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Chapter 629

Chapter 629

Speaking of which, Anlu Mountain has a great relationship with Xueying.

It starts with the Khitan people. During the Wu Zetian era, apart from the shame brought by the Tubo people talking about the Qinling Mausoleum, there were also the Khitan people. First, Cao Renshi, Zhang Xuanyu, and Marenjie were defeated in the battle of Kip Shigu.Then Wang Xiaojie was in Xiashigu again, but he fought in Gudong. This battle was even worse. 17 people died, and Wang Xiaojie himself fell off the cliff and died.In the end, Mochuo was invited to defeat Sun Wanrong.But a wolf was invited, but a tiger was invited.

When it came to Sun Quan, there was a battle in Lengxing, and few of the [-] troops came back.Even Ukeli and Li Kaigu were almost killed by their own people.

Now back to Xue Na, he had been very careful before, but he heard that the tribes of the Northeast and Xi wanted to submit to the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang Dynasty did not establish Yingzhou, so they had to defect to the Turks.As long as the Tang Dynasty rebuilds Yingzhou, it will be subordinated to each other.If you want to build Yingzhou, you must defeat Khitan.So Xue Na was greedy for credit and asked for it.Xue Na sent troops in July, but his general Du Binke thought it was hot summer and it was not the time to send troops, so he refused to listen.Traveling to Luan Shui Mountain Gorge, Wang Hua copied the Khitan people's battle example before, but Xue Na was also negligent.So in the middle of the ambush, eight or nine of the [-] troops died.Xue Gao and dozens of cavalry were able to break through, and were ridiculed by the Khitan people as Mrs. Xue.

It was Zhao Hanzhang who fought against the Khitan in Baishan, and was defeated. Fortunately, Pinlu Wu Chengjun led his troops to attack from the right, defeated the Khitan army, and saved a little face.

In the second year, Xue Song's father, Xue Chuyu, ordered Guo Zhiyun's son, General Guo Yingjie, to lead an army of 6000 to fight against the Khitan at Mount Du.Guo Yingjie was killed in battle, and the Khitan people took his head, and the remaining 1 people still did not surrender, so [-] people were exhausted.

Li Longji was very annoyed, and invited Zhang Shougui, the famous general of the Blood Camp back then.After Zhang Shougui took office, he rectified the military administration, encouraged the soldiers, and waited for an opportunity to take the initiative to attack Khitan.The Khitan kings Qu Li and Ke Tugan saw that there was no hope of victory on the battlefield, they were frightened, and resorted to a false surrender plan.But how did this trick escape Zhang Shougui?So he used his plan and killed Qu Li and Ke Tuqian.At this time, the situation of the Khitan people in the Tang Dynasty really turned from defense to offense and gained the upper hand.

The story happened from here. An Lushan was General Zhang Shougui and Zuo Xiaowei, who advanced bravely and was defeated by the captives.But before his execution, he shouted loudly: "The doctor does not want to destroy Xi and Khitan evil, but how can he kill Lushan!"

Zhang Shougui had always loved his bravery, but when he heard this cry, he lost his killing intent, so he sent him to the capital.Zhang Jiuling remonstrated that he should be beheaded according to the law, not to mention that there must be opposites when looking at his people.Li Longji refused to listen and released him back to his original place.Let Zhang Shougui be ordered to catch life.But this man is very capable, every time he rides out, he will definitely capture dozens of Khitan people.

Some history books say that he pretended to be meritorious, which is deliberately belittled. If it is true, how can Zhang Shougui not realize it?

Because of this beheading, Zhang Shougui paid attention to this man, so he liked him even more, adopted him as his adopted son, and passed on his art of war.This made An Lushan even more powerful, and really started a qualitative change.

An Lushan also had a good friend named Shi Suqian, who fled with government debts, but was caught by scouts from the Xi people and wanted to kill him.Shi Sugan said loudly: "I am the peace envoy of the Tang Dynasty. If you kill me, it will bring disaster to your country."

