Super Seminary begins with the immortal body

Chapter 104 Please punish the sinner!

Chapter 104 Please punish the sinner!

Whoa! ! !
Almost at the moment when Sol's voice fell, all the audience and gods present were in an uproar and couldn't believe it.

how come?
It's only been 10 minutes since the Ragnarok competition started, and one person and one god in the ring haven't even officially started fighting.

A god has already died, not in the arena, but in the audience.

Do not,
Probably not a dead one,
That human also attacked two gods.

I don't know how those two gods are doing now.

Before any gods could see the life and death of the other two gods, on the arena, the corpses of the gods declared dead by Sol began to turn into spots of light and dissipate.

At the same time, on the ring, the body of the last god who was kicked away by Su Ze also turned into a light spot and dissipated in the world.

Such a scene made all the gods in the arena lose their voices.

All the gods know that the place where they are now is going to the Valhalla Arena, and the event being held is Ragnarok.

Ragnarok is a battle where life and even soul are at stake. Death in the Valhalla Arena, regardless of whether it is a human or a god, life and soul will be reduced to the tiniest dust in the universe.

That is to say, here, even if the gods die, their souls cannot be preserved, and they will die completely.

In the scene just now, the souls of the two gods dissipated and died completely.

The strange silence lasted only for a moment, and the gods were in an uproar again, looking at Su Ze with fear and anger.

That human being killed two gods, he is a godslayer, he is blaspheming, unforgivable!
"Master Zeus! Please punish this blasphemer!"

"Master Zeus! He is a sinner! A sinner!"

"Master Zeus! Please punish the sinner!"

"Master Zeus! Please punish the sinner!"

Almost instantly, most of the middle and lower gods in the audience shouted the name of the leader of the gods, Zeus.

He wants Zeus, the leader of the gods, to punish Su Ze.

After all, Su Ze killed two medium-level gods in an instant, and they would not dare to ask them to punish Su Ze.

With the strength shown by Su Ze, it is really impossible to know who will punish whom.

As most of the high-level gods, the gods watched their noses and noses, watched their hearts, and waited for Zeus' decision without saying a word.

Of course, not all the high-level gods were silent. Among them, Shiva, one of the three gods closest to Aphrodite, looked at Su Ze with a desire to explore.

From lying on his own seat to sitting on his own seat, he looked at Su Ze and said.

"Hey, human, are you one of the contestants?!"

Just when Su Ze was about to speak, a beautiful female voice sounded in the arena.

"He is, he is a contestant on the human side!"

From the moment Su Ze started working, Hilde noticed Su Ze.

She didn't understand what a human audience was doing running to the auditorium of the gods.

When she saw Su Ze coming to Aphrodite, Hilde felt that she wanted to understand the reason and saw Su Ze's death.

Things were similar to what Hilde thought, Su Ze was mobilized and attacked.

But the result was different from what Hilde thought. It was not that Su Ze was killed by the gods, but that Su Ze killed two of the gods under the siege of three gods.

Although all three are middle-level gods, middle-level gods are also gods.

It is impossible for humans to kill gods when they hold non-sacred weapons. This is common sense and truth.

Because the weapons of mortals can't break through the defense of the gods.

The unchanging truth is now broken by Su Ze, how could it not surprise Hilde.

After the surprise, there is joy.

At this moment, Hilde has almost decided that Su Ze can definitely become the trump card for the victory of human beings in this Ragnarok.

When Lord Shiva asked, Hilde directly identified Su Ze's identity, that is, the contestant of Ragnarok.

As long as he becomes a contestant in Ragnarok, Su Ze's life safety is protected by the Valhalla code during Ragnarok.

Even Zeus, who is the leader of the gods, theoretically cannot do anything to Su Ze before the code is revised.

The lives of two middle-level gods are nothing more than the life, how could it be as important as the code.

Sure enough, when Hilde's voice fell, those middle-level gods clamoring for Zeus to judge Su Ze all stopped clamoring, and turned their eyes to stare at Hilde who had spoken.

They all understand that the sacred Ragnarok, the contestants are protected.

In other words, no matter who Su Ze was or what he did before.

Just because of the words of the Valkyrie Hilde, it is impossible for Su Ze to be judged before the end of Ragnarok.

Just like Hilde thought, these middle and lower gods did not think that Zeus would break the regulations of the code because of the death of two middle gods.

Then, Hilde, who defined Su Ze's identity, would of course become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of many low-level gods clamoring for Zeus to judge Su Ze.


Untimely, a hearty laugh sounded in the silent arena, it was Shiva's laughter.

I saw Shiva sitting cross-legged in his position, with four arms, holding his hands behind his head, pressing his hands on his knees, and laughing loudly.

"Okay, it's really great, human, what's your name, I hope you can be my opponent and give you death."

At the same time, an old, even dying voice sounded when Shiva's voice fell.

"Valkyrie Hilde, bring the human players back and maintain the order of the arena. If there is a next time, I will have a hard time."

Although this aura was old, no one dared to refute his words, because it was the leader of the gods, Zeus, who said these words.

At the same time, as Zeus spoke, the gods also understood that the death of the two middle-level gods was in vain.

Of course, no god would speak to those two medium gods at this time, at least not now.

"I will, Lord Zeus."

After the voice fell, footsteps sounded, it was Hilde who had come to Su Ze's back.

"Contestant, please follow me back to where you should be."

Turning around and seeing that it was the Valkyrie Hilde, Su Ze nodded in agreement.

The goal has been achieved, and even qualified for the competition, Su Ze feels that there is no need for him to be here anymore.

However, before leaving, Su Ze looked sideways at Aphrodite, who had always been indifferent and disgusted, and said with a smile.

"Beauty, your figure is really good, I like it very much."

Su Ze left, leaving a kind of gnashing of teeth, wishing to kill his god now.

And because of being teased, Aphrodite's face was indifferent, her white and slender fingers were clenched together, and her breathing fluctuated.

 Thanks to the book friend "Fat House Fat House" for rewarding 100 book coins, thank you very much! !

  Thanks to the book friend "Xiaoyao Sword God" for rewarding 100 book coins, thank you very much! !

  Thanks to the book friend "I will never forget Qin Baobao in this life" for the reward of 100 book coins, thank you very much! !

(End of this chapter)

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