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Chapter 626

Chapter 626

As Wang Hua said, Li Longji is very fast.

Under Wang's persuasion, he summoned Qi Wang Li Fan and Xue Wang Li Ye immediately. Li Ye's biological mother is Wang Xianfei, and Li Fan's mother is Cui Ruren. The main reason is that these two people are younger than Li Longji, because Li Longji is very relieved.

In addition to them, the sixth younger brother died early, and there were two older brothers, Li Chengyi and Li Xian, who Princess Taiping wanted to support as the crown prince to replace Li Longji.Therefore, Li Longji didn't blame him, but he didn't dare to trust him.

At the same time, there are Guo Yuanzhen, Wang Maozhong, Li Lingwen, Wang Shouyi, Gao Lishi, Jiang Jiao, Li Yide, Li Lingwen is the grandson of Li Jing's younger brother Li Keshi, Li Longji's playmate since childhood, Wang Shouyi is the elder brother of Queen Wang , Jiang Jiao is Wang Shouyi's best friend.Needless to say Gao Lishi, Wang Maozhong and Li Yide.

This situation is a bit pitiful, so Li Longji is very worried, the strength is a little too weak.

But the matter was urgent and had to be announced. There was still one person who could be used, Cui Riyong, but Li Longji was not as at ease with Cui Riyong as he was with Guo Yuanzhen, so Cui Riyong was not notified of this plan.

Several people began to gather together to conspire and discuss. In fact, these few people were also betting heavily.Not only did they have no important people to serve as staff, but they also had very few soldiers to mobilize.Fortunately, Guo Yuanzhen is good at military affairs, which is also the main reason why Li Longji called Guo Yuanzhen to discuss secretly.

Among them, although Guo Yuanzhen was the minister of the Ministry of War, he could not mobilize the army by himself, and Wang Shouyi and Jiang Jiao could only talk about it.The only one who can mobilize some weak troops is Longwu General Wang Maozhong.

Li Longji broke off the strength in his hands, and he really missed the time when Wang Hua secretly led the blood battalion army into Beijing.

Seeing Li Longji hesitated, Guo Yuanzhen said: "Your Majesty, although

However, there are very few soldiers we can mobilize. The most important thing is that the evils are unprepared, and it is in accordance with God's will, so we don't have to worry about not being successful.And it's not that there are few people, it's that it needs to be secretive, so that the other party can't expect it, and at the same time, it must be rapid and change over time.Your Majesty, the merits of thousands of generations are all in your majesty's thoughts. "

Without Guo Yuanzhen's persuasion, Li Longji had no choice but to send it out, otherwise in a few days, if he doesn't get angry, Princess Taiping will attack him.So he nodded and said, "Here."

At the beginning, they passed Wang Maozhong, and immediately called Wang Maozhong's cronies and horses in the stables. Indeed, there were very few people, only 300 people came.

Li Longji asked Wang Maozhong to secretly transfer the 300 people from Wude Hall to Qianhua Gate.

But it is not without merit, because the number of people is small and unobtrusive.

Li Longji issued an edict to let Li Ci and a few others join in. These people are all close friends of Princess Taiping, and they are in charge of the Yulin Army.

Power comes out of the barrel of a gun, as long as these people are beheaded, Princess Taiping will have no way to mobilize the Habayashi Army.

Li Ci did not expect that, after all, Li Longji is the emperor, only Jin Jin.

As soon as he entered, Wang Maozhong led his men to rush in from the back of the hall. Before they could shout, they were cut to pieces.

Li Longji had an experience once, so he immediately led Wang Maozhong and others into the Nei Ke Province.Li You and Jia Yingfu, the two most important confidants of Princess Taiping, are handling government affairs in Inner Hakka Province.Regardless of the horrified gazes of other ministers, Wang Maozhong grabbed the two men and dragged them out along the ground.

He led these hundreds of soldiers again, rode on horses, broke into the court hall, and arrested Xiao Zhizhong and Cen Xi who were discussing matters.Dou Huaizhen and others were not there, so Li Longji had no choice but to execute Xiao Zhizhong and the other four immediately.

