Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 225 First Arrive at Yuexian City

Chapter 225 First Arrive at Yuexian City

It has been five years since I came to the Central Territory. The Chu family has devoted themselves to cultivation in this secret place. With the Time Formation, it is equivalent to 50 years of cultivation. Now the cultivation base of each child has grown a lot.

In the original foundation building period, all the monks in the foundation building period have already formed alchemy, and those in the Qi training period have already established their foundation. In the current Chu family, there are hundreds of monks in the alchemy period, more than a dozen monks in the Yuanying period, and five monks in the transformation spirit. Wanliu City can be regarded as the first family.

Chu Mingyang is still the patriarch, and his cultivation has just broken through the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. He and Chu Qinghao made a teleportation formation to Wanliu City, met the patriarch of the Ning family, and of course received warm hospitality from the Ning family.

Ning family's pills are very scarce. In the central region, high-level alchemists are all in big families and powerful forces. For small families like theirs, the highest alchemists are only rank six.

In the past few years, Chu Qingxue has occasionally broken through to a seventh-rank alchemist under Qingyi's guidance, and the Chu family discovered a child with alchemy talent, and now he has also reached a fifth-rank alchemist.

Therefore, when the head of the Ning family knew that the Chu family had a seventh-grade elixir, he immediately asked to buy enough. From then on, the two families had a deal and their relationship became closer.

Qingyi practiced in the Time Formation for another half a year, and her cultivation had stabilized at the early stage of transforming spirits. After she separated from Lan Feng, Yu'er left the cultivation cave and was about to set off to visit the Immortal City.

When they knew that Chu Mulou, Yiyang and Lu Bei had left a year ago, they were not very surprised. Maybe they could still meet in Yuexian City.

After bidding farewell to Chu Nantian and others, Qingyi and the others left the clan again. This time, Chu Qinghao still followed closely behind, and Chu Qingxue was also accompanying him.

The few people did not take the teleportation array, but took Lan Fengli's stealth flying magic weapon, and it was very relaxing and comfortable to browse the beautiful scenery of the fairy house in Zhongyu while flying.

Especially Chu Qingxue, when she went out for the first time, needless to say she was excited, the flush of excitement on her cold and fair face lasted for a long time...

"Fourth sister, it seems that you are so excited. You look like you are going to meet your lover." Chu Qinghao looked at Chu Qingxue's appearance, and said amusedly.

"Second brother, how can you talk like that." Chu Qingxue's persistent blush became even brighter.

Qingyi looked at the two amusedly. Chu Qingxue had been making alchemy for the family all along, and her current cultivation was in the late stage of alchemy. Taking advantage of this fairy reading conference to practice, she would be able to conceive a baby smoothly in the future.

The Immortal Reading Conference is an immortal conference held every hundred years in the Central Territory. It is unprecedentedly grand, and most of the monks will gather here. Therefore, the Immortal Reading City has become the largest city in the Central Territory.

There will be various competitions, discussions, discussions, transactions, etc. at the conference. In short, this is a rare gathering of immortals. It will be a good experience for many people, and there will be a lot of gains.

Yuexian City is jointly owned by the four major forces, and it rotates every hundred years, and this time the Yuexian Conference is held by the Meng family.

Looking down at the Central Territory from mid-air, one realizes how small the Western Continent is. Perhaps this is where the cultivators of immortals live. The city lacks the prosperity of ordinary affairs and the fireworks of the world, but there are more silk-like wind and fairy-like atmosphere. charm.

The few people did not take the flying magic weapon all the time, but took out the magic weapon in a city closer to Yuexian City, and prepared to take the teleportation array to go directly to Yuexian City.

This time they still changed their appearance, and Qingyi is not the same as when she was in the small town. After all, Patriarch Pei was killed during the Dabi, she thinks it is better to be careful.

A few people soon arrived at the city's teleportation formation, but it was full of people, most of them were going to Yuexian City, but after they handed in their spirit stones, they could only wait in line quietly.

It seemed that after waiting for a long time, when Qingyi and the others were about to line up, the originally quiet line suddenly became chaotic. Five or six people squeezed in from the back and stood directly at the front.

"I've been waiting in line for a long time, why did they go to the front as soon as they arrived?" Someone asked bluntly.

"That's right, that's right, why don't the guards here ignore it?"

"Stop arguing, these few are monks from the Alchemy Hall of the Night City, and this teleportation array is also their force."

Finally, no one talks anymore, no matter where you are, status and power are very useful.

Qingyi sharply saw an acquaintance——Yang Xuhui. Unexpectedly, he also came to the Central Territory and joined the City of Dark Night. It seems that he is doing well now and has already conceived a baby.

Yang Xuhui's peach blossom eyes scanned for a week inadvertently, and then returned to calm.

"Young Master Yang, let's move forward." The voice fell, and those people also quickly disappeared into the teleportation array.

This was just a small episode, the team returned to calm again, Qingyi and the others finally set foot on the teleportation formation.

"Is this the Yuexian City? It's so beautiful!" Chu Qinghao praised it as soon as he entered the Yuexian City.

"Uncle, do you mean the beauty of the city, or the beauty of the immortal?"

"It's all right, the city passes by immortals, leaving youth everywhere!" Chu Qinghao was still sighing.

"Brother, with your appearance, you look like a mundane nobleman, and you will cause trouble." Chu Qingyi said amusedly.

"It's a pity that there are all immortals here, so there will be no random flowers flying around."

"Uncle, keep your voice down, a fairy has already looked at you with that kind of gaze." Yu'er's spiritual sense transmitted voice.

"What kind of gaze?" Chu Qinghao looked at Yu'er's voice, and sure enough, he saw several monks looking at him, there were men and women, but the gaze was not appreciation, but...

"It's really from a small town. I haven't seen the world. Let's go. It's dirty." A woman's voice, although not loud, was clearly heard by several people.

"I don't see anything seductive about you." Chu Qinghao replied in a very unhappy mood.

Those who were about to leave stopped again, and the woman who spoke just now spoke again, "Who are you talking about?"

"I just like talking to myself, can't I?" Chu Qinghao just thought that the city and people here are also beautiful, but now it seems that this person's heart is not very beautiful.

The woman wanted to say something, but she was pulled by another female cultivator next to her, "Okay, sister, if you talk too much, your status will be lowered."

"What's your identity?" Mao'er asked Yu'er puzzled.

"It's just taking advantage of other people's power to increase your prestige." Yu'er explained kindly.

"Say it again." The woman's voice became louder.

"We're chatting, why listen to you?" Mao'er glanced at the woman reluctantly.

Qingyi and Lan Fengli walked beside them, didn't speak, and didn't stop Yu'er and Mao'er. They didn't expect that they would be disliked by others when they first entered Yuexian City. Could it be that they really looked like they came from a small town?
Qingyi looked at herself, and then looked at those people. Although the appearance was a little ordinary, but the temperament was not ordinary. She looked at the clothes of the few people over there, and suddenly realized that they were dressed too Is it normal?
Whether it is a fairy or a mortal, as long as you are a human being, you still cannot avoid looking at people with colored eyes.

Yu'er, Mao'er, and Chu Qinghao quickly passed them, and Qingyi and the others followed, leisurely passing by.

After walking for a long distance, there was no reaction from those people. The cat asked suspiciously, "Why didn't you catch up? I thought there would be a fight."

"I'm afraid of you." Shui'er rolled his eyes at him.

"Private fights are not allowed in Yuexian City, and you can only fight with each other. Is it interesting?" Qingyi also glanced at Mao'er.

The cat scratched its head, a little innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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