Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 206 Married

Chapter 206 Married
The Chu family has temporarily settled down in this paradise, and the children of the family are very excited. The cultivation environment here is many times better than that in Qingyang City, and they have higher expectations for the future.

Yiyang and Shangguan Yutong didn't rush to this place in a hurry, and it was very pleasant to visit the mountains and rivers along the way.

Finally, half a year later, the two who had had enough fun came to this place surrounded by mountains, and Yiyang would also open this formation. It was Lan Fengli who taught him back then. He looked at Shangguan Yutong with a smile and said:
"This place is beautiful, you will like it if you keep it."

After speaking, he turned his hands, and soon, a hole appeared in that place, and Shangguan Yutong said in surprise:
"This is a formation, it's amazing, you can't see it here at all, so let's go in and see how beautiful it is?"

After finishing speaking, she walked in quickly, followed closely by Yiyang.

However, when they landed, what they saw was not the beauty of the fairyland, but yellow sand all over the ground, gray fog all over the sky, mixed with the roar of the strong wind.

"Brother, is this the beautiful scenery you mentioned?"

"Why has the scenery here changed? I didn't go to the wrong place, Junior Sister, don't worry, let's look around."

After Yiyang finished speaking, he walked inside, stepping on the yellow sand, facing the gray fog, vaguely visible figures could be seen in the distance, but when he looked closely, it was still just a sea of ​​fog.

He turned around, but Shangguan Yutong was nowhere to be seen, his heart tightened, and he called anxiously: "Junior Sister, Junior Sister..."

It's just that the shout seemed to only ring in his ears, and then dissipated with the wind. He punched the gray mist, only to create a circle of ripples, and then wandered wantonly in the air. The yellow sand that walked on the ground has disappeared. His original footprints .

Yiyang felt restless for no reason, what kind of mess is this?What about the original Wonderland?Fengli and the others should have arrived, right?
Thinking of Lan Fengli, he couldn't help cursing: "Bad boy, do you want to use a formation-breaking method to welcome your master? When I get out, I'll beat you up first."

As soon as Yiyang's scolding came to an end, the scenery in front of him changed, and finally it was the fairyland he saw. Shangguan Yutong was still standing by his side.

"Junior Sister, didn't you startle me?"

Yiyang looked at Shangguan Yutong nervously and carefully.

"Master, how is it? Does it feel good inside?"

Yu'er's voice interrupted Yiyang's concerned words.

"It turned out to be you kid. Seeing that the master didn't open the formation sooner, why did you learn badly from your father?"

"Master, Dad has never been bad, how do you learn it? I just want to try how effective the array I set up is? I just learned this, Master, you should praise me a few words."

At this time, Yu'er had already come in front of Yiyang and the others, smiling, it was hard to make people get angry again.

Shangguan Yutong laughed, "Yu'er, you should trap him for a while longer."

Yiyang looked at her suspiciously, what do you mean?Didn't it trap her?
He looked with his long and narrow eyes, snorted, and walked towards his cave.

He ran into Chu Mulou and Lu Bei head on.

"Yiyang, why did you come here? You seem to be in a good mood to be accompanied by a beautiful woman!"

Lu Bei said with a smile.

"When I first arrived in Zhongyu, I naturally wanted to appreciate it, so it was too late. Are you two waiting for me? Haha."

"I'm really waiting for you, I have something to tell you."

Chu Mulou said with a smile beside him.

Yiyang looked at Chu Mulou and asked, "Brother Chu, what's the matter? Could it be my two disciples' happy event?"

"Yiyang, you are smart, come and talk in my cave."

Shangguan Yutong followed Yu'er to see her cave, which was built by Qingyi for her, and the cave was also equipped with spirit gathering arrays and time arrays.

Shangguan Yutong immediately liked this place. She had to hurry up and practice, so as not to be left further and further away by her senior brother, and finally couldn't keep up with her footsteps. How could she become a Taoist companion?

The result of the discussion between Yiyang and Chu Mulou is that a simple wedding banquet will be held here for the two of them. After all, the children are so old, and Qingyi will not like any big double cultivation ceremony.

Later, Yiyang asked Lan Fengli, and he didn't like any double-break ceremonies. Of course, Yiyang would not know that he, an apprentice who was once indifferent like the wind, would also secretly buy vulgar storybooks to read. So far, he likes it. Marriage is a matter of secular affairs, not a weekend of seeking Taoism.

Just like that, before Qingyi knew it, she was married off by her second uncle and master.

In order not to wrong Qingyi, and for Lan Fengli to have a certain status in the Chu family, Yiyang, who is not only his master, but also Lan Fengli's only relative and elder, paid a lot of money.

He took out all the treasures and spirit stones from the storage ring, and he was still busy, and he also brought Shangguan Yutong's storage ring, and made a betrothal gift together.

Lan Fengli handed over many of the magic weapons he refined to the Chu family, as well as 500 million high-grade spirit stones.

When Lan Fengli took out so many spirit stones, Chu Nantian, Chu Mulou and others were a little surprised. How could this kid have so many spirit stones?

Lan Fengli will not tell them that he has a son who makes money, and that the top-quality spirit stones from the Immortal Mansion and the treasures obtained from the North Xuhai Demon Dragon were all replaced by Yu'er with spirit stones for his father's future. Of course, he, as a son, strongly supports him.

Li Shuangwan was busy embroidering a wedding dress for Qingyi. She was born in a small cultivator's family, and many rules and etiquettes followed common customs. When she married Chu Mingyang, it was a common wedding.

She was extremely excited to be able to embroider a wedding dress for her daughter this time.

In short, many people in the family are busy with Qingyi's happy event, while the person concerned is practicing in the cave in a cool manner.

Half a year later, Qingyi has practiced in the time formation for five years, and her cultivation has stabilized at the early stage of Yuanying, and even reached the peak of the early stage.

As soon as she came out of the formation, she was pulled away by Yu'er.

"Mother, why have you practiced for so long, didn't you mean you only practiced for a month or two?"

"There is no time to practice, and there is nothing wrong anyway."

"It's okay, you're getting married!"

"Who to marry? Why don't I know."

"My dad, do you still want to marry someone else?"

"I don't want to marry, I want to hurry up and practice, and then ascend!"

"That won't work. I'm already this old. How long do you want Daddy to wait? Are you waiting to do it with your son?"

"You bad boy, why are you facing him instead of mother?"

"This is for you, Daddy is so kind, don't say you don't like it in your heart, you don't mean it!"


In this way, two days later, Qingyi was put on a red wedding dress by a group of enthusiastic clansmen, and to the sound of drum music, she worshiped heaven and earth in a daze.

Seeing Gaotang's second uncle, grandfather, parents and master all looking happy, Qingyi curled her lips secretly, why are they all happier than her?She is only nervous now.

Finally, of course, is to enter the bridal chamber, the bridal chamber is Lan Fengli's cave, and the red color of the room renders festive and mysterious.

Inside the bridal chamber: "Junior Sister, why are you so far away from me?"

"You, your eyes are quite scary."

"It's hard to restrain yourself when you are deeply in love, don't you like it?"

"You'd better be reserved."

"If you hold back for a long time, you will get internal injuries."

"I have a pill here."

"Junior Sister, don't keep avoiding me, you will really get hurt."

"I didn't hit you again."

"Why don't you hit me a few times."

"Brother, you, how did you become so bad?"

"Yu'er said, bad points are good."

"You, you, stay away from me... woo woo woo..."

There is a dream in the hidden branches of the moon, and the spring breeze is full of tenderness!

(End of this chapter)

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