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Chapter 569 Bat Turtle and Red Bean

Chapter 569 Bat Turtle and Red Bean

Wang Han looked at Wang Hua and said, "Erlang, can you think of a way?"

"How do you think?" Wang Hua put down his legs, looked at the mischievous Hai Buzi and Ma Liyan, and asked back.

"Can you make them obey?"

When Hai Buzi and Ma Liyan heard that the godmother was complaining, they immediately stopped their small movements, but looked at Wang Hua with their eyes, and watched Wang Hua's face.

It was Gelsan who was reading the book honestly.

This made Wang Han very distressed. No matter how hard Gersang studies, he is still a girl, but Hai Buzi and Ma Liyan can only have a bright future if they study hard.

Wang Hua smiled and said: "Let them go, after all, they are still young."

"It's not too young, I heard from your mother that you have been flipping through books at home since you were two or three years old."

Wang Hua squeezed her chin, thinking to herself, is that like it?If it wasn't too weird and he couldn't walk yet, he would have wanted to read since he was one year old.

At this moment, Li Chiying came in with a look of panic on his face. Wang Hua pointed to the seat beside him and said, "Sit."

Li Chiying sat down and said, "Are you worried about your brother?"


"Your brother and I have no enmity, and the misunderstanding at the beginning has been resolved. But he has great ambitions and wants to be emperor, but there is only one emperor in the world, what do you want me to do?"

Wang Hua said it directly, and Li Chiying was too scared to make a sound.

"I also gave him a chance. If he doesn't understand how to be a good emperor, I can't do anything. But in the end, as long as I don't want to die, I think I will leave him a happy future, regardless of success or failure in the future. But it's for your sake, you know?"

Li Chiying nodded obediently.

The purpose of Wang Hua's words is to reassure the little girl, and to let the little girl understand her position.Li Xian told Li Bao'er that he couldn't play a single card, and Wei Shi thought he was proud of himself, so he didn't play well.But Princess Taiping and Li Dan are both the originators of Houhei School, but now Li Longji is still a passionate young man. Although he has great ambitions, he has no intention of taking advantage of his sister.

But it would be strange if these two people didn't know how to use Li Chiying's card.

However, this sentence also gradually revealed his relationship with Li Chiying.

A surprise appeared on the little girl's face, she lowered her head shyly, and after a while she remembered the business, and said, "Erlang, my third brother gave me a letter before leaving, it's from my aunt."

A letter from Princess Taiping?

Wang Hua wondered why Li Longji didn't hand it over to him face to face, but had to hand it over to him before leaving.

But he figured it out right away, since he made it so clear, as long as he figured it out, the biggest drawback of the feudal system was that the emperor had too much power, and he would take the initiative to help him.Or he figured out that the dictatorship of generals was the scourge of the Tang Dynasty, and he could also help him, so there is no need to hand over this letter as a trump card to have a meeting with him, otherwise, with his own character, he might not be beautiful.

In addition, I also said at the beginning that Princess Taiping would inevitably have a conflict with Wei Shiping once he was destroyed.Therefore, since it has come to this point, handing it over may cause embarrassment to both parties. Rather than handing it over, it is better not to hand it over.So after leaving, I asked Li Chiying to transfer it to myself.

But what will Princess Taiping write in the letter?

He stood up, not to be seen by Wang Han and Li Chiying.Especially Li Chiying, if something bad is written in the letter, he will have a bad reaction after reading it.

But he didn't expect that Princess Taiping didn't write a single word in the letter.Just a quirky picture of a big bat with many little ones standing on top of a huge pine tree.There is also a turtle with many small turtles on the side.This is easy to understand. Bats are a symbol of terror and evil in many countries.But in ancient China, it represented good fortune. In addition, the long-lived pine tree and the tortoise are not shrinking turtles, but expensive.Together, it means wealth and longevity, and there are many little turtles and little bats, not only he is rich, but even future generations will be rich.

This is the promise Princess Taiping made to him.

This is also normal, but there is a long string of red beans below.

In Qinzhou, in order to make Li Guer and the others like it, Wang Hua specially ordered people to pick this red bean and bring it back to Chang'an, Luoyang.May you pick more, this thing is the most lovesick.

This little poem spread immediately.

But the bad thing is that this piece of bamboo paper is of good quality and very thin. When the sun shines, both Wang Han and Li Chiying saw the picture, and naturally they also saw the string of red beans.The two women may not know much about politics, but it doesn't mean they are not talented, and question marks began to flash in their eyes.

