Chapter 227
After Meng Hangyu arranged the guest rooms for Lan Fengli and the others, he sat down at the jade table in the hall on the fourth floor. Lan Fengli and Chu Qingyi were also sitting with him, and Yu'er and the others stayed in the guest room.

Meng Hangyu looked at the two people beside him while drinking tea, and said with a faint smile:
"Although you have changed your appearance again, your temperament has not changed, so don't be surprised, I can recognize you."

"Fellow Daoist really has good eyesight." Lan Fengli replied with a faint smile.

"It's just that I haven't seen you for two years. Your cultivation base has grown really fast. You are already in the middle stage of transformation, and fellow Daoist Qingyi has also achieved transformation, and several of them have also made progress. How did you cultivate? ?
Meng Hangyu was shocked, are these people still normal monks?
Lan Fengli was silent while tasting the tea, while Qingyi smiled and changed the topic, "Fellow Daoist Meng, are those people in the hall just now monks from the Bai family?"

"Well, it's just a collateral child of the Bai family."

"The sidelines are so arrogant, they are really monks of a big family!" Qingyi said with emotion.

"Often it is the children of the collateral line who like to take advantage of the situation. For the children of a real big family like Fellow Daoist Meng, what they see is the majesty of the immortal."

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Fengli is very good at complimenting people!" Meng Hangyu smiled and sipped another cup of tea. At this time, a light breeze blew by, and a fairy in white came up, it was Meng Yihan.

Seeing Qingyi, Meng Yihan's beautiful eyes were full of surprise: "You, you turned into a god? So soon, we became monks of the same rank."

Qingyi smiled and got up to greet her, the four of them chatted again, of course the most talked about was the Fairy Reading Conference a few days later.

It is the Immortal Reading Conference. Of course, it is facing all the cultivators. As long as they have the ability, they can take part in the competition.

There are many monks who have been recruited by the four major forces because of their outstanding performance in the Immortal Reading Conference, and have become the core children of big families.

What Qingyi and the others are interested in is not to become the children of a powerful force, but to earn spirit stones. After bidding farewell to the brothers and sisters of the Meng family, Lan Fengli and Qingyi also returned to the guest room.

Several people began to study how to earn more spirit stones at this conference, and then they could establish teleportation arrays in Tianyuzong and Zhongyu after returning.

On the second day, they went to the largest trading hall in Yuexian City to see if there were any items that could be exchanged.

Nuo Da's hall was crowded with monks, it looked a bit chaotic, but in fact it was well-regulated, and there were no unreasonable snatches, fights and other incidents. It seemed that the management of the Meng family was very methodical.

Lan Fengli bought a lot of refining materials, Mao'er also changed to a spirit treasure weapon, which was a stick that could be changed in size, and Chu Qingxue bought a new spirit treasure-level alchemy furnace, and couldn't put it down for a while.

Qingyi looked at it for a long time and there was nothing she wanted to change, a bit regretful, just about to turn around and leave, but saw a bunch of beautiful beads, Qingyi thought of the wood essence she had absorbed, maybe there were some pearls in these beads. What about other treasures with spiritual power?
So she began to pick out the beads, and as long as she thought it was possible, she would exchange them with pills.

Seeing that Yu'er blinked her eyes, she asked inexplicably: "Mother, back then there were so many beautiful beads at the Demon Dragon, and you didn't care to look at them. Why do you want to buy them now?"

Qingyi's beautiful eyes widened instantly, and then she stretched out her hand, "I forgot, quickly, bring them all to me."

"It's all sold." Yu'er also spread her hands.

"Why did you sell it? What about the spirit stone?"

"It's a betrothal gift for Daddy." Yu'er chuckled twice, then hurriedly turned to look at other things.

Qingyi stood there helplessly, and suddenly remembered that Shui'er had installed part of it back then, so she hurriedly inquired with her spiritual sense, but Shui'er was still there, she was relieved, turned around and left, leaving behind the monk who sold the beads with a look on her face. pity.

After leaving the trading hall, it was almost evening, and a few people walked towards the inn. Coincidentally, they ran into the people from the Bai family again. The cat snorted twice, and passed them with its head raised.

Qingyi looked at the cat amusedly. The young lady of the Bai family almost stared out her beautiful eyes, but was pulled back by the man next to her.

Yu'er patted Mao'er, "In the future, you must learn to ignore others slowly, so that you won't be able to control your emotions."

"When I reach that level, I'm a god, haha." Mao'er said nonchalantly.

In the next few days, they didn't go out again, but practiced in the guest room or chatted with peace of mind. The Meng brothers and sisters were always busy, and they never saw each other again.

This day was the day when the Fairy Reading Conference started. Meng Yihan went to Qingyi's guest room early and asked her if she would go to the alchemy arena first. Qingyi thought of Chu Qingxue, so she decided to go to the alchemy arena with her fourth sister to watch.

Lan Fengli and Yu'er both went to the fighting field. In fact, all the matches at the Fairy Reading Conference were called friendly exchange matches, and heavy casualties were not allowed, so Qingyi was very relieved that they would go to the fighting field.

From the foundation-building stage to the stage of transforming gods, there are special competition platforms in the fighting field. There is no fighting stage in the combined stage. After all, the combined monks already belong to a small number of great monks. With a certain status, they don’t like to participate in such competitions. Contest.

The monks have to hand in spirit stones to participate in the competition, and they will also get corresponding spirit stones when they win a game. The rewards are different according to the rank.

For example, if you win one game in the Transformation Stage, you will get 100 top-grade spirit stones, and if you win ten games in a row, you will get [-] million top-grade spirit stones.

In the Nascent Soul stage, one win only has five thousand top-grade spirit stones, and ten consecutive victories is 50 top-grade spirit stones.

Lan Fengli didn't participate in the competition on the first day, he just watched it. In the Nascent Soul stage, the cat took the lead and stood on the stage after handing in the spirit stone.

The Nascent Soul cultivators from the Bai family were also on the stage at this time. When the young lady saw the cat standing on the stage, she immediately became excited and urged a male cultivator next to her.

"Third Brother, you go to fight him and give him a good lesson."

The third brother hesitated, and said in a low voice, "Wait for him to play a game and see what happens first."

"You are just timid, what are you afraid of, he is only the late Nascent Soul, and you are already at the peak of the late Nascent Soul."

"You are still young, you have to know yourself and your enemy at all times, understand?" The third brother stopped looking at her after speaking, but looked at the stage.

Soon there was a person who jumped onto the competition stage, and his cultivation was also in the late Yuanying stage. That person didn't talk nonsense, and directly sacrificed the magic weapon.

Mao'er didn't use Soul Conjuring because he was afraid of killing the opponent directly. He only used his newly bought weapon, the stick. As a result, he knocked down the opponent in only three sticks.

Mao'er stood proudly on the stage, glanced at the members of the Bai family, and blinked provocatively. Miss Bai's fire was quickly ignited, and she encouraged the third brother again.

The third brother finally couldn't bear the common wish of the Bai family members, and jumped onto the competition stage reluctantly. The eyes of the Bai family members looked forward to the scene where the cat was being abused, but why did the situation turn around? It is precisely their third brother.

When the third brother returned to his seat with a head like a pig, the members of the Bai family wanted to stay away from him. This appearance is really embarrassing...

(End of this chapter)

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