The scouts don't know if it's true or not. The Tang Dynasty had a marriage with them. Li Longji once married Princess Yongle, Princess Yanjun, Princess Donghua, Princess Yifang, Princess Gu'an, Princess Jingle, and Princess Dongguang to Khitan. and the Xi people, but most of the princesses married in the Tang Dynasty were beheaded by these barbarians.This became the biggest humiliation in the history of Tang Dynasty marriage.

But the time and the situation are not right. At that time, the Tang Dynasty invaded and wiped out once. Now the situation is reversed. The Tang Dynasty wiped out them every time they saw them.So I took Shi Suqian to the tooth tent.When he met King Xi, he had to admit that Shi Sugan was very courageous. When he saw Queen Xi, he bowed and bowed down.King Xi was very angry, but he was afraid of the Tang Dynasty and dared not kill him, so he treated him as a guest and sent hundreds of people to the Tang Dynasty to "marry" the princess.Can this go back?

Shi Shigan rolled his eyes, thought carefully, and said: "The king sent many people, but they were all low-level people, and they were not qualified to meet our Tang emperor. I heard that there is a good general in your Xi clan called Zogao. , why not let him enter the dynasty?"

No matter how smart King Xi was, he never thought that a man from Tang Dynasty would dare to deceive people by marrying the princess, so he agreed after thinking about it.

But they couldn't really let them enter the court. Before they arrived at Juncheng, Shi Sugan sent someone to tell Pei Xiuzi, the army envoy of Juncheng: "The good generals of the Xi clan came with their elites. City, it is better to prepare early."

Pei Xiuzi didn't think of anything else, he believed Shi Sugan's words, so he welcomed Suo Gao and others into the embassy and killed them heavily.Suo Gao was captured alive and sent to Youzhou.

Zhang Shougui laughed out loud after hearing this, this little Shizi is interesting, even a big Xi Wang let him play around, he didn't care about it, he thought it was a credit, and played it for Guo Yi, and later met Li Longji, Li Longji and him He was very happy and named him Shi Siming.

So under Zhang Shougui's tent, these two biggest rebels grew up steadily.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Chang'an is still prosperous.

Especially after Li Longji got Concubine Yang, the king never came to court early, and now he doesn't want to make progress, and he doesn't bother to deal with political affairs.As soon as Li Linfu died in the front, the political affairs were handed over to Yang Guozhong later.

When one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

Concubine Yang has three older sisters. The one who fits the Cui family is named Mrs. Han, the one who fits the Pei family is named Mrs. Guo, and the one who fits the Liu family is named Mrs. Qin.The cousin Yang Li was the young prisoner in the palace, and Yang Qi was the son-in-law captain and married Princess Taihua.The five families of the Yang family were given houses in the capital. "The power is all over the world", "the relics from all directions converge together." Yang Guozhong has been prime minister for less than two years, and the relics of Chinese and foreign salaries have accumulated 3000 million pieces (fine silk woven by double silk).

How popular is the Yang family?
There are five teams of the Yang family, each team has a different color of clothes, as if they are united, and they are as beautiful as a cloud of brocade.The five families built houses, and they competed to be magnificent. Whenever they saw someone whose house was better than theirs, they would immediately tear it down and rebuild it.Among them, Mrs. Guo Guo valued Wei Sili's house, and immediately asked Wei Sili's family to move out, and only repaid the Wei family's loss of ten mu of land in the corner.Wei Sili's family dared not speak out, so they had to swallow their anger.

Yang's night trip to the five houses, and Li Longji's beloved daughter, Princess Guangping's servants, competed at the gate of Sishi.He was whipped severely by the Yang family slave.Princess Guangping was furious. If it was Yang Guozhong who whipped her, there would be nothing wrong with that. A few servants dared to whip herself and her son-in-law.So he ran to Li Longji and cried.Li Longji issued an edict to execute the servant who whipped the Yang family to death, and then blamed Cheng Changyi, the son-in-law captain, for failing to discipline his subordinates and dismissed him from office.

