Chapter 239 Returning to the Sect

Lan Fengli's helpless and pampering voice resounded in Qingyi's sea of ​​consciousness: "Junior Sister, you are really greedy, allowing me to contract so many spirit beasts."

"They've all taken a fancy to you. I really want to make a contract with my brother, but will he agree? Those who can do more work, hehe."

The three brothers saw that Lan Fengli did not speak for a long time, and knew that they were really rejected, hey!Unexpectedly, the three masters of the bottom of the sea would one day want to be human spirit beasts, but they couldn't send them out.

In the end, of course, Lan Fengli agreed to make a contract with the three brothers. So far, the three brothers have followed Lan Fengli and the others, becoming a great help to the Chu family, and later became famous in the central region.

The three brothers were satisfied. They didn't expect that after the contract, they would all be promoted to one level. They were even more delighted. It turns out that being a spirit beast is also beneficial. They practiced by themselves, and it was difficult for them to advance to the first level after decades.

Chu Qinghao couldn't help being envious in his heart, which also boosted his determination to practice hard.

Qingyi is very happy. The three brothers who met in the Western Sea Territory because of a kindness will one day become their side.

Several people got on Lan Fengli's flying magic weapon again. During the chat, the three brothers found out that their master was also a master of crafting and formation.

The three of them felt more and more that today's choice was correct, and Qingyi was still an alchemist, so they would not worry about pills in the future, and until a few years later, they were all grateful for today's choice.

The flying magic weapon disappeared in the night and continued to fly towards Wanliu City without making a sound.

Half a month later, they came to Ten Thousand Willows City, and they took out the magic weapon of flying, and got on the teleportation formation exclusive to the Chu family.

When the three brothers arrived directly at the Chu family's place in the teleportation formation, they were also amazed. They didn't expect there to be such a good place for cultivation.

From the confusion when they first arrived in the Central Territory, they have now become followers of human beings, but so what?

Cultivating immortals and seeking the way, as long as it is beneficial to practice and can make them go further, it is the same everywhere.

When Chu Nantian and Chu Mingyang learned that Qingyi and the others not only came back safe and sound, but also brought back three demon cultivators from the Nascent Soul Stage, they were all very surprised.

After introducing the three brothers to the Chu family, Lan Fengli specially built a cultivation cave for them, which also set up a time formation.

Qingyi refined some pills suitable for demon cultivation for them, and the three of them entered the cave happily and began to practice in seclusion. They must catch up with their master early, otherwise they will only be rejected forever.

After the arrangement of the three brothers, Qingyi and Lan Fengli didn't practice, but thought about how to build a teleportation array in the sect and here?

The current Lingshi is enough, only where to set up the node?And the problem of formation.

In the end, the family decided to build the formation from the mouth of a valley near the family land.

After having a countermeasure, Qingyi, Lan Fengli, and Yu'er started busy building the teleportation array, and Shui'er and Mao'er had already left the space, and entered their respective caves to retreat and attack Huashen.

Two months later, the family had already arrived in the Western Continent. In the mountain where the old woman from the Yinshimen had met, they chose two nodes, one out and one in, and the next stop was Tianyuzong.

Qingyi really didn't expect to be able to return to the sect so soon. When she left, she thought it would take at least a few decades to come back.

A few days later, the place was built, and the three of them boarded Lan Fengli's magic weapon and flew towards Tianyuzong.

Passing by Mozong along the way, Qingyi couldn't help but think of Duan Zihua, wondering if this guy is dead or not?What was once regarded as a strong enemy is now a thing of the past.

Looking at everything familiar below, thinking of the once weak self, can we still find the original shadow here?

People always like to stand on the top of the peak and overlook everything below. In fact, they are the winners, despising the world that once hindered him.

After transforming into a god, they used the flying magic weapon, and the speed was much faster, but after more than ten days, they arrived in front of the mountain gate.

The three of them released their magic weapons and walked towards the mountain gate. The two foundation-building stage monks who were guarding the mountain gate were taken aback. Aren't these three geniuses from Yunyang Peak?I heard that I have left for Zhongyu, why did I come back so soon?
The two rubbed their eyes to make sure they read it right, and hurriedly bowed down to see him.

Lan Fengli responded lightly, and Qingyi dropped two more bottles of Gathering Spirit Pills. Now that she is an elder, she should reward them for the gift just now.

It wasn't until they couldn't see the shadows of the three of them that the two foundation-building stage monks on duty looked at the elixir in their hands, and couldn't help but beam with joy.

"Brother, it turns out that guarding the mountain gate has such great benefits!"

"Yeah, a few days ago I was envious of that little fat man. I don't know what kind of shit luck he had, but he got the elixir rewarded by Master Qingyin. Now he has completed the foundation building, and he will really be able to form the elixir in a few years."

"Hey, today is the first time I guard the mountain gate, and I got the elixir. Should I keep looking for this job in the future?"

"Pull it down, we have the elixir, we should go back and practice quickly."

Qingyi would not know that her occasional two rewards of elixirs, which were originally not for the monks of the foundation establishment stage, and those who loved to go to guard the mountain gate, have become popular in the future.

The three of them flew back to Yunyang Peak first, only to realize that the owner has changed here.

When Ye Qing saw the three of them, she was stunned for a long time before realizing it, and said with a smile: "So the original owner is back, so should I move out?"

"Senior sister, you really know how to joke, this is your mountain, we just came to see you." Qingyi also laughed.

"Do you still call me senior sister? I can't even see your cultivation level, what are you now?" Ye Qing tried to ask.

"Hehe, I just broke through to transform into a god."

"In just six years, you have all transformed into gods. It turns out that the central region is really suitable for cultivation." After Ye Qing was surprised, she also yearned for it.

"You can go too. When we come back this time, we are building the teleportation array. As long as the teleportation array is built, it will only take a few moments to go to the Central Territory."

"Really? When it's built, I'll help too."

"Okay, I'm here to let you contribute."

The two chatted happily, while Lan Fengli and Yu'er went to Tianyu Peak to visit their master.

When Renxu heard that a teleportation formation was going to be built here and in the central region, of course he strongly supported it, including Ruyi Daojun and several other elders, who also actively cooperated and gave most of the spirit stones to Lan Fengli.

In just a few days, the teleportation formation was completed. With Lan Fengli, Ren Xu and several Yuanying elders sat on the transmission formation first to let them know where the exits and entrances are, so that they can manage them later.

Qingyi and Yu'er went to Yunshui Peak. What made them happy was that Lin Peifeng and Mu Wanrou had conceived babies, while Shi Lin and Shi Feng had also reached the late stage of alchemy. It seems that the cultivation in the Time Formation is still very useful. effect.

Mu Wanrou was extremely excited, "I wanted to go to Zhongyu earlier, but I don't know where you are. I didn't expect you to come back. I will leave with you this time."

Lin Peifeng also nodded, Shi Lin and Shi Feng hesitated, Yu'er patted Shi Lin on the shoulder and said, "You guys should go too, the cultivation will be faster there."

"Can we go too? Will it cause you any trouble?" Shi Lin asked uncertainly.

"No, you will practice together with my clansmen, don't you know if you want to?" Qingyi replied with a smile.

"Well, we will go with you this time too." Shi Feng, who had been silent all this time, finalized his words.

(End of this chapter)

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