Then let Wang Maozhong continue to go out of the palace to arrest Dou Huaizhen.That is, Dou Congyi who killed his wife to save his life. Later, after Webster was executed, he changed his name to Dou Huaizhen.

Dou Huaizhen was cornered by the pursuers, jumped into the moat and hanged herself to death. This person was the chief culprit of Princess Taiping. Li Longji was so angry that he asked the soldiers to drag his body up from the moat, continue beheading his body, and beat him to death. His surname was changed to Du's.

Li Dan also heard the news of such a big commotion, and just went up to the gate tower of Chengtianmen to see what happened.

Guo Yuanzhen came over and said: "The emperor just obeyed the order of the Supreme Emperor to kill Dou Huaizhen and other treacherous officials who rebelled against the party, and nothing else happened."

If it was someone else, he would have kicked Guo Yuanzhen off the gate tower earlier. Isn't that talking nonsense in front of people?However, Li Dan played Tai Chi well, but lacked boldness.

This incident reminded him of the story of his grandfather Li Shimin killing Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji more than seventy years ago.Li Shimin was killing his brothers outside, while Yuchi Jingde went straight to Li Yuan's residence inside. Li Yuan asked him, "Who is in trouble today? Why are you here?"

Yuchi Jingde replied: "The King of Qin used his crown prince, the King of Qi, to cause rebellion, and raised his troops to punish him. He feared alarming His Majesty, so he sent his ministers to guard him."

In fact, Li Yuan was temporarily guarded.

Li Yuan had no choice, so he hypocritically discussed with Pei Ji and Chen Shuda: "What should I do?"

The two replied: "Cheng Jiancheng and Yuan Ji did not participate in the righteous conspiracy, and they did not make any contribution to the world. The king of Qin was highly respected and conspired together. Now the king of Qin has punished him. He has made great contributions to the universe and led his men to return to his heart. Your Majesty." If you hand over state affairs to him, there will be nothing to do."

Li Yuan replied: "Good."

I had no choice but to issue an edict to let Li Shimin be the crown prince and hand over state affairs.

This scene of the story is almost very similar to what happened before my eyes.Yuchi Jingde's martial arts are strong, and Guo Yuanzhen is also not weak.Although he didn't directly lead his troops in like Yuchi Jingde did, God knows if there are any troops arranged nearby?
Guo Yuanzhen was also worried. Unlike Yuchi Jingde back then, he didn't bring any subordinates.

This is also a gamble, that is, Li Longji will kill everyone quickly. If Li Dan becomes angry from embarrassment, the situation will still be chaotic.Could it be that Li Longji should kill his father too?Anyway, Guo Yuanzhen didn't dare to do anything.

But the bet won, because of his own pressure, Li Dan bowed his head and conceded, and the overall situation was settled smoothly.

Guo Yuanzhen stepped forward this time, pretending to pass on the imperial order, which was Guan Jian's first step.But a few months later, because Li Longji was dissatisfied with some aspects of him, he went to Xinzhou, Lingnan, and died of grief and anger.This is the first minister of great merit that Li Longji started to be ungrateful.

Of course, Guo Yuanzhen didn't know at this time.When he came here this time, he took many risks, but he still stared at Li Dan calmly.

Li Dan didn't see anything from his face, and finally let Guo Yuanzhen win the bet.Seeing that Li Longji led his troops back, Li Dan chose to give in, and issued an order on the gate tower, listing the crimes of Dou Huaizhen and others, which was tantamount to acquiescing to Li Longji's mutiny.Then amnesty the world, and said that the relatives and followers of the rebels are not included in the amnesty.

It has nothing to do with the minister, this is to save his sister's life.So let Li Longji end here.

When Princess Taiping heard about the mutiny, she immediately returned to the mansion, and wanted to call Li Ci and others to lead troops to deal with it.But these people became the first batch of ministers to be executed. When Princess Taiping got the news, she took advantage of the chaos in the city and fled to Zhongnan Mountain in a panic.

Fortunately, Li Longji was not killed.

Li Longji looked at his father, and then gave Guo Yuanzhen a thankful glance.

Then he said, "Thank you, the Supreme Emperor."

But turning around, his attitude changed.Wang Maozhong came to report that Xue Ji was captured in his house, Li Longji didn't even ask, and directly ordered Wang Maozhong to put Xue Ji to death in prison.