Who in the end did not discipline the servants well?Princess Guangping was also dumbfounded when she heard this.

The civil officials are corrupt, the rewards are excessive, and the court expenses are even more excessive.What about generals?The land equalization system was broken, and the land granted by the government soldiers was insufficient, heavy taxes had to be paid, and military service had to be lengthy.So he fled and hid in the mountains.The imperial court had no choice but to recruit soldiers.However, Li Longji, the huge establishment of Zhechong Mansion in the Tang Dynasty, has not been reformed, which means that the various officers are still there, and their salaries are still being paid.In order to win over the soldiers, the border generals forced the court to appoint officials and reward them. Even Ge Shuhan, Feng Changqing, and Gao Xianzhi couldn't escape the vulgarity.This undoubtedly increases administrative costs.

At the same time, in his later years, Li Longji's poor soldiers deposed Wu, and he needed a huge army to support him.Originally, the Tang Dynasty border fee was only 200 million guan a year, but at the end of Tianbao, it reached 500 million guan.The food needs of Jiannan Sandao in Youzhou, Hedong alone reached 200 million shi.

Where to spread the money, it can only come from the poor people.

At the time of Kaiyuan, there were no pick-ups on the roads all over the world. At the end of Tianbao, the court was dim, coupled with years of floods and droughts in Guanzhong and other places, people starved to death on the roads.But Yang Guozhong and other people's family can spend ten of the property of the Chinese family's family (do you eat dragon meat every day?).

Li Longji also saw that something was wrong. It doesn't rain for half a year, and it doesn't stop for half a year, so he asked Yang Guozhong.Yang Guozhong showed some well-growing seedlings to Li Longji, and said, "Although there was a lot of rain, it did not damage the crops." Is there any dirt behind Guan's buttocks? I'm going to make the whole room Guan.As a result, no one in the world dared to speak out about the disaster.Li Longji looked at the heavy rain and asked Gao Lishi, Gao Lishi said: "Since your Majesty entrusted the power to the prime minister, the rewards and punishments were improper, and the yin and yang in the sky were out of balance, how dare I say that?"

Gao Lishi not only admonished Li Longji on this matter, but also admonished Li Longji to delegate power to border generals, but Li Longji just refused to listen.

I got it, but when I went back and lay down on Yang Yuhuan's white and tender belly, I didn't think about anything.

Zhu Ting was still there, so old that half of his teeth had fallen out. He ran to Wang Xiang and said, "Erlang, it's as you said."

Wang Hua just smiled and said nothing.

An Lushan returned to Fanyang, and asked to replace the Han generals with 32 Fan generals, clearing away the last obstacle.Li Longji actually agreed, and Wei Jiansu was worried about Zhong Zhong.There was no way to persuade him, so he came up with an idea, let Li Longji order An Lushan to be a peace minister, call him into the court, appoint Jia Xun as Fanyang Jiedu envoy, and Lu Zhihui as Pinglu Jiedu Envoy, Yang Guang is the envoy of Hedong Jiedu.It is the dream of every official to be a general and a prime minister. If An Lushan does not turn against him, he will naturally be very happy.It can also remove the power of Anlu Mountain.If you want to rebel, this edict will definitely not be granted.

Li Longji made sense when he heard it, but he didn't publish it after writing the book, and asked the eunuch Fulin to check it under the pretext of giving Zhenguo.Fu Lin received a heavy bribe from An Lushan, so she naturally said good things when she came back.Wei Jiansu's hard work was in vain again.

But not so?
After An Lushan returned to Fanyang, whenever an envoy from the imperial court came, he always pretended to be sick, and only came out to meet him after deploying his troops.This is because they are afraid that the imperial court will take advantage of the decree to capture the thief first and kill the king first.

