Chapter 223 Nine-Rank Alchemist
After the incident in Wanliu City was over, Qingyi and the others sat on the teleportation array they built and returned to the clan land in a happy mood.

Yiyang looked at the few people who appeared in a flash of light, and said with a smile: "It would be great if we can build a teleportation array with Tianyuzong here."

"It will be fine when we have enough spirit stones. Because the distance is too long, we need to get a few more nodes, so it will cost a lot of spirit stones." Qing Yi smiled and comforted Master.

"I know, it's much more convenient this time. People in the clan can go directly to Wanliu City to buy the materials they need."

"Master, you are now in the middle stage of transformation!"

"Hehe, your second uncle and that Lu Bei are both in the middle stage, your master, why do I have the nerve to wander around in the early stage?"

"Master, where's Uncle Master? What's your level of cultivation now? It seems that she has been cultivating all the time, so she wants to catch up with you?" Qingyi asked curiously, having never seen Shangguan Yutong.

"I have been cultivating and working very hard, and now I have reached the late stage of Yuanying. I must also thank you for the elixir."

"Hey, it's right to honor your mother."

"You child, are you making fun of Master?" Yiyang glared at her, then glanced at Lan Fengli, and asked:
"Should you have practiced in the clan for a while this time?"

Qingyi said with a smile: "I want to attack Huashen, and then go to Yuexian City."

"Hey! How can you let me be a master? Everyone's cultivation speed is so fast. I didn't form a pill until I was a hundred years old. Look at you, Fengli gave birth before a hundred years old. Now you and Yu'er probably know each other. Transformed into a god at the age of one hundred."

"Master, counting the time formation, we have to transform into gods after a hundred years." Yu'er laughed.

"Isn't that the same? I don't want to waste time with you, I have to go back to practice, I hope you won't let me fall too far in the future." After Yiyang finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Qingyi didn't go into seclusion right away, but wandered around the clan, and picked some herbs that she didn't have space in the medicine fields, she should learn how to refine Jiupin Dan.

The lowest level of Ninth Grade Pill is Zenghua Pill, which can be taken by a cultivator in the Transformation Stage to break through a small level of cultivation. Of course, after taking this pill, there is only one breakthrough, no matter how much you eat in the future, you will not break through again. It can be a solid cultivation base.

Ninth-rank high-level alchemists are the highest existence in Tianxiang Continent, and there may not be anyone who can reach this height. Therefore, ninth-rank low-level Zenghua pills are simply not available in the market, not even in the middle domain.

Most of Zenghua Dan's medicinal materials are elixir and spiritual grass that are more than thousands of years old. Fortunately, there are so many medicinal materials made by his own father in her space.

Now there is still such a big piece here, so she doesn't have to worry about wasting medicinal materials for alchemy.

Breaking through from the eighth grade to the ninth grade alchemist is a difficult leap. Qingyi didn't think that she could break through by refining one or two batches of pills. Therefore, she prepared the medicinal materials of ten batches of pills and entered the time formation Start alchemy.

After a month in the formation, Qingyi, with her disheveled black hair, squinted her sweat-soaked eyes, looked at the ten pills lying in the furnace through the gap, and giggled silly...

Qingyi, who had had enough laughing, finally remembered to put the elixir into the bottle. Although a lot of medicinal materials were wasted, she was still very satisfied with the result.

After tidying myself up, the time formation was released, and the wooden house was very quiet, except for the puppet that looked like a man next to him, standing quietly in a corner.

Qingyi glanced at the puppet, and said with a smile: "Do you also think that I am a genius in alchemy? Hey! You don't understand even if I say it."

Qingyi turned around and left the wooden house, and came under the Enlightenment Tree. Lan Fengli, Yu'er, Mao'er, and Shui'er were all practicing in the time formation under the tree.

Cultivators need to understand the way of heaven. In the continuous cognition and understanding of the way of heaven, they will gradually reach a certain artistic conception. In that artistic conception, the weak Nascent Soul in the body will become stronger little by little under the condition of sufficient aura. Get up until you can leave your body.

Now that Shui'er and Mao'er have also reached the late stage of Nascent Soul, the demon cultivator and Huashen also need to understand the way of heaven, so the two of them also came to practice beside the big tree.

Qingyi didn't bother them, left the space by herself, and went to the master's and second uncle's residences.

As soon as Yiyang saw the little apprentice smiling, he asked, "Is there something good again?"

"How did Master guess it all at once?"

"A lot of times, the look on your face says it all."

"Hey, then I will learn to hide my emotions and anger in the future, so that I can be a fairy."

"It's still as good as it is. When you learn that way, it will be a beautiful piece of wood that can move, and you will be less angry."

Qingyi laughed again, took out a small bottle, and shook it in front of Yiyang.

"Master, this is Zenghua Pill. It was just refined, and the first one came over to Master, not even my second uncle."

"Haha, Master is like a father, so of course he is one level closer than uncle! But what is the use of this elixir?"

Yiyang has never even seen the pills of the eighth rank, let alone the pills of the ninth rank.

"After eating this, Master will soon break through to the late stage of transformation."

"Is there such a god?" Yiyang looked at the little apprentice suspiciously.

"Of course, this is refined from spiritual herbs that are more than a thousand years old, but it's best to eat it when your cultivation has reached the peak of the middle stage of transformation, and you will be able to break through to the late stage of transformation immediately."

After Qingyi finished speaking, she put the bottle in Master's hand, Yiyang took it happily, touched it, and put it carefully into the space.

The master and apprentice chatted for a while, then Qingyi left and went to Chu Mulou's residence, where Lu Bei happened to be there, and after greeting the two of them, Qingyi took out the elixir directly.

"Is this Zenghua Dan? Are you a ninth-rank alchemist?" Chu Mulou asked in surprise after seeing the pill.

"Second Uncle, do you know this pill?"

"Yes, our Chu family used to be a big family. There used to be a ninth-rank alchemist in the family. Although Zenghua Dan was only a ninth-rank low-level elixir, the medicinal materials were all old and hard to find. Therefore, this elixir Now it’s hard to find money.”

Chu Mulou recalled while looking at the pill.

After Lu Bei listened, he sent the pill bottle to Qingyi, "It's so rare, you should leave it to the people in the clan to use it!"

"Uncle Lu, this one is for you. You forgot, we have such a large piece of medicine here. If you don't want it, you will never be able to catch up with Second Uncle's cultivation."

Qingyi sent the pill over again.

"Then I'll accept it. I didn't expect you, kid, to be able to refine the Ninth Grade Pill now."

Qingyi smirked twice, didn't stay any longer, and waved her little hand, "You guys talk, I'm going back to practice, see you after transforming into a god!"

"He's about to transform into a god before he's a hundred years old. Your Chu family is really a genius in cultivation!"

Lu Bei couldn't help but sighed, Chu Mulou was smiling subtly.

"My elder brother is more than 130 years old, and his child is earlier than him. It seems that we should work hard to cultivate."

"Then aren't we going out?"

"Going out, how can I always practice, I should also take a good look at the current form of Zhongyu."

"Okay, then I'll call Yiyang, and we'll leave together."

(End of this chapter)

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