Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 215 Small talk

Chapter 215 Small talk
At this time, the two Nascent Soul cultivators who were protecting the woman had already recovered a lot. They glanced at each other, and it was really hard to believe what they saw just now.

These monks are not from Wanliu City, they look so young, and their cultivation bases are all in the early stage of Nascent Soul. The most important thing is that they two monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul seem to have no way to fight back in front of the five monks in the middle stage Without strength, he could only retreat steadily, and almost lost his life.

But what did they see?Four versus five, fighting is like cutting melons and vegetables, don't be too easy, okay?This makes them want to cover their faces with their hands and never see anyone again.

But that was just the thoughts of the two of them. After realizing it, they quickly got up, wiped the blood on their faces, walked up to Lan Fengli and bowed their hands in thanks.

"Thank you for saving my life."

Mao'er waved his hand indifferently, "You're welcome, you are from Wanliu City?"

"Yes, we live in Wanliu City. My name is Ning Jie, and his name is Ning Hai. This is our niece, Ning Jiayan. I don't know where the fellow Taoists are going? If you don't mind, you can go to our family to have a rest. Say our thanks."

One of the older monks replied.

Mao'er didn't speak any more, but looked at Qingyi and Lan Fengli.

Qingyi looked at Ning Jiayan, this is a beautiful and kind woman, she never cared about herself and others at the moment of life and death, it was because they heard her words that they decided to save each other.

Seeing Qingyi looking at her, Ning Jiayan quickly bent down to salute her, and extended the invitation again.

"Then let's go together, we have other things to do when we go to Wanliu City, so we won't bother your family."

So there were three more people in the accompanying team.

It was still a day's journey away from Wanliu City, and because all three members of the Ning family were injured, they did not walk fast.

Qingyi chose to go with them, but actually wanted to know about the situation of the Pei family, so she chatted slowly with Ning Jiayan who was walking beside her, and soon changed the topic to Wanliu City.

"It turns out that you just came here from the Western Continent. Wanliu City is just a small town in the Central Region. The Pei family is the largest family here, followed by our Ning family and Huang family.

Every hundred years there will be a big family competition in the city, just to compete for the largest mine vein in Wanliu City and the management right of the teleportation array in the city. It has been hundreds of years, and the big competition has been taken away by the Pei family, so their family has developed more and more. come stronger. "

The more Ning Jiayan spoke, the lower her tone became. Qingyi was sensitive to the change in her tone, and tried to ask:
"The Pei family is chasing you today, isn't it?"

"Well, although I don't know those monks, I know it must be Pei Yiyi."

Pei Yiyi?Qingyi thought of what Mao'er said that day, when the rain was thundering, it was a young girl from the Pei family who provoked it, could it be her?
"Why did she want to kill you?"

"This year's Grand Competition is coming again. Originally, their family was still firmly in first place, but three years ago, the ancestor of his family was killed. In this way, their family has no advantage in the competition of cultivators in the transformation stage.

There are three grades of competition with big scores, the alchemy stage, the nascent soul stage and the transformation stage.

That Pei Yiyi was afraid of losing to me in the golden elixir competition, so she wanted to kill me. In fact, whether to kill me or not, the first should be theirs. Maybe this is just an excuse for her to get rid of me. "

Ning Jiayan became more depressed as she spoke, Qingyi was a little confused, and asked again:

"Didn't it mean that the ancestor of their family was killed? Why is their family the first one? Besides, your family can join forces with the Huang family!"

Ning Jiayan shook her head, "It's useless, they still have a strong backer now, so they should ask for help."

"Backing? Can your Dabi invite foreign aid?"

"Have you ever heard of Night City?"

Qingyi nodded hastily, it seems that today's people are not saved in vain, and they can hear a lot of news.

"The younger sister of the head of the Pei family married the Lord of the City of Darkness a few years ago. If there is help from the City of Darkness, Wanliu City will always belong to the Pei family."

It turns out that they are still in-laws, which is a bit difficult to handle. Does Yu'er want to keep transforming?
"Since it's the big competition in your city, they won't forcefully interfere in Night City, right?"

"That's impossible. After all, Wanliu City is affiliated with the Meng family of the three major families. If the rules of the calendar world are not followed, Dark Night City will forcibly intervene, which will cause dissatisfaction of the Meng family.

If they sent monks to participate in the competition, the result would still be the same. "

"You can invite me too!"

"Where do we go to invite, even if we have spirit stones, we can't find anyone!"

Ning Jiayan sighed helplessly, Qingyi bowed her head in thought, the Chu family moved to the central region, although they brought a lot of spirit stones, but if there were no mineral veins, they would be exhausted sooner or later.

Thinking of the teleportation array just mentioned, Qingyi really wanted to build a teleportation array in her family and here, it would be much more convenient in the future.

They will face the mighty Dark Night City in the future, so they can't let his small forces grow, and their own family also needs allies.She thought about it, then asked:
"Even if you get the mine, do you still have to hand it over to the Meng family?"

"Only hand in 30.00%, there is still a lot left."

"Is this the only vein in Wanliu City? Where do you usually get your spirit stones from?"

"In addition to this large mine vein, each of our three families has a small mine vein, which can only maintain the cultivation of the family. It is impossible to buy good medicine and materials."

The conversation between the two was overheard by others, and Ning Jie sighed beside him and said:

"If we can't get that big spirit stone vein, our Ning family and Huang family can only be surpassed by the Pei family.

Now there are more than 30 Nascent Soul stage monks in their family, while our family and Huang's combined are only forty.

Even if their ancestors were killed, there are still two early stages of transformation, our family also has two early stages of transformation, and the Huang family has one early stage of transformation.

If things go on like this, Wanliu City will become the dominant family. "

After Ning Jie finished speaking, he looked at several people, especially Yu'er. He could see clearly the battle just now, almost one person with one sword, and the aura was not like the cultivation base of Yuanying's early stage.

He looked at Lan Fengli again, this person was very powerful, he should be the most powerful among them, Ning Jie automatically ignored Qingyi, as a male cultivator, he still thought female cultivators were weak.

His eyes became brighter and brighter, and he tried to ask: "Fellow Daoist, are you covering up your cultivation? If possible, can you invite you to participate in this grand competition in Wanliu City for our family? The terms are negotiable."

Lan Fengli had been listening quietly, and now he also spoke, "It is also possible to participate in the competition for your family. If you win the first place, the condition is to share the spirit stone vein. Will you agree to this?"

"Fellow daoist, if you can get the first place, the conditions are easy to say, it's just a competition in the transformation stage, can you guys do it?"

"Since I agreed to participate, of course both the Huashen and Nascent Soul stage will participate. If these two get the first place, won't they be the first?"

Ning Jie nodded again and again, with joy on his face, "It turns out that Fellow Daoist is really a cultivator who transforms spirits. I'm sorry, so you follow me back to the clan first, and then discuss it with the patriarch in detail, is that okay?"

Lan Fengli glanced at Qingyi and nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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