Then Li Longji ordered An Lushan's son An Qingzong to marry Princess Rongyi, and An Lushan went to Beijing to attend the wedding.An Lushan said that he was ill in the future.In July, An Lushan presented 22 horses to the imperial court, but each horse was accompanied by two grooms, and [-] people were sent to escort them.Henan Yin Daxi Xun became suspicious, and said in a memorial: "Please tell Anlu Mountain to offer chariots and temples in winter, and the court will provide the grooms, so you don't have to bother his soldiers."

Don't talk about grooms, just talk about soldiers.If these 6000 people are all elite soldiers and all of a sudden use the excuse of offering horses to break into the capital, what will be the consequences?Back then, Wang Hua also offered horses, which were more numerous than those in Anlu Mountain, and the number of times was also high, and his entourage was only a few hundred people to take care of them.Sometimes they are even directly handed over to Qinzhou officials for escort, even saving the civilian service for escort.

Li Longji realized something, so he sent eunuch Feng Shenwei to tell An Lushan, and said, I just built a warm soup pool for you in Huaqing Palace, where will I wait for you in October.

An Lushan was not happy when he heard that, so he sat on the bed and didn't bow down. He only said how good the emperor is, and said that it's okay if he doesn't offer a horse. I will definitely go to the capital in October.Then he ordered people to place Feng Shenwei in the pavilion and not to see him again.It took many days before Feng Shenwei was allowed to return to court.

Feng Shenwei was frightened to death, and when he saw Li Longji, he cried loudly: "I almost lost sight of Your Majesty."

But in this way, An Lushan officially rebelled, but he didn't say rebellion, but killed Yang Guozhong in the name of the Qing emperor's side.Send out all the elite soldiers of the Ministry, as well as the fierce soldiers of the Tongluo, Xi, Khitan, Shiwei and other tribes. There are 15 people, known as 20.The most irritating thing is the cannons left by Wang Hua. Except for losing more than 40 guns to Khitan and turning Khitan into fine iron, most of the rest were given to Anlu Mountain by Li Longji.

In November, Fan Yang raised his troops.Hebei Road was originally under the jurisdiction of Anlu Mountain. When Wangfeng collapsed, the officials who defended the city surrendered, fled, or were captured alive by their subordinates. Almost no one resisted.In December, the rebels crossed the river in Lingchang, Huazhou, and went to Kaifeng and Xingyang in Chenliu County.At that time, the world had been at peace for a long time, especially the people in the Central Plains, who had never known the military revolution for many generations. When Anlu Mountain attacked Xingyang, the soldiers guarding the top of the city heard the sound of drums and horns, and fell like rain.Hearing the sound of war drums and horns, because of fear, he fell from the top of the city like rain.How does Xingyang defend the city?
Li Longji confirmed that An Lushan had conspired against him, beheaded An Qingzong, and ordered the owner of Rongyi County to commit suicide.Let Guo Ziyi replace An Sishun as Shuofang Jiedu envoy.In fact, An Sishun has no blood relationship with Anlushan. Anlushan's real name is Aluoshan, his mother is a Turkic witch, and his father is from Kangguo.Later, he kicked her husband and remarried a man from Anguo, so she assumed the surname An.Later Tuqi Shi was defeated and fled to Youzhou with his stepfather's brother's son An Sishun.There is a little relationship, but not deep.

Therefore, Ge Shuhan also ridiculed An Lushan as a bastard.But An Sishun is a purebred, just like An Lushan, An Sishun is also very dissatisfied with Ge Shuhan, but he has no objection, the famous generals Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi are both from his subordinates.Otherwise the consequences will be worse.

It happened that Feng Changqing entered the court, so Feng Changqing flew to Luoyang to recruit soldiers.Feng Changqing was a little overconfident. In his mind, An Lushan was flattering his horse for glory, and Li Longji was blind, and because of Yang Yuhuan's good words, he came to the position.But when did you become famous?