At this time, Li Dan saw that the general situation was gone, so he issued an imperial decree disheartened. From now on, all major military and state affairs will be handed over to the emperor.

Hearing this imperial decree, Li Longji showed a gleam of joy on his face. This time he knelt on the ground sincerely and said, "Thank you, the Supreme Emperor."

But he didn't cry bitterly while hugging Li Yuan's thigh like Li Shimin did.

In his heart, he resented his father very much, and his stomach was far weaker than that of Li Shimin.

Seeing his appearance, Li Dan shook his head dejectedly, and took the initiative to move the dormitory to the Baifu Hall.

Wang Hua heard that Princess Taiping had escaped from Chang'an City, and secretly sent someone to follow her.He was also preparing to leave Chang'an.At this time, an eunuch came and claimed that Li Dan asked him to go to Daming Palace.

A confidant in his hand tugged at his sleeve, which meant that Wang Hua would not be allowed to go.

Didn't Wang Hua want to save Princess Taiping?Now Princess Taiping is desperate, and it's time for Wang Hua to make a move.There is no need to enter the palace at this time. If something happens, just like how Webster dealt with him that year, the consequences will not be very good.It's not impossible, if it turns out that Li Longji and Princess Taiping have become horns, they must rely on his strength, at least not let him take refuge in each other, so they are afraid of him.But now that Li Longji's overall situation has been decided, Wang Hua has no effect.

He used to despise the court. If he entered the palace, no one knew what would happen.

Wang Hua shook his head and said in a low voice, "It's okay."

Although several important confidants of Princess Taiping have been killed, Princess Taiping has not been killed yet, and her cronies are scattered in the court and the public. At this time, Li Longji still dare not attack him.Moreover, the generals of the blood battalion firstly valued their talents, and secondly, they recruited them and spread them all over the border.If only Princess Taiping was killed, the generals of the blood camp would be better off.But he killed himself, if Princess Taiping escaped, Oceania's own roots were still there, and Li Longji didn't dare to touch the consequences.

Unless he rescued Princess Taiping himself, Li Longji would have different ideas at that time.

So when he came to Baifu Hall, Li Dan asked him to sit down.

Wang Hua looked at Li Dan, in less than a day, he seemed to be a few years older, Dou Lu whispered to him, as if to comfort him, but when Wang Hua came in, Dou Lu did not speak again.

Li Dan said: "Wang Hua, let me ask you something, what did I do wrong?"

Although he gave up the power to Li Longji, he was still very unhappy.

Wang Hua replied calmly: "In the past, Taizong made Chengqian the crown prince, but he doted on Wei Wang Li Tai, which finally planted the root of disaster. Your majesty is wise, but not as much as Taizong."

Although Princess Taiping is not a prince, the nature is similar.That is, Li Shimin had no choice but to dismiss the two of them in the end, and Li Dan's intelligence was not enough to control this situation.

"However, I will be old and the prince is young, what can I do?"

This is also a big truth, if there is no restraint from Princess Taiping, Li Longji is in the prime of his life, and disasters will also happen.

Wang Hua replied: "If the Supreme Emperor thinks that the Crown Prince has great achievements and talents, he can abdicate in advance, and the family will enjoy it happily. If the Supreme Emperor wants to control the world by himself, he can abolish the crown prince, or worry that the previous emperor did not establish the emperor in advance because of Zhongjun. If the prince leads to Empress Wei’s monopoly, another loyal prince can be appointed as the crown prince. The power of Princess Taiping and the crown prince will be abolished. He wants to take over the throne. How can there be such a perfect thing in the world?"

Li Dan was speechless.

Li Dan was silent for a while, and then said: "Did you send Ying'er away?"

"Yes." Wang Hua didn't hide anything. They had been gone for several days. After passing Zhongnan Mountain, their whereabouts were concealed. Even if Li Dan mobilized the power of the whole country, he might not be able to find them.

"You expected what happened today?"


"Then why didn't you leave earlier?"

Wang Hua didn't answer.

"Is it because of that girl Wu Chongning that you stayed until now?"

