Chapter 125

As far as the elves' ability to heal injuries, not to mention other people, even Su Ze was a little moved.

The reason why I asked the elves why they didn't continue to follow was that I wanted to develop a relationship with the elves and try to see if I could make a contract or something.

Maybe, the mother tree shields the elves' language, there is also such a consideration, it is to prevent other races from communicating with the elves, so as to save the innocent and lovely elves from being deceived.

Farewell to the elves, Su Ze and Hilde returned to the lounge.

Su Ze directly took Aduro's body out of the system space and threw it on the ground, and said.

"Ragnarok is really dangerous. If you kill an opponent in the arena, you still need to worry about revenge from your opponent's friends."

"Feel sorry."

Hilde thought that Su Ze was blaming himself for being unfavorable in protection, so he immediately apologized.

Waving his hand to show that he didn't mean that, Su Ze pointed at Aduro and said.

"That's not what I mean, what I mean is, can we take this guy's body and do something to kill the majesty of those gods?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I just asked because I didn't have any good ideas."

There was silence in the lounge, and neither of them spoke again.

Staring at the corpse in front of him, Hilde's thoughts raced in his mind. His own strength is placed here, and it is almost impossible to protect the player from the hands of the higher gods.

Thinking of the need for Su Ze to appear in the battle tomorrow, Hilde said.

"It's very late today, you should go to rest first, I'll figure out a solution for this matter, you keep your spirits, and deal with the next battle, this is related to the survival of human beings, and there is no room for loss."

Although he was not physically tired, the pain was not fake after being burned by the fire of destruction for so long today. Su Ze also felt very tired mentally, so he nodded and went to the room to rest.

After Su Ze left, Hilde restrained Aduro's body, thinking to himself, hoping that the Valahala court would be fair and just.

If his own strength does not allow, he can only pin his hopes on the court.

Speaking of it, I'm really not reconciled.

The next day,

The Valahala arena was full of voices, and the third duel was about to begin, and the audience on the human side was in high spirits.

The current human beings have completely lived up to the cautiousness that has just come to Valahala, and even when looking at the gods opposite, they no longer decide that they are superior.

The reason for all this is that the two battles yesterday and the day before yesterday allowed humans to see the real gods.

Let human beings realize that gods and spirits are just more powerful creatures, and even this kind of power is not something that is elusive.

Humans can also be so powerful, even stronger than them.

The gods are not omnipotent, the gods are no longer far away, and the gods can be killed.

With such a consensus, even most human beings are still unable to match the gods, but they are no longer afraid of the gods.

Just after yesterday's duel, many more courageous humans have already started wandering around Valhalla, and they don't seem to regard it as a holy place where gods live.

Although they were expelled a lot, they were not afraid, but full of resentment.

This kind of dissatisfaction has been brought to today's arena, and the emotions have become high, and the voice has become louder.

And in the auditorium of gods on the opposite side, many gods were also full of anger. The place where they rested was actually stepped on by humble humans, and they even pointed at them.

In the eyes of many gods, this is an insult.

Today, the gods are almost all silent, with a sense of anger in their hearts.

The reason for not making a sound is because of the failure of the first two battles, the loser has no right to speak out.

But the failure ended here, because the representative of the gods today is an absolute god, the god of gods, the sea god Poseidon in the Greek pantheon.

The strength of Poseidon does not lie only in his strength, he is a real god, and he upholds the principles of gods from beginning to end.

God does not gather together, God does not plot, God does not depend on others.

Poseidon believes that gods are perfect from the beginning, and only those who are perfect from the beginning can be called gods.

And Poseidon is like a creed, a perfect god from the beginning.

His power made the thirteen gods of the Greek gods Olympus become the current twelve gods.

It was a long time ago, when there were still thirteen gods in the Greek Olympus god system, after Zeus won the competition for the strongest god in the universe, he became the strongest god in the universe.

However, the power of Zeus shocked the gods, but not his brother.

Zeus is not the elder brother of the contemporary Olympian gods, but the younger brother.

Above Zeus, there are older brothers, one of whom is Poseidon.

But Poseidon upholds the principle of God, and there is no change.

As the elder brother of Zeus, Atomaxu couldn't understand Zeus becoming the boss of the Olympian gods.

A Tuo Moxu believes that the status of the younger brother should not be higher than that of the elder brother.

Therefore, Atomasu raised his troops and gathered almost all the gods of the Olympus gods, intending to kill Zeus in one fell swoop and become the new god of the universe.

But what people never expected was that this god would launch a battle of gods to win the title of god of the universe.

When wooing the last Olympian god other than Zeus, choose the halberd and sink into the sand.

And the last Olympian god was none other than Poseidon, ruler of the oceans, probably a tyrant.

A battle of gods involving the gods of the whole universe was eliminated by Poseidon in that castle that day.

And, because of Poseidon's words, the thirteen gods of Olympus became the current twelve gods of Olympus.

Poseidon upholds the principle that gods do not gather together, do not plot, and do not rely on others, and believe that A Tuomo, who offends them all, is not a god.

And such a perfect god of gods will be the fighter in this duel. All the gods, even Zeus, believe that this will be Poseidon's crushing of human fighters.

There is no other reason, Poseidon is powerful, perfect, and deeply rooted in the heart of God.

The gods didn't even dare to look directly into Poseidon's eyes, and didn't dare to do anything against the three principles of gods in front of Poseidon.

I am afraid that Poseidon will think that they are not worthy of being gods, so they will be removed from the gods.

The gods are afraid of Poseidon, but they also hope that Poseidon can turn the tide and save face for the gods.

They wanted to shout for Poseidon, but because of the fear in their hearts, they kept silent.

This is the reason for the current situation where human emotions and voices are high, and the gods are silent.

A figure slowly came to the center of the arena, which had undergone a drastic change. Now the periphery of the arena has become a vast ocean with rough waves.

And that figure, with slightly heavy steps, slowly came to the center of the arena, which seemed much smaller in the center of the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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