Wang Hua didn't dare to explain, the more he explained about this, the more ghosts he had in his heart, so it's better to pretend to be confused.

Immediately he folded the letter, but he was thinking in his heart, just thinking that Li Dan and her would not let go of a chance, they came to verify it.Hongdou, is she really affectionate?

But in general, since the year before last, Princess Taiping has shown some kindness to herself and also given herself some help.

But he will not change his position just because of Princess Taiping's letter.

In the final analysis, it is still strength.Think about how pitifully those ministers in the court suppressed Webster. Comrade Da Song was so frightened that he dared not leave Qinzhou. Old Wei was sick and died at home.Old Tang retired.Zhang Renyuan returned to the court and became one of the prime ministers in name, but became an invisible person.

Only after I arrived in Eight States, I called the wind and called the rain.If it wasn't for the powerful strength in his hands, would the court be able to shake it for him?Will Li Dan humbly send Li Longji to negotiate with him?

Thinking of this, he thought of the future of Yashu.

From Suizhou to Dangzhou, my main force opened a willow moon shape and started to attack.Of course, it also faces the most enemies.During this period of time, the Tang Dynasty transferred nearly [-] troops, and the subsequent troops were still being transferred.

But this is also where he is most at ease.

Even if the Tang Dynasty started to make longbows, it would be more conducive to defending the city.But I don't focus on attacking the city, and let all the tall city walls pass.But it is impossible to concentrate a lot of troops in every state and county.This time, from Suizhou to Hanzhong, the scope of radiation reached 76 states, including [-] counties.Moreover, in order to defend Chang'an, heavy troops must be deployed in Fangzhou, Ningzhou, Binzhou, and Fengzhou. In addition, Chang'an itself needs troops.

Not to mention a 30 army, but even a [-] army, at least half of the county will be captured because of weak defenses.

Of course, Wang Hua wasn't what Wei Wen thought at all, and he didn't plan to attack one place.There is no way to defend, like the 25 counties in the four prefectures of Yansui and Dan, and the [-] counties in the three prefectures of Yanqing, with only [-] troops on both sides, how to defend?He guarded only some important checkpoints and roads.After the attack, the supplies were transported to the rear, and the army also left.Put the battlefield in the wild, and because it is all cavalry, it has an absolute advantage in speed.Although it is possible to criss-cross, as long as this advantage is maintained, what is the difference between defending and not defending?
In fact, as long as a flexible and mobile army is maintained, one step forward by the army is equivalent to occupying one step.These cities and armies are isolated in each city.

If these soldiers guarding the city think there is an opportunity to come out of the city, then that's fine.Don't say that not everyone can pull up a longbow, even if everyone can pull up a longbow, there are such longbows. In the wild, with the fighting power of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty fighting against the blood camp, what will happen?
Of course, these soldiers guarding the city are not fools, Wang Hua is not like them to kill them all, and they may not have the courage to fight desperately with the blood camp.

He is most worried about Tubo and Turks.

Lao Guo took too long this time, but this is also normal. Unlike Wang Hua's recovery of Piaohe City, it is not Tuyuhun's lair.In fact, centering on the Tubo stone castle of Watering River City and Jishi Mountain, Wang Huadu began to conceive of dividing this area into two and preparing to manage it.

But this time the Tuyuhun people had no way out and began to resist tenaciously, which caused Lao Guo to encounter great obstacles.This made Wang Hua very lucky. At that time, he didn't have too much taste, otherwise, he had a good reputation and foundation among the people of Tuyuhun.

This is also the reason why Wang Hua borrowed [-] troops and allocated a large amount of supplies.

If it is delayed too late and the Tibetan army arrives, then trouble will come.As long as the area north of Wuhai City is recovered before the Tibetans arrive, and the checkpoints and roads are captured, the overall situation will be settled.This is not only to win Dafeichuan, but also a race against time.

There are also Turkic people, although he made some arrangements, Xue Na gave him a chance to set up an ambush.

But will Mochu be fooled?
Wang Hua faintly felt that this was a turning point.If Mo Chuai was in the ambush again this time, then he would be able to take the initiative when confronting him in the future.This is very similar to the later Song Dynasty. The Liao people did not win well in the hands of the Xixia people, but they could fight the Song Dynasty and win nine out of ten battles.However, the Song Dynasty lost nine out of ten battles with the Liao Kingdom, but it was evenly divided when it fought with the Xixia people.

As long as Wang Hua can defeat the Turkic people psychologically, similar situations will appear in the future.

But as long as Mochuu saves the game, the Turks will regain their confidence. Don't forget that this is a country that can mobilize 40 troops, and all of them are brave cavalry.