He raised 37 troops in ten days, broke all the stone bridges in Luoyang, and marched into Hulao Pass for defense.However, these soldiers were temporarily recruited without training, and because of a fire in the arsenal a few years ago, [-] weapons were lost. The Central Plains has always been short of weapons.There is also Feng Changqing Tuoda, so the Tang army was defeated in the battle of Hulaoguan.In the first battle in Luoyang, the Tang army was defeated again.Luoyang fell.

At this time, the Tang Dynasty asked Gao Xianzhi to gather Feiqi Wanqi and other troops, and they made up 5 people. The two joined together and made a total.This time Feng Changqing didn't dare to take it too seriously, so he retreated to Tongguan to take advantage of natural dangers to protect himself.

This is a very correct strategy.Tongguan is a natural danger, easy to defend but difficult to attack.There are no hot air balloons in Anlu Mountain, and gliders have the upper hand in the sky.Even if there is, under the intensive defense, it has become a living target.

In the rear of Hebei, Yan Gaoqing raised his troops, and all seventeen counties in Hebei responded, with 20 followers.Of course, the 20 is scary to say, and it is not as good as An Lushan's [-] elite soldiers in terms of real combat effectiveness.In addition, his cousin Yan Zhenqing also has tens of thousands of people.These two brothers almost took down the rear of An Lushan.

At this time, as long as the Tang Dynasty guarded Tongguan, Guo Ziyi and Li Guangbi mobilized troops from Hexi, Shuofang, and Longyou to go out of Jingxing Pass, join forces with the Hebei rebels, and seize Hebei.It can break the enemy's army.Moreover, the Tang Dynasty had a vast territory and huge financial resources and manpower. When this machine was started, even if it was exhausted, the rebel army would be exhausted.Hold Tongguan and ensure that Chang'an is safe and sound. The longer it takes, the better it will be for the Tang Dynasty.Moreover, Feng Changqing was afraid that Li Longji would not understand, so he sent a quick statement three times to state his interests.

But what about Li Longji?Thinking that they lost their teachers and land, they were sentenced to death.Tens of thousands of soldiers shouted "Injustice!" The shouts pierced the sky.

After killing these two famous generals, the court forced Ge Shuhan to fight again.

The hero sees the same thing, what Feng Changqing thought of, Ge Shuhan also thought of it a long time ago.Although at this time Tongguan had assembled 20 troops.What's the use?At that time, the blood battalion had only 20 to 200 regular soldiers, but how many enemies had been defeated.Not to mention [-], but [-] million. These stragglers are no match for An Lushan's army.

While guarding Tongguan, he sent someone to write to Oceania, crying to Wang Hua for help.

In fact, the soldiers of the Blood Camp have been in contact with Wang Hua all these years.But Wang Hua wrote to them and told them not to contact her again, otherwise their future would be delayed.

Ge Shuhan guarded Tongguan for half a year. Without this half year, the outcome of the Tang Dynasty would be even worse.This bought Tang Chao a lot of time to prepare and raise funds.In fact, because Ge Shuhan held back the An Lushan army, the situation was very good. Guo Ziyi, Li Guangbi and Shi Siming fought in Jiashan and killed more than 4 rebels.More prefectures and counties in Hebei killed the rebel guards and surrendered to the court.Fan Yang's way back was cut off at the same time.All the soldiers who lived in Fanyang were shaken in their hearts.

An Lushan was terrified, and summoned his subordinates, Gao Shang and Yan Zhuang, to scold me. You all persuaded me to rebel. Now the army is blocked at Tongguan and cannot be breached for several months. The way back to the north has also been cut off. Only Bianzhou and Zhengzhou, how to win?In the end, An Lushan had no choice but to give up Luoyang and return to Fanyang.

At this time, Li Longji listened to Yang Guozhong's slander and sent people to force Ge Shuhan to fight many times.Ge Shuhan didn't wait for Wang Hua's reply, and under the pressure of the court, he went out to fight with his chest crying.