Not necessarily, there is also a Princess Taiping, let's take a look at the joke by the way.But Wang Hua couldn't say it. If he said it, he would hand over all his rights now, and he might order to besiege and kill him in the palace.

Li Dan said angrily: "After all, you are a person without a king and a father."

Father still has it, but this gentleman, Wang Hua, doesn't take it seriously.

But Wang Hua didn't want to argue with the lost former emperor, so he continued to remain silent.

Dou Lushi tugged at the corner of Li Dan's clothes, which means that it is useless to talk about it now, so it is better to talk about the business earlier.

Li Dan was still a little angry, not only angry with Wang Hua, but also angry with himself.Do you see it?Wang Hua had expected the coup d'état today in advance, but he was in the dark and didn't know it at all.

After a long while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I come here to beg you to help me with one last thing."

"I don't know what's going on?" Wang Hua replied carefully.He was about to leave Chang'an, there was no need to cause trouble.

"With your ability, you will definitely be able to find Princess Taiping. Take her away and leave the court. With your suspicious personality, I don't believe that you don't have any people around you." After Li Dan finished speaking, he closed his eyes weakly. on the eyes.

Wang Hua was overjoyed.If there is Li Dan's eloquence, he would have an excuse to rescue Princess Taiping.

However, Li Dan's imperial decree made Wang Hua quite fond of it. No matter what, they were all his relatives. For the sake of rights, killing brothers, fathers, sons and relatives would make people feel chilling.

He was not sensual, and pretended to be a little embarrassed and said: "Even if I still have some people around me, will Princess Taiping be willing to leave with me? And will the emperor let me take Princess Taiping away?"

"You told her that even I gave up my power and position. Is she still obsessed? If she is still obsessed, then you can leave her alone and let her go. If she agrees to leave the Central Plains, the emperor leads troops to stop her. You take out this edict."

As Li Dan spoke, he took out an imperial edict written by himself from under the table.However, he also knew that even his own imperial decree might not be effective, but as long as Wang Hua agreed, I believe he would find a way to solve it. This imperial decree could only add a little weight to him.

Wang Hua still didn't agree. If he agreed immediately, Li Dan would have doubts in turn, so he showed hesitant thinking on his face.

Li Dan sighed and said, "Among my brothers and sisters, this is the only younger sister. Wang Hua, I beg you once."

Only then did Wang Hua say: "I just have to try. I may not be able to find Princess Taiping, and even if I find it, I may not be able to take her away. But I will try my best to live up to the entrustment of the Supreme Emperor."

Wang Hua's words are enough, Li Dan waved his hand feebly and said, "You go."

Wang Hua left Daming Palace.Just walked out of the Danfeng Gate of Daming Palace, and met Li Longji head-on.

Li Longji continued to lead troops to kill people, and arrested and killed all the children of Princess Taiping. Only Xue Chongjian, because of his friendship with Li Longji, saw his mother embarrassing Li Longji in every possible way, so he bitterly remonstrated at home and was angered by Princess Taiping. At the extreme end, he was whipped severely with a whip, but he was lucky to escape.Wang Hua rescued Wu Chongning in time, otherwise he would also become a ghost under the sword today.

And because he hated Xue Ji, even his son Xue Boyang would not let him go.In fact, Xue Boyang has an unusual relationship with Li Longji. He first married Li Dan's daughter (big) Princess Jingshan, who died young, and later married Li Dan's other daughter, Princess Liangguo.

That's it, Li Longji still exiled Xue Boyang to Lingnan. Because of persecution on the way, Xue Boyang had nowhere to go and committed suicide.

Then Li Jin, Lu Zangyong, Cui Shi and others were captured one by one.

The number of people killed this time was not as many as the last time Zhu Wei was killed, but more and more ministers were involved.

Li Longji leaned over the case and began to write, while writing about the ministers to be arrested, he still had to think about it.There are too many cronies of Princess Taiping, and at the same time, Gao Lishi is asked to lead the Habayashi Army to search for Princess Taiping in the city.The culprit is not eliminated, and his heart is restless.

At this moment, he heard that his father called Wang Hua to meet him.

He immediately became worried.

Now Princess Taiping doesn't know where she is. If her father is not reconciled and Wang Hua joins forces, it may not be known who will win the battle.

