Super Seminary begins with the immortal body

Chapter 136 Unexpected Expansion

Chapter 136 Unexpected Expansion
"No, it's impossible."

Looking at the dozens of corpses thrown out of the mist, the gods murmured in disbelief.

In less than 10 minutes, dozens of gods who entered the mist had already been killed.

The only god who escaped back was lying in front of Zeus, speaking with lingering fear.

"Master Zeus, you must not enter the mist. After entering the mist, the divine power will disappear. We need to strike from the outside."

Su Ze's ability to restrain the gods is something that all the gods are well aware of. Before entering the fog, the gods have also been mentally prepared.

But after entering the mist, the divine power disappeared, and the unsuitable feeling of being so weak that it couldn't be added made the fleeing god feel weak in his legs.

Helping up the god lying in front of him, Zeus looked at Odin with a gloomy face and nodded to him.

Odin also nodded, and then an electric arc appeared on his body, causing the two talking crows that were standing on his shoulders to fly into the air.

Immediately afterwards, above the mist, dark clouds gathered, as if...

The next moment, a thunderbolt fell into the mist, hit Su Ze, and the lightning flashed.

Odin didn't stop because the thunder hit Su Ze, but he knew that Su Ze could quickly recover from his injuries.

Even without the fact that Su Ze would recover from his injuries, Odin didn't think he could kill Su Ze with the power of a thunderbolt.

The thunder is like a waterfall, one after another, falling continuously.

Soon, the air was filled with a strange burnt smell, wondering if Su Ze had been scorched by the thunder.

In the fog enough to cover a certain amount of vision, Lu Bu worriedly looked at Su Ze who was bathed in thunder.

Although Su Ze said that he was fine, a thunder of this magnitude could not hurt him at all.

But walking around, whether it will penetrate the air, or even hit the ground with a big hole in the arc, still made Lu Bu worried.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lu Bu to know whether the battery would explode. He didn't even know what a battery was.

But Lu Bu could tell that Su Ze had been using himself to store the thunder that fell from the sky.

Lu Bu didn't know what Su Ze was thinking, and he didn't ask.

But what I don't know is that it is impossible for Su Ze to receive the thunder without limit. The power of the thunder is powerful. No matter how powerful Su Ze is, the thunder that can be stored in the body will be limited.

Now Su Ze is almost becoming a thunder aggregate. It seems that he has reached the limit, and the arc block on his body can't stop it.

Just when Lu Bu was about to say something, Su Ze suddenly moved.

Su Ze, who was surrounded by thunder, suddenly stretched out his hand.

The electric arc on his body, as if being summoned, swam from the surface of the body to the palm of his hand.

In just a few seconds, the electric arc gathered into a ball in Su Ze's palm, exuding a dazzling light, as well as a scalp-numbing crackling sound.

Looking at the sphere formed by the electric arc, Lu Bu felt the threat of death, and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

But Lu Bu didn't retreat. How could Lu Bu, who dared to ask the sky for the enemy, retreat at this time.

Even if there is a deadly threat in front of him, that won't work.

Su Ze smiled when he saw Lu Bu's small movements.

"Marquis Wen, next, you're still going to play."

Before Lu Bu could understand Su Ze's words, the thunder ball in Su Ze's hand instantly shot towards the direction where the gods gathered.

At this time, the gods on the periphery couldn't really see what was going on in the mist, they could only see the countless thunderbolts falling into the mist.

But just now, light suddenly radiated from the mist.

Also before the gods figured out the situation, a dazzling light shot out from the mist.

The next moment, Odin's pupils shrank suddenly.

what is this?
Thunder Aggregator?

Such thunder.

I can't do it either.

Under the watchful eyes of all the gods, a thunderball that released a dazzling ray shot towards it at such a high speed that most of the gods could not dodge it.

The thunder ball brushed past Odin's body standing in the front, half of Odin's body disappeared in an instant.

And it was even more unlucky to face the god who was shot by the thunder ball. His body was directly evaporated by the huge energy and heat of the thunder ball.

After vaporizing several gods, Thunder stopped.

Just as the gods were terrified and secretly rejoiced that they wanted to stay away from the thunder ball, the thunder ball exploded without warning.

However, the roar of the explosion was not loud, but countless electric arcs burst out, shooting at the surrounding gods.

The characteristics of the current, especially the characteristics of the high-voltage current, needless to say, the gods who are extremely densely positioned are instantly connected by the current.

At this moment, all the gods hit by the arc lost their divine power.

At the same time, a figure shot out from the mist, with a cruel and cheerful smile, and the halberd swept across.

With just one click, Lu Bu, who used the Heavenly Ghoul technique, directly cut off a large number of gods standing in the front.

Among them, even Zeus, who is the father of the gods, and Odin, whose body is half missing.

Um, by the way, and that Susanoo.

As for some other gods, I won't go into details, because there are too many.

It can be said that the coordinated attack of Su Ze and Lu Bu almost wiped out most of the advanced combat power of the gods.

But this was just an attack, Lu Bu used the Heavenly Shovel, there was no pressure at all.

The scene of dealing with the previous wave of gods reappeared on the battlefield.

Walking out of the mist, Su Ze looked at Lu Bu who was raging on the battlefield, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As expected of Lu Bu, this battle like chopping vegetables and melons can directly be called Lu Bu, a ghost and god.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Su Ze put his mind on the dark clouds that had not dissipated in the sky, and took over.

Thunder like rain appeared again.

It's just that the person released this time has changed, and the target has also changed.

The gods that Su Ze targeted were mainly gods who wanted to escape.

Although I don't know why things developed like this, but since it has been done, let's do it absolutely.

Su Ze doesn't want to have any more unsatisfactory things like before, and doing things absolutely is good for the human beings in this world.

In the future, if he leaves this world, the gods don't care about it, and then think about destroying a human being or something.

Human beings should not be destroyed by other things, even if they are destroyed, they should be destroyed by themselves.

Thinking of this, Su Ze felt that his soul had been sublimated.

When a golden light appeared in the sky, Su Ze looked at the bloody battlefield, the humans who had gathered, and the remaining gods who were lucky and had no malice towards humans, and said.

"Today is called Ragnarok!"

(End of this chapter)

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