that the court is out of control."

Old Tang still didn't say a word, he wasn't stupid either, although he was 84, didn't he want to live to be [-]?

"Tang Qing, I really feel that no one can be trusted, please enlighten me."

Tang Xiujing forced him to have no choice but to say: "The old minister doesn't know either. But the ruler is bright and the minister is straight, the ruler is mediocre and the minister is turbid. It's not that there are no loyal ministers, it's not that there are no capable ministers, within three steps, there must be grass. But your majesty ,Whether Wang Hua has made great contributions to the country, whether he has talent, but you forced him out of Luoyang, and the hearts of scholars in the world were chilled. Some time ago, Lang Ji and Yan Qinrong, defying death, wrote a letter to remonstrate. But His Majesty really killed them Death. After hearing this, the old minister has nothing to say. Tell me, even a talented minister, will he be like Wang Hua again, willing to be the firefighting captain for you?"

Li Xian was ashamed for a while, and he said: "Yan Qinrong, I have no intention of killing him. It was Zong Jinqing who did it."

"The minister doesn't know anymore, why were Zong Jinqing and Ji Chuna transferred back to the capital again?"

Li Xian's face swelled into a pig's liver, and he couldn't answer again.

"Your Majesty, if you want to make a difference, first appease Wang Hua so that the country will not be in turmoil. Don't stare at the blood camp. He still has many people and troops in Oceania. The destructive power of the society is unimaginable. Wang Hua was appeased, and the virtuous ministers were selected, and the country's revival is just around the corner. As long as His Majesty does something, even if Wang Hua wants to rebel, the people will not follow. This is the foundation of the country."

"But where is the virtuous minister?"

"There are many virtuous ministers, Song Jing and Yao Chongzhi who are released outside, Zhang Shuo, Zhang Jiazhen, Lu Xiangxian, Wei Anshi who are in the court, even Wang Hua's brother-in-law Zhang Jiuling is also a temporary choice. How can your majesty have no one to say?"

"But most of them are very close to Wang Hua."

"Yeah, those who are close to ink are ink, and those who are close to Zhu are Zhu. Why did Wang Hua get to where he is today? That is the future prime minister left by the queen mother, but after a few years, it turned out to be a rebel. It's just that the old minister is worried about them. Refuse to serve His Majesty."

Li Xian blushed again with embarrassment, he stammered, "I'll think about it again."

"Also, Your Majesty, remember the old minister's words and don't act too hastily. If Your Majesty can really make a difference, even if the old minister is retired, he will continue to serve His Majesty even when he is ninety years old." Old Tang said cryptically.It's not whether Li Xian wants to do anything.If Li Xian wanted to make a difference, he had to seize power from Wei Shi, this was the result that the woman in the palace did not want to see.It is possible that she could attack Li Xian in a hurry.

But considering that Li Xian was capricious and capricious, what he said here was good, but he changed his mind when he arrived in the palace later, Old Tang dared not speak out.

Li Xian found the answer, but he was even more panicked and returned to the palace in a daze.


On the same day, Li Longji returned to Xiangwang's mansion.

In addition to his father waiting for his return at home, there are also his aunt Princess Taiping and his two older brothers.

Li Longji saluted, and Princess Taiping smiled gratifiedly when she saw him, and said to Li Dan: "Fourth brother, if I hadn't seen Longji, I would have thought our Li family was coming to an end."

Wang Hua's comments on Li Longji once caused Li Longji a lot of trouble.However, it is not without benefits, it is precisely because of Wang Hua's comments, his ability to know people, not only civil servants, but also generals, also proved Wang Hua's eyesight to know people.This also promoted Li Long to a very high level in advance, otherwise Zhang Jiazhen and Zhang would not say that they both wrote letters secretly and communicated with each other.This is not writing a letter, but defecting.

Li Longji said modestly: "My aunt praised you."

Then he asked Li Dan: "Father, what's the matter with calling your son back?"

"I have something to do for you."

"Father, please tell me."

"Ji'er, don't worry. Sit down first, let's talk about Wang Hua."

"Wang Hua?" Li Longji felt uncomfortable for a while.This kid tricked me so much that I am now extremely careful in every word and deed.But that's a private matter, business is still business, he immediately said: "By the way, I also heard some news along the way. Father, you should immediately find a way to release Zhang Jiuling and Yan Tingzhi."

There are many ministers in the court who want to fight Wang Hua to the death.

But Li Longji didn't think so.

The more corrupt the court was, the more likely it was that his father would be in power.But it can be corrupted, but not chaotic, just like the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Western Jin Dynasty, as long as there is chaos, all the heroes will rise together, and then it will not be known who will rule the world.The premise of this non-chaos is that Wang Hua cannot reverse.

Don't look at him standing in the northwest, wise people can see that Wang Hua is still hesitating and has no real intention of rebellion.

But once Zhang Jiuling and Yan Tingzhi's husband and wife were killed, Wang Hua would have to.

Princess Taiping and Li Dan looked at each other and smiled, obviously very satisfied with Li Longji's words.

Li Dan said: "It's okay. The queen may not have the idea of ​​killing them. If she wants to kill them, she will have to wait until the army is fully assembled before killing them. I have already made arrangements to keep them safe."

This arrangement was to pass the news to Li Gu'er's ears through some channels in the palace.

Li Bao'er's affection for Wang Hua has been misunderstood by outsiders, including Wang Hua herself.But Princess Taiping and Li Dan could see clearly.Of course, he would not tell Wang Hua about this.