As a famous general, he even has more military strategy than Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing, so how could he not know the outcome of the battle.

In the battle of Lingbao, the Tang army was defeated, and Ge Shuhan fled back to Tongguan with only 8000 people.Seeing the strength of Mount Anlu, Fan set fire to Guiren and others, kidnapped Ge Shuhan and surrendered to Mount Anlu.A generation of famous generals, who used to be the number one brave general in the blood camp, and the white camel killer in the hearts of the Tubo people, unexpectedly ended up in such a humiliating end.

The imperial court did not receive the report of the battle, and knew that there were more dangers than good luck, so under Yang Guozhong's instigation, Li Longji fled to Sichuan.

While preparing to escape, Yang Guozhong said complacently: "I have been saying that An Lushan will rebel all these years, but the emperor doesn't believe it. It's not my fault."

When he was promoted to the palace, less than one-tenth of the hundred officials went to the court. Li Longji said that he would conquer Anlu Mountain in person in order to hide the eyes and ears, but of course no one believed it.He also appointed Yin Weifang and Cui Guangyuan to stay in Chang'an, and Bian Lingcheng was in charge of the palace keys.After dark, let Chen Xuanli gather the six armies of the Forbidden Army and reward them with money and silk.At dawn, Xuanzong only set out from Yanqiu Gate with Concubine Yang, the prince, concubine, princess, grandson, Yang Guozhong, Wei Jiansu, Wei Fangjin, Chen Xuanli, and trusted eunuchs and palace people. And the emperor and grandson all abandoned it, just fled by themselves.Xuanzong passed by Zuo Zangku, Yang Guozhong asked to set it on fire, and said: "Don't leave this money to the rebels,"

Li Longji said sadly in his heart: "The rebels have no money when they come, and they must collect it from the people. It's better to leave it to them to alleviate the suffering of the people."

This shows that he still has a conscience in his heart.

Li Longji left secretly, and all the officials continued to go to court, but they couldn't see where he was.This was a mess, princes, nobles, and common people rushed to escape.Some ordinary people in the mountains took the opportunity to enter the palace and the mansions of princes and nobles, stealing money.Some even rode donkeys into the main hall, robbed them and set fire to the Zuozang Daying Treasury.Bian Lingcheng killed more than a dozen people to stabilize the situation.So he and Cui Guangyuan surrendered to Anlu Mountain.

Li Longji and his party passed the temporary bridge. In order to cut off the enemy's pursuit, Yang Guozhong sent someone to set fire to the bridge. Li Longji said again: "The officials and the people are seeking refuge. Why cut off their way of life?"

He sent Gao Lishi to lead people to put out the fire.

When we arrived in Xianyang, let the eunuch Wang Luoqing make preparations first.Who knew that Wang Luoqing and Xianyang officials fled after hearing the news, leaving Li Longji alone.It was noon, and Li Longji hadn't eaten yet, so Yang Guozhong had to spend his own money to buy pancakes to feed Li Longji.When the people heard about it, they competed to offer coarse rice.Li Longji paid the price according to the price, and the people wept.

Everyone has complicated feelings towards Li Longji.Call him bad, even in his later years, he did not tyrannize the people like Qin Shihuang and Yang Guang, and even gave the people tax exemptions from time to time.Let’s say he’s not bad, he insisted on disregarding the country, handing over the political affairs to Li Linfu and Yang Guozhong, and ruining a great country like this.

But I don't understand, Wang Hua has done more simply than him in Oceania, why has the territory been expanded to an unprecedented level?The population has increased to more than 100 million in just a few decades?
Everyone is confused.

An old man named Guo Congjin knelt in front of Li Longji and said: "Anlu Mountain has harbored evil intentions for a long time. Many people spoke to His Majesty, but His Majesty killed them. Therefore, the previous emperors asked loyal and upright people to see and hear. I remember Song Dynasty When Jing was prime minister, he dared to remonstrate directly with Yan Yan, so the world was safe and sound at that time. Now I, a commoner, can predict the situation today, but what about your majesty?" Li Longji just mispronounced.