So he set off immediately and blocked Wang Hua outside Danfeng Gate.

Wang Hua frowned, a little displeased.But Li Longji couldn't control his thoughts, so he asked, "Where is Jiumei?"

"I don't know." Although Li Longji had a group of soldiers behind him, Wang Hua still called himself me, not a minister.

"Then when do you plan to leave Chang'an?"

Li Chiying and his party did not hide anything.But at that time Li Longji was worried about the failure of the mutiny and had no time to distract himself from this matter.Now I know that Wang Hua deliberately arranged for them to leave first, and I guess that there may be changes in the past few days, but I have the same idea as Li Dan, thinking that Wang Hua is for Wu Chongning.As for the relationship between Wang Hua and Wu Chongning, since Wang became aware of it, he told Li Longji, and Li Longji also told Li Dan. This is also an open secret.

Therefore, in Li Longji's mind, he believed that Wang Hua deliberately delayed in Chang'an City for Wu Chongning.

But to prevent accidents, Wang Hua left early, so he asked this sentence bluntly.

Wang Hua looked at Li Longji, he was not in high spirits yet, the political situation had not been fully consolidated, so there was still some anxiety on his face.Wang Hua asked back: "Your Majesty, don't you know that you want to keep the minister in the court?"

Li Longji didn't hide his words from him, and said with a wry smile: "There are so many disputes in court, and I can't keep your big Buddha. You'd better leave early. By the way, tell me a word to Jiumei, it will be very difficult for me to see her in the future." , let her take care of herself."

"Definitely," Wang Hua replied, turned around and left with an extremely chic posture.

An eunuch next to Li Longji said: "He is disrespectful to His Majesty, and my servants will go up and question him on His Majesty's behalf."

This is because he saw that Li Longji had finally gained power, so he flattered him.

Li Longji sighed and said: "Anyway, he is leaving the Central Plains, let him go."

There was one sentence he hadn't said yet. Although Wang Hua didn't help him this time, he transferred the women away in advance, and the timing was so appropriate, which also showed his ability to judge.If Princess Taiping had been notified in advance, this mutiny would have failed.

Besides, he also said twice that he is the emperor, but he has never had the courage to do it, and he has been worrying in vain for several months, otherwise the attack a few months ago would have settled the overall situation long ago.Even Liu Youqiu didn't need to be dispatched to Lingnan.

When Wang Hua left, he really left Chang'an.

When he returned home, the guards he sent quietly came back to report.

Wang Hua came to Zhang Jiuling's house, handed over the deeds and property of Chang'an City and Luoyang to Dafeng and Sanfeng, and left Chang'an City with dozens of guards.

Some people also paid attention, but now Chang'an City is in a mess, they don't pay much attention, they only saw Wang Hua riding a horse, heading towards Zhongnan Mountain.

After turning around a few mountain roads, we came to an inconspicuous corner of the mountain. There are lush trees in the corner of the mountain. There is an ancient temple standing among several stone steps. Because the temple is remote and there are no pilgrims, the ancient temple is very dilapidated.

But the surrounding environment is beautiful, a small stream flows down from the mountainside, the stream is transparent and refreshing, because in the deep mountains, the forest is deep and leafy, and there are still many bright wild flowers blooming through the luxuriant leaves to cover the scorching sun.Nearby are a few small bamboo forests, full of greenery.

There is moss growing on the ancient temple, and the wind beats the bronze bell inside the ancient temple from time to time, making some slight noises.

In short, it gives people a very quiet feeling.

Wang Hua got off the horse, came to the ancient temple, knocked on the door, and said, "Is anyone inside?"

The door opened with a squeak, and an old monk came out, and said together, "To flatter you, may the benefactor come to offer incense or fulfill his vows."

"I'm looking for someone, you inform the distinguished guests inside that Wang Hua of Gong County wants to see her."

The old monk immediately replied: "I'm sorry, I don't have any distinguished guests here."

After finishing speaking, he closed the temple gate.

But Wang Hua knew that the old monk must have informed Princess Taiping when he went in, so he was not in a hurry. He sat on a rock at the door, looking forward to it, wanting to see what Princess Taiping looks like now.

(End of this chapter)

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