Chapter 102 Beauty God
"It's a pity, it's a pity."

Just as Aphrodite was whispering the thoughts in her heart, a slightly cool breeze brushed over her skin as tender as creamy white jade, making Aphrodite squint her eyes comfortably.

But the next moment, Aphrodite's eyes, which were squinted because of the comfortable temperature, suddenly opened because of a word.

"Beauty, do you mind if I have your beauty?"

These molesting words made Aphrodite stunned, and couldn't help opening her eyes wide to see which god spoke such wild words.

After all, as a god symbolizing beauty, Aphrodite is also a symbol of beauty. As a god of beauty, there are many gods who love Aphrodite.

Even Zeus, who was the leader of the gods and won the most powerful god in the universe, had pursued Aphrodite.

This shows the charm of Aphrodite.

But until now, Aphrodite does not belong to any god. One can imagine how strong Aphrodite is.

His own strength shilling said, after all, no matter how strong his own strength is, it is impossible to be stronger than Zeus or Odin.

Zeus pursued Aphrodite, but why didn't Zeus succeed?
That's because Aphrodite knew that what made her stronger was actually the admiration of the gods for her.

Moreover, Aphrodite is also good at using the love of the gods for herself to build a protective barrier for herself.

Even Odin, in the case of Aphrodite's unwillingness, had to lose under this guardian barrier.

Since Zeus, the leader of the gods, was defeated, for tens of thousands of years, no god has ever made a declaration of love like himself.

They don't have the strength of Zeus, and they are afraid that they will become a thorn in Zeus' eyes when they declare their love. At the same time, they are also afraid that they will be attacked by the gods who love Aphrodite.

No god has even issued a declaration of love, let alone being molested.

How could Aphrodite not be surprised to be molested suddenly.

Looking at the god who teased her, Aphrodite suddenly realized that it was not a god, but a demigod.

And this demigod seems more like a man than a god.

"Demi god?"

Supported by the weight, Aphrodite leaned forward, stared into Su Ze's eyes, and asked a question with interest.

Unlike Aphrodite's interest, the gods behind Aphrodite looked at Su Ze with shocked eyes as long as they heard Su Ze's words before.

Among the group of gods, who doesn't know what Aphrodite represents?Beautiful flowers have a price, and this price made Zeus, the leader of the gods, have to stay away.

And now, there is another guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and wants to pick those beautiful flowers.

He is still a demigod, no wonder he is so ignorant.

After the shock, a large number of gods who admired Aphrodite suddenly became furious.

I saw a green-skinned, goblin-like god standing up with bared teeth.

"Boy, stay away from Lord Afro, do you want to die?!"

"Boy, leave Lord Avro, otherwise, I will tear you apart!"

"Kill him, he has defiled Lord Avro!"


As the goblin-like god spoke, as if a gunpowder keg had been ignited, more than half of the gods behind Aphrodite stood up and threatened Su Ze.

Among them, there are only male gods, and there are even female gods close to two levels.

The god of Su Ze who is closest has even left his seat, and it seems that he will attack Su Ze in the next moment.

This situation was completely unexpected by Su Ze. According to Su Ze's thinking, after provoking Aphrodite, he should provoke a god at will.

Provoking that god to do it, I took the opportunity to test the effect of my god-killing skill.

But now, Su Ze felt that he didn't need to provoke other gods anymore, Aphrodite was just a hornet's nest.

As long as you touch it, a lot of gods will jump out to act as flower protectors.

Although the plan has changed, it seems to be still within the selected plan.

In an instant, Su Ze made a choice, showed a sunny smile, and said.

"It's not a demigod, it's a human being."

After the words fell, Aphrodite showed a surprised expression on her beautiful face.

"But you obviously have half of the divinity in you."

"Divinity is just incidental, I am human."

Although he doesn't quite understand what divinity is, Su Ze feels that it is most likely related to his blood of the dragon.

But having a divinity does not prevent Su Ze from thinking that he is a human being, and he can only be a human being.

After Su Ze reiterated that she was human, Aphrodite seemed to understand something, and the original surprise on her face disappeared, replaced by disgust.

Although this disgust, it looks good on that delicate face.

"Dirty human beings, this is not the place for you to come, hurry back to your seat and wait for the demise of the gods!"

In Aphrodite's view, human beings are viruses on the earth. Because of the explosion of human population, life has become extinct for many years, and a lot of garbage has been produced, causing the beautiful environment to be destroyed.

There are even wars from time to time, causing disease and death to spread across the land.

As the god of beauty, Aphrodite believed that human beings were ugly and should be destroyed.

In the previous parliament, Aphrodite also voted for the destruction of mankind.

Now, Su Ze, who admits that he is a human being, is naturally disgusted by Aphrodite.

"Human, haven't you heard what Lord Afro said? If you don't leave, be careful that I will kill you!"

Before Su Ze could react, immediately, a tall god stood between Su Ze and Aphrodite, with a fierce look on his face.

Not only that, behind Su Ze, two gods surrounded him at this time, both wearing armor and with bulging muscles.

Su Ze didn't know these gods, but it seemed that these gods should belong to the Nordic system.

Although he said "Be careful, I'll kill you", but the god standing in front of Su Ze had a weapon in his hand, and he slashed directly at his head.

But Aphrodite, who saw this scene, had no expression on her delicate and beautiful face, she was extremely indifferent, and her eyes were full of disgust.

It's just a clown who doesn't know how to live or die. If it was a god, Aphrodite would dissuade it, but for humans, if you die, you die.

The tall god, with a ferocious smile on his face, seemed to be favored by Aphrodite as long as he killed Su Ze in front of him, he didn't hold back at all.

With this sword, he showed all his strength, even used his divine power, let alone a human being in front of him.

Even gods whose personality and strength are similar to their own have to die under this sword.

He had already begun to imagine that after he killed Su Ze, Aphrodite made a declaration of love to him.

(End of this chapter)

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