Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 229 9 consecutive victories

Chapter 229 Nine consecutive victories

The next day, Qing Yi and Lan Feng left the battle field of the Transformation God Stage, handed over 50 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, and the two walked into the competition area hand in hand. At this time, there are already people fighting on the stage. I tend to be very fierce, and I can't tell whether I will win or lose for a while.

The competition platform is surrounded by energy shields set up by monks in the Mahayana stage, otherwise the power of the fighting skills in the transformation stage will spread to a large area.

Qingyi and Lan Fengli chose a seat to sit down and watch, while Meng Hangyu was dragged by the children of the three major families to another competition stage of the transformation stage, which was specially set up for the children of the big family.

Of course there is more than one competition platform in each stage, anyway, Yuexian City is big enough.

The competition between the two on the stage was finally over, and the victor turned out to be the female cultivator, who was in the middle stage of transformation, and her beautiful eyes swept down the stage lightly, showing the confidence of the winner.

Qingyi jumped onto the ring without hesitation. If she wants to win ten consecutive victories, she has to go on stage earlier, otherwise the fight may not be finished after dark. Wouldn't it be impossible to get 100 million high-grade spirit stones?

As soon as Qingyi jumped up, there were different discussions from the audience.

"How dare she, who is in the early stage of transformation, dare to go on stage?"

"Anyway, I don't have any fear of my life. It's a big deal to get hurt. In fact, I want to go up, but there are not so many spirit stones."

"If you go up, you will be beaten, and you have to pay for the spirit stone. How can there be such a stupid person?"

"That's not necessarily true. Many monks can leapfrog the ranks. Let's just watch."

The female cultivator on the stage was also surprised when she saw Qingyi falling in front of her. Shouldn't the opponent be getting stronger and stronger?Why did she become weaker instead?But I was very happy in my heart, the first battle was very tiring, this one just happened to be easier.

The two reported their names to each other, and the competition stage lit up in an instant. Qingyi's five-color lotus was extremely beautiful, and everyone in the audience was speechless.

"Is this fighting skills or fighting beauty?"

"It's so beautiful! Immortal flowers form a sea, it's not easy!"

"And it's still five-attribute spiritual power, so it's really not certain whether you win or lose."

Qingyi's sea of ​​flowers instantly submerged the countless blue ribbons released by the female cultivator, and the female cultivator on the opposite side was also shocked. Not only did her ribbons not entangle her opponent, but was suppressed instead.

She quickly withdrew her spiritual power, and there was a trace of blood on her mouth. This female cultivator at an early stage seemed to be stronger than the first person, so she was cautious.

Qingyi's sea of ​​flowers did not disperse, countless lotus flowers flew out from the sea of ​​flowers, and once again surrounded the female cultivator.

The female cultivator immediately released her magic weapon, the densely packed ribbons instantly turned into a water curtain, blocking the invasion of flowers.

The blocked lotus was very unwilling, so two of them collided and merged into one, directly passed through the water curtain, and surrounded the female cultivator again.

The more imposing lotus made the female cultivator feel uncomfortable, and the water curtain immediately turned into countless water swords, and struck at each lotus.

It's just that she didn't see the water sword smashing the flower as she imagined. On the contrary, those aggressive water swords turned into soft water droplets the moment they hit the flower.

She just wanted to send out the strongest blow again, but unfortunately, there was no time. Those beautiful lotus flowers quickly surrounded her and dragged her away from the competition stage.

She looked at Qing Yi who was standing on the stage unwillingly. How could she lose before she tried her best?
Audience: "Is it over so soon?"

"Yeah, I didn't quite see why flowers are stronger than swords?"

"That female cultivator has already fought a battle, maybe her spiritual power is not enough, why don't you go up?"

"Okay, let's go up, I really want to try those flowers, what's the mystery?"

After the man finished speaking, he flew up to the competition stage. His cultivation was also in the early stage of transformation, and he finally met an early stage monk. He was afraid that if he went up late, he would lose his chance.

Although the opportunity was there, he never thought that the one who went down was faster than the one who jumped up.

"I said, what's going on, why did you step down so quickly? Aren't they just flowers transformed by spiritual power?"

The man glanced at the man, then shook his head, "How do I know, it's definitely not a flower transformed by ordinary spiritual power, it's very evil."

After losing two people in a row, the monks in the audience were also a little uncertain. The monks in the mid-stage of transformation, some of them considered their status, and didn't want to go up to bully a weak woman in the early stage, but just now when the monks in the early stage went up, a spell was gently rolled down tower.

Of course, some early-stage monks refused to accept it, and another one went up, but the result was the same. This time, no early-stage monks came to the stage.

Five mid-stage cultivators went up one after another, but it didn't take long, they were all kicked off the competition stage, and finally the monks under the stage were not calm, this female cultivator was not weak at all, they were all fooled.

Some people wondered if she had concealed her cultivation to deceive them. Otherwise, why would it be so easy for an early monk to beat five mid-stage monks in a row.

Of course, they also thought about it in their hearts, but there are monks in the period of integration of the four major forces to judge.

There are no monks in the middle stage of transformation, and it is embarrassing to be kicked out of the competition stage by a weak woman in the early stage of transformation, isn't it?
They all looked at the late stage monks in unison, and one of them was the one called by Miss Bai's family as the eldest brother.

Another thing is that he is a child of a big family, and he was supposed to go to another competition stage. He came here today just out of curiosity to see what the two monks who were regarded as friends by the young head of the Meng family are capable of. Really surprised him.

The few cultivators at the late stage of Transforming Gods were stared at by these people and wanted to get out of the arena. Fuck, to fight with an early stage cultivator, it would be a waste of value.

But the enthusiasm was hard to get rid of, and finally he couldn't resist, decided to stand up for them, jumped on the competition stage, he was dressed in white, he looked like a fairy, and his attitude was also very good, he said with a smile:

"Little fellow daoist, you have won eight games in a row, you can step down, otherwise you will lose in a while, and you won't be able to earn those spirit stones."

Qingyi didn't expect that this person came up to persuade him to quit, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Thank you for your kindness, I still want to continue the competition."

"Well, if that's the case, then I won't show mercy." After speaking, he retreated to the other side of the competition stage, ready to face off.

Qingyi didn't give in, and directly preempted the attack. It was still a sea of ​​flowers of five colors, but at the moment the sea of ​​flowers formed, vines sprang out one after another, and the vines borrowed the power of the flowers.

The sea of ​​flowers instantly surrounded the big palm that descended from the air, and countless growing vines swept towards the male cultivator.

The cultivator on the opposite side couldn't help being surprised, how could this female cultivator attack continuously without exhausting her spiritual power.

He no longer underestimated the enemy, and jumped up to escape from the entanglement of the vines. However, the vines grew extremely fast and soon caught up with him. No matter how he evaded and attacked, he was still entangled by the vines.

The ever-growing vines tied him up, as if he was in a living world, and he was comfortably thrown out of the ring.

This is Qingyi's first time to use wood spiritual power to fight against the enemy. It turns out that the profound meaning of wood - endless life, can not only cure diseases, but also fight against the enemy, and the effect is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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