Super Seminary begins with the immortal body

Chapter 138 Su Xiaoli's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 138 Su Xiaoli's Careful Thoughts

In the coffee shop, Du Qiangwei had been working for more than three hours, and three cups of coffee were served, with a sad look on her face.

A big beauty with a hot body and good looks, sad and sad, there are already more than a dozen young talents who claim to be young and promising, and they can't help but strike up a conversation.

The waiters in the coffee shop also said that it's been a long time.

But Du Qiangwei didn't give those young talents any good looks, and didn't even respond, as if she didn't hear or see.

If it was in the past, according to Du Qiangwei's personality, it must be a blunt rejection to dispel the thoughts that those young talents should not have.

However, Du Qiangwei had something on her mind today, so she was not in the mood to talk to them at all.

This matter is simple to say, that is how to have a conflict with Su Ze so that it does not appear so abrupt.

More importantly, if this conflict happened, Su Ze had to ignore it.

Although in Du Qiangwei's heart, Su Ze is a womanizer.

But the problem is, there are two beauties in Su Ze's family who are not inferior to her in appearance and figure.

More importantly, before, Su Ze didn't give himself a good face, and it was impossible for him to provoke himself.

Su Ze doesn't provoke himself, and Su Ze has to blame for the conflict.

Such a task is too difficult for a human being.

Now, Du Qiangwei can't wait to tell Su Ze all about Du Kao's plan directly, so that he can cooperate with her.

It takes too much brain cells.

Compared with Du Qiangwei's exhaustion, Su Ze's side is much more comfortable.

Su Ze Xiaoli's Xiaoli Milk Tea Shop, because it has become an online celebrity shop, the business is extremely hot.

In just a few months, the second branch has been opened.

Su Ze, on the other hand, was pulled by Su Xiaoli as a free labor force to help carry some equipment and materials of the branch.

As for why he didn't spend money to find someone to carry it, Su Xiaoli gave the reason that because the rent of the branch was too high, he had no money.

What can Su Ze say?
Of course nothing can be said.

Just now, Su Ze moved the last machine into the shop.

Su Xiaoli waved his small hand, indicating that he would take Su Ze and two shop assistants to have a big meal together.

Su Ze didn't know why Su Xiaoli didn't even have the money to hire workers to carry a few machines, but she could eat whatever she wanted at the dining table, saying that she, Su Xiaoli, was not short of money.

After the food was served, the two shop assistants didn't even say a word, and concentrated on conquering the food in less than 10 minutes.

The two clerks said that they were full, and they left first when they had something else to do.

From an angle that Su Ze couldn't see, the two young ladies clenched their fists at Su Xiaoli and mouthed "Boss, come on!"

After sending the two of them away, Su Xiaoli suddenly suggested whether he would like some wine.

Looking at the car keys at hand, Su Ze put them in his pocket.

There is a saying, don't drive while drinking, and don't drive after drinking.

Su Ze is a good citizen who abides by the law, so Su Ze decided to ask for the driver.

When the waiter brought a piece of beer, Su Xiaoli opened two bottles with a "bang bang" and handed Su Ze a bottle, saying that he was not very good at drinking, so he wanted one first, and then he would ask for it if he didn't have enough.

Su Ze showed an embarrassed but polite smile, and directly ordered one, and asked for it if it was not enough. You said you are not very good at drinking?
As a former Qilu native, of course Su Ze couldn't say anything, just drink.

But what Su Ze never expected was that Su Xiaoli was so good at drinking. The two drank three drinks in total, twelve bottles for one and eighteen bottles for each.

If such an amount is placed on a big man, it may not be a big deal.

But you must know that Su Xiaoli has not yet awakened the super gene, even if there is some improvement in physical fitness, it is almost negligible.

Su Ze could only express surprise that such a girl who was only as tall as Su Ze's shoulders drank eighteen bottles of beer.

Of course, after drinking so much, Su Xiaoli has already reached his limit, looking drunk.

It is basically impossible for Su Xiaoli to check out, Su Ze can only check out by himself.

Just when Su Ze was about to check out, he heard Su Xiaoli speak.

"Su Ze, don't go~"

Su Ze, who just got up, couldn't help but pause, looking at Su Xiaoli who was struggling to get up.

Su Xiaoli is obviously too guilty to be drunk anymore, how could he stand up, he was crooked and about to fall.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Su Ze grabbed him.

There are all corners and corners here, and if they bump into each other, it will definitely be a big deal.

"Don't go, don't go, I'm here to drink with you, how could I go?"

Softly comforting, Su Ze wanted to put Su Xiaoli back in the seat.

It's not that Su Xiaoli is too heavy or something, it's mainly because Su Ze was a little too free-spirited in Aphrodite's body some time ago.

The moment he hugged Su Xiaoli, under the soft stimulation, little Su Ze stood at attention.

This made Su Ze a little embarrassed, although Su Xiaoli was drunk now and didn't know what was going on.

But the problem is, if Su Xiaoli didn't have the fragments and remembered it after sobering up, wouldn't it be the scene of a large-scale social death.

However, Su Ze couldn't easily send Su Xiaoli back to the chair. He was hugged by Su Xiaoli's arm and embedded in it, unable to break free.

Su Ze has the ability to break free, but he uses too much force, Su Ze is afraid of hurting Su Xiaoli.

So soft, it must be fragile.

Bowing slightly without making a fuss, Su Ze spoke softly.

"Xiao Li, sit down first, I'll get you a glass of water, you're drunk."

"No, I'm not drunk." Although his eyes were blurred and his cheeks were flushed, Su Xiaoli made a casual voice that was completely inconsistent with his influence.

"Stay with me, just stay with me."

Facing a request from such a girl, what can Su Ze do?
Of course I promised her.

Just like that, Su Ze put the two seats together without saying anything.

Su Ze is right, even if Su Xiaoli doesn't admit it, it's useless, she is really drunk.

It may be because of the posture, holding Su Ze's arm, not long after, Su Xiaoli let out a slight snoring sound, which sounded like a kitten "purring", it was really cute.

Obviously, Su Xiaoli fell asleep.

Gently pulling out his arm, Su Ze went to pay and then returned to the box.

Not long after, Su Ze walked out of the box holding the sleepy Su Xiaoli in the eyes of the waiters full of complicated meanings.

In the hearts of the waiters, Su Ze's image has become inversely proportional to his appearance.

Before Su Ze walked out of the store, a young-looking waiter rushed to Su Ze.

Because of nervousness, the waiter's fingers were only clenched together, and his knuckles were a little white.

But he still stared at Su Ze's eyes firmly, and stopped in front of Su Ze.

"First, sir, do you need any help?"

(End of this chapter)

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