Chapter 246
Qingyi doesn't want to waste any more energy talking, no matter how much she talks, she won't let this domineering little black mouse let her go, instead she will lose her momentum, so why don't she think about how to leave when she has time?

Thinking of this, she sat down again and closed her eyes. Anyway, this black rat will not kill her yet.

Hei Jinshu was obviously stunned. How could this woman be different from the ones he had seen, no matter demon or human?

Why was he still angry a moment ago, but now he can be as calm as water, his emotions are restrained too quickly, he is a little uncomfortable, he still wants to listen to her beg for mercy a few more times.

But what is the situation now, not only did he not hear the begging for mercy again, but he was ignored by this little monk.

Hei Jinshu really wanted to pick her up and throw her out. There is really no such unscrupulous person who dares to stand in front of him.

But, hey!For some reason, he softened his heart several times in front of this woman.

He flicked his sleeves and left angrily, but he left a sentence, which rang in Qingyi's ear.

"Don't think you can leave this space, although you also have some of my abilities, but you are far from me.

You should think about it carefully, there is only one result of angering me - death! "

Qingyi didn't pay much attention to his words, she might not be the one who died in the end, what she was worried about now was Lan Fengli.

She understood the meaning of Hei Jinshu's words. The old witch he was talking about must also be a demon cultivator at the Mahayana stage. Although the senior brother is very strong, he will not be the opponent of the Mahayana stage monks.

This hateful rat, whether he kills or beheads, hates being humiliated the most. I hope my brother can escape the humiliation of that demon cultivator from him.

At this moment, she was not so worried about Yu'er anymore, because Yu'er's natal soul lamp was already as bright as before.

The haste of leaving this time did not inform Shui'er, Shui'er and Mao'er have been retreating in the clan to attack Huashen, and they don't know what is going on now?

Qingyi closed her eyes, discarded all distracting thoughts, and began to savor carefully, the attributes of space she had comprehended, and the newly mastered space lock, how can she break through the space of this black gold stone?

She thought of the fifth level of the Five Elements Guiyuan. In fact, after transforming into a god, her understanding of the exercises was much stronger. She tried to integrate the five spiritual powers, but she gave up in the end.

Because, she can feel the horror of that power, and the backlash will be more serious after using it.

If the power of space is integrated into the fourth layer of Wuxing Guiyuan, what effect will it have?

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated, and slowly circulated the gold spirit power, fire spirit power and space power.

Soon, two dragons, one gold and one red, appeared in front of her chest, with a faint halo of five colors lingering around her body.

Qingyi couldn't help being startled, she didn't expect that the power of space emitted by her would be of five colors, so would such a special power of space be stronger?
Thinking of this, her confidence increased a bit, and she began to control the power of space, trying to integrate into the two dragons.

Although it was a bit slow at the beginning, it was also very effective. The five-color halo became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared.

As for the two dragons, although they didn't seem to have changed much, Qingyi could still feel that their strength was much stronger.

She didn't stop, and controlled the two dragons to fly towards the distant space barrier. The moment they reached the barrier, the two dragons quickly merged.

It disappeared soon, but in that place, what was left was not the empty hole in the past, but a crack similar to space. With the sound of hissing, the crack continued to expand, and finally turned into a black hole.

The Heijinshu who left was also paying attention to Qingyi. When he saw the fire dragon, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and when he saw the five-color light circle, he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

How did his black space power become five colors when it came to her?
It's been a long time since I saw a human monk who possessed the flame of the phoenix. Could it be that this woman is his descendant?
He was just about to enter the space again and ask a few questions, but he was shocked when he saw the ever-expanding space crack, this force is very strong!

He wanted to take back his space and stop Qingyi, but it was too late, there was a loud bang, which was so loud in this empty and deserted place, that the black golden mouse covered its ears.

He looked at the space cage with a small gap in it in disbelief, and watched the woman come out of it bit by bit, not forgetting to put all the fallen black gold stones into the space.

Heijinshu, who was still a little angry at first, saw Qingyi's appearance, and thought of her Phoenix Fire just now, couldn't help but secretly smiled, she is really a money-grubbing girl.

After exiting the black space cage, Qingyi exhaled a long breath, looked around, but there was no black mist when she first entered, nor green grass and flowers.

Looking at the piles of shiny black gold stones in front of her, Qingyi was very unkind, and wanted to fit them into her space, but, where is that mouse?Why didn't you come out and stop her?
Who cares, she should get some benefits after being trapped for so long, so, with a flash of thought, a pile of black gold stones in front of her entered her space.

When she wanted to collect another pile, a tall figure stopped her.

"Not only did you destroy my space cage, but you also took them away. What a greedy woman!"

Qingyi glanced at him, "Tell me, how can I get out of here?"

"You still want to leave?"

Qingyi nodded with sincerity in her eyes, "Actually, I should call you Master."

Black Wind looked at her suspiciously.

"I absorbed your power of space, learned to block space, and thus comprehended the attribute of space, so you should also be regarded as my master, right?" Qing Yi still looked sincere.

"and then?"

"Master is like a father, so..."

"Hehe, you are really the most special woman I've ever met. Not only is she highly intelligent, she's also very good at speaking. Forget it, I'm just teasing you. In fact, I'm really your senior."

Qingyi was taken aback by his sudden change of tone, why did this mouse change so much?Is it just because of her master theory?
She looked at Heifeng suspiciously, not knowing what he meant?
She turned Hei Feng's face away, thinking, if this girl looks at her like this again, maybe he won't miss his old love and will keep her as his wife.

Why!After finally falling in love with a woman, how could she be his descendant?

Thinking of this, he coughed and asked in a low voice, "Are you a monk from the Chu family?"

Qingyi's eyes widened in an instant, like the full moon in the sky, thinking, the change in tone of this person should be a friend of the Chu family, not an enemy.

So he nodded quickly, "Senior, do you know the Chu family?"

Hei Feng nodded slightly, and sighed, "The monks who knew the Chu family thousands of years ago, unfortunately, are gone now."

Ten thousand years ago?Qingyi was overjoyed, so he must know her father, Chu Muyuan, right?Tried to ask again:
"Do you know Chu Muyuan?"

Heifeng nodded habitually, then looked at Qingyi in surprise.

"You also know about Chu Muyuan? That's right, people from the Chu family will still have legends about him, even if it has been more than ten thousand years."

(End of this chapter)

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