The car rattled, the horse screamed, and the car continued to move forward.Along the way, many officials who fled with Li Longji fled. At night, at the post station, people slept on each other's pillows, regardless of their status.

When they arrived at Mazaipo, the soldiers who followed them were angry because of lack of food.Chen Xuanli believed that the chaos in the world was caused by Yang Guozhong.At least without Yang Guozhong's slander, Ge Shuhan would not be forced to leave Tongguan.Yu asked the eunuch Li Fuguo to tell Prince Li Heng.Li Heng hesitated.It happened that more than [-] Tubo envoys stopped Yang Guozhong's horse and complained to him that there was no food.I don't know who shouted: "Yang Guozhong conspired against the Hu people."

This time the powder keg was lit.Immediately, many soldiers took out their bows and arrows and shot at Yang Guozhong.When Yang Guozhong saw something bad, he pulled his horse and fled.He fled to the west gate of Mazaipo, was chased by soldiers and mutilated him alive, hung his head on a spear and stuck it in the west gate for public display.Then the rebels killed his son Yang Xuan, the Minister of the Household Department, Mrs. Han and Mrs. Qin.Wei Fangjin, the official censor, said: "You are so audacious that you dare to kill the prime minister." The soldiers killed him again.

Wei Jiansu heard the commotion outside, ran out to look, and was beaten by the rebels with whips.Wei Jiansu was Wei Cou's son, although he was forced by Yang Guozhong's prestige in the court, he dared not speak.But he is not too bad, and there are many local officials.Someone recognized it and hurriedly said, "Don't hurt Wei Xianggong."

This was a lucky save of a life.

Soldiers surrounded the station again, and Li Longji asked what was going on.The left and right attendants said that it was Yang Guozhong's rebellion.Li Longji knew that it was impossible for Yang Guozhong to rebel. This was the soldier venting his anger, so he had to go out of the post gate to comfort the sergeant and order them to withdraw.But the soldiers disagree.

So Li Longji asked Gao Lishi to question him again.At this time Chen Xuanli replied: "Yang Guozhong was punished for treason, but Concubine Yang should no longer serve Your Majesty. May Your Majesty cut love and execute Concubine Yang."

This is the goal of the rebels. Why Li Longji didn't deal with political affairs is why Yang Yuhuan was confused.

Li Longji entered the station and stood silently for a long time leaning on his crutches.In a few days, he aged ten years.

After a long while, Minister Weier stepped forward and said, "It is hard to be outraged now, the situation is critical, and safety is just a moment away. I hope Your Majesty will make a decision soon."

After finishing speaking, he knelt down and kowtowed, blood streaming down his face.

Li Longji said: "Concubine Yang Gui is in the heavily guarded deep palace and does not make friends with outsiders. How did she know that Yang Guozhong was rebelling?"

Gao Lishi said a fair word: "Concubine Yang Gui is indeed innocent, but the soldiers killed Yang Guozhong. The concubine served by His Majesty's side, and they can't feel at ease. I hope His Majesty will think about it carefully. If the soldiers are at peace, Your Majesty will be safe."

Li Longji didn't speak, just stood there, until the noise outside became louder and louder, he was powerless to order Gao Lishi to lead Concubine Yang into the Buddhist hall and strangle her with a rope.

But hearing Yang Yuhuan's mournful cry, Li Longji burst into tears.

At this time, more than 1000 people came galloping from the west on horseback. The leading soldier was dressed very differently from the Central Plains soldiers, but his appearance was that of a Central Plains man.While galloping on horseback, he yelled, "Keep people under the knife."

I don't know, and I don't know whether to use poison, a rope, or a knife. Anyway, I want to keep people under the knife.

Wang Hua is back!
(End of this chapter)

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