But still like last time, Wang Huaqi's game is set up, and it depends on whether the opponent will enter the game.

All he can sit on now is to wait.

Thinking of this, he took out the tongue of fire and burned the letter.

The two women still had question marks on their faces, but Wang Hua had the cheek to act as if nothing had happened.

It cannot be said that Li Chiying would not be able to accept this matter because of her status as Princess Taiping. It is Wang Han who knows the ridiculous things about him, Princess Taiping and Wu Chongning.Very likely.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Mo Chuo was overjoyed when he learned that Xue Ne's army was marching westward.

He thought it was an imperial decree from Webster to encourage Li Xian.This is all a misunderstanding, Webster only encouraged Li Xian to order Xue Ne to stop attacking Mo Chuo, but did not order Xue Ne to go up.The main thing is to make Guo Yuanzhen get scared, afraid that Xue Na will also be obedient and obedient.And it is also related to Mo Chuai, who has become a typical white-eyed wolf. If you draw too many troops in Youzhou, Youzhou will be empty, and you are afraid that Fengzhou will happen again.It is useless to draw less troops.Of course, Xue Na can take the initiative to lead the army to attack Wang Hua.Webster was wishing for it.

Along the way, Xue Ne's army moved slowly.

On the contrary, Mo Chuan believed it even more, that general was not willing to carry out this order, the blood camp is now extremely annoying, and if it doesn't work out, it will lose its reputation for the rest of its life.

But he didn't call Webster stupid.The first time he scolded Webster for being crazy, there was a reason for that, when Xue Ne attacked, he might even be able to make dumplings for himself.When shooting a man, shoot a horse first, and when capturing a thief, first capture the king.As long as you take yourself down, there will be serious chaos in the whole Turkic.

When I returned to Yinshan, the situation was different. In his position, don't talk about the country and the people.No matter what the people on the border pay, as long as they can keep their position, it is worth it.Wang Hua posed a serious threat to Webster.It is very reasonable for Wei Shi to order Xue Na to attack Wang Hua now.

However, Mo Shui made a misjudgment this time. Although he had two wise men, Abo Dagan and Tun Yugu, the plan finally made a fatal mistake.

All kinds of "good" news continued to come, but he still didn't move, waiting patiently like a poisonous snake.

Then sent out scouts to investigate. Although the blood camp was tightly blocked, some scouts were found by the blood camp from time to time and did not come back.But news came back one by one.

The Blood Battalion deployed [-] troops in the north, which is quite a number, but the [-] prisoners of war were ignored by Mo Chuo.

But it is not necessarily impossible for the blood camp to let them guard the city.

It is more reasonable to keep this heavy army, not only to prevent himself from going south again, but also to prevent Xue Naxi from going up.I didn't move anymore, so I began to concentrate [-] main troops in Dongshoucheng City.At the same time, Ukeli arrived in Suizhou with [-] troops and began to attack the five counties of Suizhou.Li Kailuo led six thousand troops to attack ten counties in Yanzhou.As funny as it sounds.

But it's not funny at all, because there are only [-] Tang troops stationed in these two states, plus [-] to [-] soldiers temporarily recruited with doubtful combat effectiveness. Seize the checkpoints and take down the weakly defended counties and towns.Then the materials were transferred to the two states of Yinyan. If Tang Jun came out, it happened that the blood battalion had brought into play his expertise in field combat.In fact, some people really do not believe in evil. The magistrate of Dabin County saw that the people who escorted the supplies were ordinary people, so he led [-] soldiers out of the city to intercept them. As a result, the supplies were not obtained, and the [-] troops made dumplings in no time.The main army was lost, and then even the county seat was lost.

Then I heard that Guo Qianguan, Zhang Shougui, and Wang Huan started to attack the three prefectures of Jing, Long, and Qing, and Guo Zhiyun and Zhang Xiaosong attacked Wei and Minzhou, and Wang Junchuo and Liu Tong attacked Dangzhou and Wuzhou.After calculating the strength of the troops, there are now empty cities in the territory of eight states.Of course, this arrangement is also very reasonable, as long as the north is guarded and the Jishi Mountain in the south is not lost, it doesn't matter if the stomach is empty.At the border with the Tang Dynasty, offense can be used instead of defense.After all, launching this battle is also the maximum limit of the blood battalion, and the troops have been drawn to the extreme.

It was only then that Mo Chuai began to call the generals to start discussing.

Seeing the positions of the various armies of the Blood Camp marked on the map, Que Teqin suddenly said, "Khan, my nephew has an idea."

