Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 242 Looking for Yu'er

Chapter 242 Looking for Yu'er
Yu'er's spiritual energy was exhausted at this time, he glanced at the place where he moved last, and couldn't help but smile wryly, is this the end of the road?
Here is a mountain peak, below is the flowing magma, from such a distance, you can feel the scorching heat waves rushing towards your face, what will happen if you enter it?Yu'er didn't dare to think about it.

But the three people behind will catch up immediately, he has no ability to move again, even if he flies over the magma, he will be caught in the end.

The only place where he could escape was the magma river below, but the heat felt higher than that of his father's refining equipment. Even with the spiritual energy protection, it would be melted directly, right?What's more, he doesn't have much aura anymore.

Yu'er glanced at the three brothers, and said helplessly and apologetically: "You have been troubled by me, even if you run away now, they will not let you go, it seems that you will die here today."

"No, we jumped into the magma, maybe we can survive."

After Xin Quan finished speaking, he glanced at Xin Wen and Xin Wu. The two brothers understood, and quickly clapped their hands on Xin Quan's body.

Soon the figures of Xin Wu and Xin Wen disappeared, and Xin Quan's whole body was surrounded by a light mask.

Xin Quan didn't wait for Yu'er to speak again, he immediately picked him up, jumped up, and jumped down,

A red heat wave engulfed their shadows in an instant, and the three people who were chasing after them stopped, looking at the magma river that continued to roar and roar like before, their eyes were full of surprise!

These few monks would rather sacrifice themselves than be caught by them, it is really unusual!
The thin and tall monk shook his head and sighed: "Hey! Is this considered to be the completion of the task? We don't see people when we are born, and we don't see corpses when we die. If we go back and say, will anyone believe it?"

The male cultivator named Dalong sighed unwillingly: "If you know this, just get a few fixing symbols."

The female cultivator turned her head silently and said, "Go back, if you enter this magma, will you still be alive?"

The tall and thin monk glanced at the woman, and with an idea, he said, "Let's wander around the area where that kid went through the thunder tribulation, maybe we can find the female cultivator that the city lord wants to catch."

Dalong immediately agreed, so the three of them looked at the magma again, and flew towards the place where Yu'er survived the thunder disaster.

Lan Fengli and Qingyi spent four years cultivating in the time formation of space, and then each ate an Zenghua Pill, and they both advanced to the first level.

Lan Fengli had reached the late stage of transformation, and Qingyi was in the middle stage of transformation. The two did not leave the space immediately, but continued to practice in it to stabilize their cultivation.

Suddenly, they opened their eyes at the same time, and Qingyi got up immediately, "Brother, do you feel that Yu'er is in danger?"

Lan Fengli nodded, with an anxious expression on his face, he hurriedly pulled her up, and the two quickly left the space, Lan Fengli separated his consciousness, there was no sign of Yu'er in the clan field, and even the three dragons he contracted with were gone trace.

He tried to contact the three brothers with his soul, but there was no response. Qingyi had already taken out Yu'er's natal lamp, and her heart was tense. Although the lamp was still on, it was much weaker. Now Yu'er The child must have been seriously injured.

In the central region, the monks used the natal jade tokens instead of the natal primordial lamps. The Chu family has also made natal jade tokens at the alchemy stage and above. Yu’er’s primordial lamp was made during Tianyuzong , when leaving, Qingyi took it with her.

Lan Fengli also saw the lamp, and the two exchanged a glance, then left the clan land and flew towards the place where the thunder tribulation had passed.

"Yu'er must have encountered danger when she went out to survive the thunder disaster." Qingyi said while flying.

"He should have gone out with those three brothers. I can't contact them now, and they should not be here anymore."

"Brother, where are we going to find it?"

"Let's go to the place where the thunder tribulation took place first, and maybe we will find something."

While the two of them were talking, they arrived at the place where the thunder disaster was avoided. Looking at the shattered lightning protection array and the little blood left beside it, Qingyi's heart tightened instantly.

"Senior brother, this is a lightning tribulation between two people."

"Well, it should be Xin Quan. You can be sure that Yu'er is with those three brothers."

"Could it be someone from Night City who met during Thunder Tribulation?" Qingyi just finished speaking when she heard a few laughs.

After the laughter fell, three figures appeared in front of Qingyi and the others.

"It seems that I'm really smart. The little rabbit bumped into me. Haha, you should be the female cultivator with the fire of the phoenix, right? It turns out that the real appearance is so beautiful."

The tall and thin monk pointed at Qing Yi and laughed.

"What happened to those people who survived the thunder disaster?" Qingyi didn't care what he said, she only cared about Yu'er now.

"Those few, they have a lot of backbone, they dared to jump off the magma river that frightened the monks, should they be dead by now?

It's a pity, but being able to catch you is more valuable than that kid, haha. "

The tall and thin monk was very excited at this time, the female nun became impatient, glanced at him, and said coldly: "Stop talking so much nonsense, she ran away again in a while, arrest people quickly."

After she finished speaking, she walked in front of Qingyi, raised her hand, and a big net carrying the power of heaven moved towards Qingyi and Lan Fengli.

There was excitement in her eyes, and she was waiting for the moment when the two of them were caught by her. She also despised the tall and thin monk in her heart, saying that what's the use of so many, the most important thing is to catch talents, and give her the credit for getting it. Then she is welcome.

The big dragon and the tall and thin monk also reacted, and quickly blocked the escape route for the two of them.

They thought that Qingyi and Lan Fengli would definitely run away, after all, they were only cultivators who transformed themselves into spirits, but who knew, those two bravely chose to fight.

Lan Fengli walked up to the big net with his sword in hand, a grayish white like deathly silence, and soon intertwined with the big net.

The female cultivator was obviously taken aback, this sword aura is condensed into a real murderous aura, no, this is the realm of sword aura, her eyes are full of panic and disbelief, why can a sword cultivator at the stage of transforming gods cultivate the realm of sword?

Even though she was in the fusion stage, she didn't dare to enter his sword domain, she quickly retreated, and the big net slowly closed.

The big dragon and the tall and thin monk also flew over from blocking the escape route, and grabbed Qingyi with a big palm made of spiritual energy.

As a result, it was entangled by countless vines, and the vines seemed to be endless and endless. Even if it was shattered layer by layer by him, there were still countless vines on Dalong's body.

The thin and tall monk didn't expect that the dragon not only failed to catch the woman, but was entangled instead. Surprised, he immediately sacrificed his magic weapon, thinking that he would be the one who caught her in the end. complacent.

As a result, another woman flew towards him, a small hand passed through his magic weapon, and came in front of him, and instantly became bigger. Before he could realize what was going on, the big hand pierced through his chest.

He stopped in mid-air blankly, looked at the blood bubbling from his chest, and closed his eyes unwillingly, even his primordial spirit remained here.

Qingyi retracted the little puppet, quickly installed ten top-grade spirit stones, and with another palm, knocked away the big dragon that was entangled in vines.

If it was in the past, Qingyi would not be so eager to use the puppet, but now she is worried about Yu'er and doesn't want to fight.

The female cultivator who was fighting against Lan Fengli was already at a disadvantage, but when she saw that her two companions had died like this, she panicked and lost her position. Just as she was about to escape, she was struck to death by Lan Fengli's sword.

(End of this chapter)

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