Chapter 109 Lu Bu vs Thor
Just when Lu Bu's halberd was about to hit Sol's neck, Sol moved.

Hearing only a "clang", the thunder hammer in Thor's hand blocked the route of the halberd, blocking the halberd.

The impact of the collision of the two weapons set off wanton shock waves in the arena, causing the clothes of the humans in the audience to fly.

At the same time, the marble floor on Sol's cheek, which had been strengthened by divine power, also shattered into countless cracks at this moment.

But Sol was still unmoved, his expression didn't change at all, as indifferent and arrogant as ever.

This scene was watched gently by Su Ze.

"Hiss~ He pretended to be there."

Just as Su Ze murmured in a low voice, Lu Bu moved again, and the halberd in his hand bounced off the momentum.

Lu Bu held the handle close to the head of the halberd and replaced the whole halberd. The handle that used to be the handle became the head of the halberd.
The next moment, the round halberd head directly stabbed Sol's throat.

This scene happened too fast, and the thunder hammer was too inconvenient. Sol had no time to stop it, and was attacked by Lu Bu.

When such a fragile part of the throat was attacked, even the gods could no longer remain indifferent.

Almost instantly, Saul had to go out.

However, Sol didn't fall down, but flew upside down for nearly ten meters, then half-kneeled and used Mjolnir to lean on the ground to stabilize his figure.

The other hand was covering the throat that was attacked by Lu Bu, his face was flushed, and his expression was painful.

Sol was very angry, angry that he was hit by a human being who he didn't care about at all, and even more angry that Lu Bu launched a sneak attack.

How can a halberd handle be used as a weapon?That is the place where you hold and control weapons. How can you disrespect weapons so much?
Thor was born a god, born with great power.

Even the battle with the Frost Giant was fatal in one blow. He hadn't been tempered by blood and fire at all, and he hadn't experienced the omnipotent battle on the battlefield.

That's why Sol has such anger.

But Lu Bu is different, Lu Bu is not born strong, it can only be said that he is very talented, honed on the battlefield, he has the strength he has today.

Lv Bu has experienced all kinds of battles on the battlefield. He even fought against a pack of hungry wolves on the grassland.

The dagger used as a weapon got stuck on the wolf corpse and could not be pulled out. Lu Bu could use his fists, teeth, and even wolf corpses as weapons.

Not to mention using the handle of a halberd as a weapon, such a thing, in the eyes of any human soldier, is a very normal thing.

As long as the enemy can be killed, even a stone or a brick is acceptable.

Sol, who couldn't accept it, wanted to question Lu Bu angrily.

But just as he was about to speak, Sol found that his throat was so sore that he couldn't make any sound at all.

Moreover, Sol saw that Lu Bu once again took out the usage of weapons that he could not understand.

I saw that at this time, Lu Bu changed the halberd that was originally held in two hands into one hand.

This was not over yet, what Lu Bu was holding with one hand turned out to be the very end of the handle of the halberd.

This is a long halberd with heavy weapons in both hands, even if it is held in both hands, it is not something ordinary people can play with.

But now Lu Bu is actually holding it with one hand, which is the most end and the most difficult place to exert force.

Saul was puzzled on purpose, wondering why Lu Bu did this, and what was the significance of doing it.

Is it to increase the difficulty for yourself?
Thor wanted to ask a question, but no sound came out.

But Sol believed that there was definitely a reason for Lu Bu to do this, and it was impossible to make such an abnormal move for no reason.

The bottom of my heart couldn't help but secretly became vigilant and made a defensive posture.

Holding the end of the halberd handle, Lu Bu's thoughts flashed for a moment.

In the past, it took me more than a dozen springs and autumns from comprehending that move to finally using it to become invincible in the world.

At that time, he was invincible in the world.

Now, can he rely on this trick to become invincible in the sky?
Then give it a try, listen to Mr. Su, it should be right.

Thinking of this, Lu Bu lightly pinched the horse's belly, and the Chitu horse instantly understood what its master meant, and galloped again.

It took less than ten seconds to start, jog, run fast, and finally gallop.

In the arena, a red shadow was seen flying around Sol.

After a few laps, Hong Ying rushed towards Sol who was holding a thunder hammer in a defensive posture while galloping.

Before the audience could figure out the situation, an incomparably fierce sword energy was struck out.

This is the real sword energy, without any mysterious power mixed in, it is pure air compressed to the extreme.

The invisible sword energy struck the wall of the auditorium, creating a huge gap in the marble wall strengthened by divine power.

Even, the impact of the sword qi affected some auditoriums. Under the impact of the sword qi, more than a dozen low-level gods were completely changed and covered in blood.

But at this time, no one went to watch these unlucky low-level gods, but all focused on watching the battle in the field, wanting to know what caused all this.

But at this time, Chen Gong, who was an insider, looked more excited than ever after seeing this move, and shouted loudly.


Tian Gu was the name of this move that Lu Bu used.

This is a move that can split the clouds in the sky. It is the unique skill that Lu Bu has achieved the reputation of being invincible in the world. It is also the unique skill that Lu Bu has honed his sword for ten years. Its power can be imagined.

Following Chen Gong's shouting, the sergeants of Lu Bu's army also understood what was happening, and also shouted out.




Each sound is louder and more passionate than the sound.

He looked like a tiger swallowing thousands of miles, full of admiration and trust for his own general from the bottom of his heart.

In their hearts, their own generals are invincible, no matter in the sky or in the world, they can be called invincible!

In the center of the arena, Sol, who had suffered Lu Bu's blow, had his entire foot sunk into the marble floor.

But even so, Saul smiled.

Although Lu Bu's attack was very strong this time, it was ridiculously strong, so strong that his arms were a little numb when he endured this attack.

But Sol still smiled, because he withstood the attack.

Such a powerful attack, Lu Bu is just a human being, can he use it again?

Bearing it means that Lu Bu's most powerful attack cannot defeat him, and he is already invincible. Next, it is his turn to attack.

He is already in an invincible position, and he has already secured the victory. He only needs to come up with detailed attacks to win the victory. Of course Sol will laugh.

Even though his throat was seriously injured and in great pain, Sol still let out a very hoarse laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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