"Tell me." Mo Chuo looked at Que Teqin with shame on his face. It was precisely because in order to escape safely, Mo Chuo made up his mind and used a trick to throw the car to protect the handsome man.Not only the thousands of soldiers from various ministries outside the city of Shengzhou, but also Mo Ju's army, he was so determined to abandon them.

"Now the blood camp is strong outside and empty inside. There are only [-] militiamen, defending the safety of the states and maintaining law and order. My son wants to ask the Great Khan for [-] troops to sneak in from the desert and go straight to Lingzhou."

Theoretically speaking, this is advisable. A [-]-strong army is not [-] to [-] troops, and there is no need to carry much supplies. The northwest of Helan Mountain is an endless desert, and almost all of them are uninhabited areas.Even if there are, there are some small tribes, barbaric and backward, with little contact with the outside world.

At the beginning, Wang Hua sneaked into Yinshan from this road.Therefore, although Mo Chuai finally counted it, it was only counted, and it was not detected.

But silently looked at the map for a while, shook his head, and immediately vetoed it. He looked at Que Teqin and said, "Why does the eagle fly so high? Fascinated. As a smart leader, one must not be blinded by hatred. There is a saying in the art of war, that what is false is true, and what is true is false. In Lingzhou, Wang Hua and his number one adviser, Zhu Dian, are sitting in the town, and they are also blood In the central area of ​​the camp, do you know that he really only has [-] militiamen? Besides, if you look at the terrain again, there is Helan Mountain outside as a natural barrier, and the inside is blocked by the Yellow River. Even if you succeed for a while, if the blood camp finds out, they can kill you at any time Cut off the rear. Ben Khan doesn't want the matter of Moji to happen again."

"Khan, my nephew always thinks this is an opportunity."

"Don't mention it again, remember, our Turks are poor in resources, and the goal of war is not to fight for war, but to support war with war."

Que Teqin didn't dare to speak anymore.Mo Chuai's words were very clear, not only for war, but also for capture, even if Que Teqin got something after he arrived in Lingzhou, there was no way to bring it back.Unless the Fengzhou army is defeated head-on.

But Que Teqin's words gave Apodagan inspiration, he said: "Khan, I have an idea. Now from Fengzhou to Zhongshou surrendered city, as well as some newly built castles, the blood camp is mainly for defense. Of course, of their [-] troops, except for the [-] regular Blood Battalion soldiers, the rest are prisoners of war. This is also destined that they can only defend. It is not suitable for us to forcefully attack the city."

Abo Dagan still remembers what happened outside Xiazhou City last time, and this exchange is too worthless.

He continued: "But because the blood camp resettled many people, from Fengzhou to Zhongshoucheng to Anyuan City, many people were scattered again. We don't attack the city, so we can divide our forces into several small groups and capture them. The people, and sent scouts to contact each other. If the blood camp leaves the city, we will show weakness and retreat."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the western end of Yinshan Mountain, and said: "But we have ambushed 1 horses in the desert. If the Blood Camp goes out to attack, the 1 horses will start from behind and cut off the retreat of the Blood Camp army. This blood battalion is completely outflanking. If we don’t go out of the city to attack, we will continue to capture and sweep this area into no man’s land. Then slowly push towards Huaiyuan City. Then Wang Hua will face a problem. Because now all their troops have set off, If the army is brought back to support, the Tang Dynasty army will inevitably counterattack. If it is not withdrawn, Huaiyuan City will be in danger, and Lingzhou City will face heavy pressure from our army."

Que Teqin really didn't say a word after hearing this, he really is a wise man, so he always maintains the advantage of military strength, can attack and defend, can withdraw at any time, and is very flexible.And Abo Dagan has another meaning, and he also tried Wang Hua's harassment tactics, just this time in a wide space to see its effect.

Mochu looked at the map, pondered for a while, and said, "Okay. Besides, the other party is a young boy named Feng Changqing. Ben Khan wants to see if there are so many talents in Tang Dynasty?"

Silence's contempt is justified.

Although Feng Changqing had bright spots in both battles, he mainly focused on defending the city, and did not perform well on offense.Even defending the city is not perfect.After all, the age is too young.It's not that being young makes people look down on him, Huo Qubing was not very old when he became famous.Wang Hua is also not big.However, Wang Hua is a monster after all. As early as the age of 12, he has been doing the next sensational things.

But what about Feng Changqing?

He turned out to be just a soldier guarding the city gate.

This is really not the case, looking at the map, Tun Yugu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find it.

(End of this chapter)

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