This is also the source of Li Bao'er's personal maid who got the news.Even if she didn't say anything, Li Gu'er's other personal maids and eunuchs would notify Li Gu'er sooner or later.

"Ji'er, let me tell you one more thing. The last time Zong Jinqing killed Yan Qinrong, the emperor was very dissatisfied."

"This is a strong man, it's a pity to die." Li Longji said.But his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Father, are you saying that the emperor wants to take back the queen's rights? Or did he come up with this idea?"

"That's not necessarily true, but the emperor must be very unhappy now."

"Actually, Brother Huang should have done this a long time ago. Last year when Wang Hua appeared in Shanzhou, he should rectify the imperial court. He must make trouble until now." Princess Taiping kept shaking her head as she said.

The last three sentences of the three people are a bit malnourished.

But the three of them knew very well that the court was basically controlled by Wei Shi, and if Li Xian wanted to take back his power, Wei Shi would definitely rebound.With Webster's ruthlessness, anything can happen, and that's Li Dan's chance to rise to the top.

It was when this incident happened that Li Dan recalled Li Longji and began to make arrangements to plan for a rainy day.

Li Dan took out a brocade box and said, "There's a hundred thousand cash in here, you can keep it in Luzhou for spare."

Li Longji took it over.

In Wang Hua's eyes, the one hundred thousand coins are no longer considered money.But in Li Dan's house, it was still a huge sum.This is not pocket money for Li Longji, but for him to cultivate strength.

"In addition, I want to ask you to do one thing. You think it through yourself. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't, you can't do it."

"what's up?"

"Go to Lingzhou."

"To Lingzhou?" Li Longji called out in surprise.

"Yes, you quietly went to Lingzhou to look for Wang Hua, but remember, your identity and your sister's identity are different, and no one can find out. Even after arriving in Lingzhou, you should first quietly find your sister, and then find Wang Hua through your sister Persuade him, if there is a change in the court, ask him to send troops to help."

"He will help?" Li Longji asked again in surprise.Now that Wang Hua has made great victories in the Northwest, he is undoubtedly a Northwest King, why would he help him?And he hates his father and son very much.

"I may not agree, but it is very possible. Why didn't he escape to Oceania, but to Shannan?"

Li Longji thought about it for a while, and said after a while: "Princess Jincheng's promise must be part of it. The disgusting queen is also part of it. Of course, the possibility of his rebellion is not ruled out. After all, he has secretly managed it for several years before he fled to Shannan. Long."

"Ji Er, don't be prejudiced when looking at problems. Running the Northwest is to avoid the Three Caves, including Oceania. He saw that the court was not good very early on. Even after he woke up from the assassination of the Tianjin Bridge, he started to do something. If he wanted to rebel, he would have shaken the country's food prices and sent troops to Lingnan. You must know that Lingnan also has great prestige. After all, there are three reasons for appearing in Shannan, one is for Princess Jincheng, and he is a A person with strong personal friendship. If Princess Jincheng treats him as his elder brother, it is reasonable to try to rescue him. The second reason is to train troops and prepare to deal with Webster and a group of treacherous ministers who persecuted him. The third reason, I didn’t believe it at first , but now I really believe it. Just as he wrote in the memorial, deal with the Tibetans for the sake of the country."

"how is this possible?"

"It's impossible. When Wei Yuanzhong was seriously ill, I visited him. He said this, but the country he mentioned is different from the country we refer to."

Speaking of this, both Li Dan and Princess Taiping smiled wryly.

"What's the difference?"

"The country he said is the territory of the whole of China, the country of all the people, not the country of that family name. But he also knows in his heart that the imperial court now represents the country. His thinking will not be popular with the public. Recognized. If you can seize his idea and lobby him, promising to make the country he wants strong and the people live a better life, you may not be unable to succeed.”

Li Longji was still thinking about the difference between the two.

Gradually his brows loosened. After all, the two of them once had a good friendship, and he had a very close relationship with Wang Hua.After comprehending this idea, I finally understood many strange thoughts and viewpoints in Wang Huayuan's speech.

But he looked at his eldest brother Li Xian and said, "Brother, you should come here. I have already had a deep conflict with this Wang Xiaoer, and I am afraid that after I go, something bad may happen."

"Ji'er, what's the conflict? When you were angry with him, it was only because of your sister. Now that your sister is living happily in Lingzhou, won't this conflict be resolved? You must go in person for this trip." Li Dan didn't say what happened next.

Among all the princes, Wang Hua valued Li Longji's talent the most.Just like Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei had to go there in person, even if it was Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

"Besides, Wang Hua and I have always had deep conflicts. Your elder brother is clumsy, even if you go, it won't work."

As soon as Li Dan finished speaking, Princess Taiping took out a letter from her bosom, with dense fire wax on the letter, handed it to Li Longji and said: "This letter is written by me to Wang Hua, and it may increase your interest. chances of success for this trip.”

The letter was ready, so Li Longji had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.But he still didn't want to be the ambiguous relationship between his aunt and Wang Hua.

He packed the letter, just as it was approaching dusk, and no one was paying attention, he immediately packed it cleverly, left Luoyang, and rode all the way west.

But as he walked, he cursed on the horseback: "This Wang Xiaoer, this dead Wang Xiaoer."

The scolding is scolding, but I still worry about it. I was so strong back then, but now I am begging him humbly, how can I open my mouth?
(End of this chapter)

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