Chapter 119 After Victory
When Lord Shiva turned on the fire of destruction, there was a slight pause, the pause was extremely short, but Su Ze caught the flaw.

That is, when the fire of destruction covered Lord Shiva's whole body, Su Ze grabbed the arm of Lord Shiva's hand.

The fire of destruction is the strongest magic of Lord Shiva, and it is also a move that hurts one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-damages.

The fire of destruction, which claims to be able to burn the universe, can also burn the body of Lord Shiva.

It can be said that Lord Shiva who started the fire of destruction started the countdown to life.

Likewise, all of this was worth it. The moment Su Ze came into contact with the fire of destruction, the flesh on Su Ze's hand was instantly burned.

The degree to which Su Ze's flesh was burned was even worse than that of Lord Shiva.

This has something to do with the strength of the body and the target of the fire of destruction. In comparison, Su Ze is not surprised.

God Shiva, who was grabbed by the arm, was a little disdainful at first.

The fire of destruction can burn up the universe, and even I can't hold it for a long time, let alone a mere human being.

Perhaps, Su Ze, who came into contact with the fire of destruction, would be burned to death by the fire of destruction without even needing to do anything himself.

But the look of disdain only lasted for a moment on the face of Lord Shiva. When Lord Shiva saw Su Ze's current situation, his five eyes opened wide at the same time.

Lord Shiva couldn't accept it. The fire of destruction followed Su Ze's contact and covered Su Ze's whole body.

And these fires of destruction are worthy of the name of destruction. Su Ze's body looks extremely miserable, with a large part of his body burned, even more serious than himself.

But the problem is that Su Ze's body is recovering, and Lord Shiva is very sure of this, because it is a recovery visible to the naked eye.

Undead ecstasy *(*)* Wow~
Even this kind of recovery has a vague meaning of being on the same level as destruction.

Now, God Shiva is really not calm, even more so than being grabbed by Su Ze's arm.

Because, Lord Shiva knows that when he uses the fire of destruction, he cannot use any means to recover himself, and the same is true for the enemies he encountered before.

Otherwise, God Shiva would not think of using the fire of destruction to deal with Su Ze, what he valued was the ability of the fire of destruction to suppress recovery and high damage, just like a gangrene.

But now, the inherent cognition of Lord Shiva has been broken, which is unacceptable for a while.

While God Shiva was in a daze, Su Ze made a move. You know, being burned by the fire of destruction is very painful.

Without any hesitation, Su Ze punched Lord Shiva with a punch.

In Su Ze's view, the fire of destruction is just a manifestation of Shiva's divine power. As long as he hits Shiva, he can make Shiva's divine power disappear.

Then, the fire of destruction, which is the manifestation of divine power, will definitely disappear.

A punch hit God Shiva's head, and the huge force made Shiva's face twisted, and he wanted to fly upside down.

However, because of the grasp of the arm, Lord Shiva did not fly out, but was held by Su Ze.

one punch,
two punches,

three punches,


Su Ze didn't forget that he was aggrieved just now, and finally seized the opportunity, of course he wanted to hit back with a punch.

Similarly, after reacting, Lord Shiva raised his fist and greeted Su Ze.

Moreover, Lord Shiva has three fists, which seems to have the upper hand.

Some gods and audiences were also human beings, shouting excitedly.

After a sound like a watermelon bursting, Su Ze stopped the movement in his hands, let go of the hand that was holding the arm of Lord Shiva, and the headless body of Lord Shiva fell to the ground.

At this moment, the audience fell into silence without a single sound.

No one expected that compared to the first duel, the second duel would be so visually impactful and powerful.

Whether it was Su Ze or Lord Shiva, neither player used weapons, but instead used their fists as weapons.

Fist to the flesh, beat each other.Until one party dies, it makes people's blood boil.

However, what the gods did not expect was that the final winner was different from what they had imagined.

The battle where the gods were supposed to have the upper hand by relying on the strength of the gods, but instead let the humans win.

The two consecutive defeats made the gods silent, but the two consecutive victories made the human audience cheer.

At this moment, human beings finally picked up the pride that lasted for 600 million years, letting people know that human beings are not vassals of gods, and human beings are not all ants in front of gods.

Among human beings, there are strong people who can kill gods!
When human beings face the gods, they don't have to be caught and manipulated arbitrarily.

When the gods were silent and the people were happy, some careful people discovered that although the god Shiva had died, the gray flame on Su Ze's body had not been extinguished.

As one of those who discovered this, Hilde's face was very ugly, but she knew how powerful the fire of destruction of God Shiva was.

The audience of the gods also began to notice this.

"The flame on that human body doesn't seem to be going out."

"The fire of destruction of Lord Shiva is the existence that can burn the universe."

"It's so strong, does that mean that this human being won't survive in the end?"

"If there is no way to contain the fire of destruction, that human will definitely be burned to ashes in the end."

"Is there any way to contain it?"

"do not know."

While the gods were whispering and their smiles gradually became more arrogant, Heimdall, as the host, returned to the arena.

After observing the state of Lord Shiva and confirming that Lord Shiva was completely dead, he announced loudly.

"The winner of the second duel is the human Fang Suze!"

However, when the winner was announced, Heimdall was at least ten meters away from Su Ze.

Heimdall is well aware of the power of Lord Shiva's destructive fire, and the destruction in the power of Lord Shiva is not just talk.

Therefore, Heimdall did not want to get burned at all.

After announcing the winner, Heimdall quickly left the arena, leaving only Su Ze in the arena, silently enduring the pain of the flames of destruction.

Su Ze is very helpless and uncomfortable now, because the previous wrong prediction made him burn himself.

Su Ze didn't hear any winners, let alone cheers, due to the pain of burning his body.

In the ear, there is only the sound of "呵呵" of the flames burning the flesh.

Checking his abilities, Su Ze found that he seemed to have no good way to deal with it other than waiting for himself to adapt to the fire of destruction.

Tentatively, he condensed some water flow, trying to let it extinguish the flames on his body, but it didn't have the slightest effect.

That's right, the fire of destruction is not an ordinary flame just by hearing the name, and it's strange that the water can be extinguished.

Fortunately, I have an immortal body, and I can still stand it.

But it doesn't seem to be the solution to be burned like this all the time.

It seems that the Valkyrie should be asked if there is a way to deal with the fire of destruction.

(End of this chapter)

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