Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 237 Three Flood Dragons

Chapter 237 Three Flood Dragons
Sitting on the flying magic weapon, the mood of the few people was not as excited and excited as when they left, but they were more calm and peaceful.

Although the trip to the Immortal Reading Conference was short, it also gave them a better understanding of Zhongyu.

In the eyes of the monks in the Western Continent, the unattainable cultivators are very common in the central region. Although they can also be called strong, they are the lowest level.

"The storage rings of the cultivators who have transformed themselves have not been checked yet. There must be a lot of spirit stones and good things inside."

Yu'er suddenly remembered the storage rings he had collected, and hurriedly took them out.

Mao'er took one first, poked in with his spiritual sense, and exclaimed, "It's really rich, there are so many spirit stones."

The other people were also full of joy. It is really easier to earn spirit stones in the fighting field of the Fairy Reading Conference.

Yu'er couldn't help but sighed: "It seems that it is not a bad thing to provoke the Pei family and be hunted down by the City of Darkness. I will send a few here every now and then, and we will post them soon!"

Mao'er continued: "These are only in the transformation stage, and they are already very rich. What if they come to the fusion stage again? Haha, wouldn't it be doubled."

Qingyi rolled her eyes at the two of them, and said with a blow: "You haven't transformed into a god yet, and you are still looking forward to meeting a monk in the fusion stage. If you do meet, do you want to compare and see who can run faster?"

Mao'er curled her lips and lowered her head, "I will retreat this time when I go back, I won't transform into a god, and I won't come out again!"

Qingyi gave him a thumbs-up, and praised: "You have ambition, wait for you to transform into a god, and then show your cat power!"

"Hmph! I'm going to practice in space retreat now, Shui'er, you are also together, you see, we have been left behind by the two of them now, if we don't work hard, we won't be able to ascend together in the future."

After Mao'er finished speaking, he went to pull Shui'er. He thought he would be beaten back, but Shui'er acquiesced, and Mao'er's little heart jumped out in excitement.

Qingyi laughed and sent the two spirit beasts into the space, she knew that Shui'er really wanted to become stronger.

Chu Qinghao's heart that was still excited just now collapsed instantly, and sighed:
"I will practice in closed doors this time when I go back. Otherwise, if I come out with you again and encounter enemies, I will have to be thrown into the space by my sister."

"Uncle, don't be sad, with your aptitude, ten years of retreat, a hundred years in the time formation, you will definitely be able to transform into a god." Yu'er comforted.

"Are you consoling or hurting people? You only need to retreat for a year or so for your family to become gods, but it will take ten years to come to me. Hey! It's really incomparable." Chu Qinghao sighed.

Chu Qingxue smiled lightly and said nothing, she, the weakest person, really didn't know what to say.

Lan Fengli just listened to them quietly, occasionally looked at Qingyi, then at Yu'er, like the moonlight in the night sky...

The hazy night adds a bit of mystery to everything around, and also quiets down all the prosperity in the world. A shooting star streaks across from a distance, breaking the mystery of the night.

No, it's a lot of meteors, passing by from afar, as if they came near in an instant.

Qingyi couldn't help being startled, this is not a shooting star, but two groups of monks, one is running away, the other is chasing, the three streamers in front are flying towards them at high speed, and there are more than 20 Nascent Soul Stages behind them. The monks are catching up.

The bodies of the three streamers were already covered with bloodstains, which were mixed in the night, making it impossible to distinguish their appearances.

"Brother, we might as well fight them! A group of hateful humans want us to be spirit beasts, let's dream!" one of the three people in front said angrily.

"That's right, let's stop running. We can still kill a few if we continue running like this. If we continue to run like this, we will still be caught up, and we won't even have the strength to fight hard." This was another voice.

"Okay, then we will fight, and we must die well."

Qingyi thought the voice was very familiar, but she didn't remember it for a while.

As soon as the sound stopped, the three fleeing people stopped and turned into three hundred-meter-long flood dragons, with their long tails thrown towards the pursuers.

"Haha, it's really a dragon. It seems that my eyesight is really good. I can see their real bodies. Don't kill them, but capture them alive, and then become our spirit beasts." One of them laughed excitedly.

"Okay, Boss, listen to you, Jiaolong may become a real dragon one day, haha, luck is really good this time!" Another person next to him also said excitedly.

So more than 20 people surrounded the three dragons in an instant, and all kinds of spells were fired, illuminating the nearby sky.

"Senior brother, what a coincidence, it turned out to be them!" Qingyi sighed, she wanted to be a spectator, but it turned out to be someone she knew.

"Well, do you want to go out to help? They are all monks in the middle and late stage of Nascent Soul, let Yu'er and Chu Qinghao go, and we will continue to be spectators." Lan Fengli said with a smile.

Yu'er asked in surprise: "When did you know Yaoxiu?"

"That's when I went to the Western Sea Region for Master, I met you." Qingyi replied in a low voice.

"Okay, at first I was thinking about drawing swords to help when the road is injustice, but I didn't expect that my parents knew each other, so I have to help, uncle, let's go out." Yu'er's voice was full of excitement.

Of course, Chu Qinghao was not to be outdone, he flew up and followed Yu'er to release the magic weapon, and he was also very excited.

Chu Qingxue also wanted to fly down, but unfortunately she hadn't conceived yet, so she could only sit silently next to Qingyi and Lan Fengli, acting as an invisible person, trying to minimize her presence.

The three Xinquan brothers were already injured, and now facing the fierce attack of the twenty, magic weapon again, even if they turned into their own bodies, they were still no match for them.

The three brothers played desperately. Relying on their physical strength, they went on a rampage. In a short time, those people were also injured by them.

The three brothers looked at the additional injuries on their bodies, and felt a little helpless. They didn't expect to be in trouble everywhere shortly after they came to Zhongyu. Are they going to die here today?
Two figures suddenly appeared in mid-air, turning the gloomy prospect of the three brothers into a dead silence. They were already invincible, but the other party came to help again.

They looked at each other with determination in their eyes. They were just about to make a final desperate fight, but the sudden change in front of them made them stunned in place.

Yu'er struck out with a sword, and more than half of those who were still fighting around the three brothers fell down, and Chu Qinghao's gust of wind brought the rest of them away from the three brothers.

The person in the head was shocked when he saw this, and quickly shouted: "Who are you, why are you helping the demon cultivator?"

Yu'er said indifferently: "If you leave here, I can spare your life."

"Hmph! You're too crazy, you came out of nowhere, and even colluded with demon cultivators. Don't you know that humans and demon cultivators have always been hostile?"

"Since they are hostile, it is really shameless to ask them to be your spirit beasts." Yu'er's words once again angered the two leaders.

These two people were also at the peak of Yuan Ying's late stage cultivation, so of course they wouldn't just run away, and slashed at Yu'er with their weapons in hand.

"You guys wanted to die, don't blame me." After Yu'er finished speaking, she struck with her sword again.

(End of this chapter)

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