Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 251 Meeting Old Enemy

Chapter 251 Meeting Old Enemy

Ye Fengyan withdrew her consciousness, calmed down, took a sip of tea, reached out her consciousness again, and locked onto Chu Mulou directly.

It's really him, although his appearance has changed, but his figure, temperament, skills, and unique flame...

It's not the fire of the phoenix in his brother Chu Muyuan's blood, but the rare fire in the center of the earth.

He has a deep memory. In the secret realm back then, he also discovered the fire in the center of the earth, but unfortunately he was not their brother's opponent and was absorbed by him.

Hehe, why do people who have long ceased to exist appear alive now?Could it be that his disappearance for no reason was not death, but entering a certain time formation?

Ye Fengyan guessed that there was only one possibility. After being surprised, he laughed and said to himself:

"So what can I do if I'm alive? You are only in the late stage of transformation, and you are no longer my opponent. How can I torture you?

At the beginning, you hurt me, and your elder brother hurt me too. Even if the Chu family was destroyed, I always felt a little unwilling. I didn't expect you to be alive. It's very good. "

Ye Fengyan's consciousness continued to watch, he was not in a hurry, he had to see what happened first, and then reappeared when Chu Mulou could still feel hope.

Let him experience the despair after hope...

Ye Fengyan was in a good mood and became a spectator.

Chu Mulou didn't know that he had already been discovered by his old opponent. At this time, he, Yiyang, and Lu Bei were running and using combined attacks to defeat the enemy.

The three of them have been studying the combination attack technique for the past few years, and the effect is getting better and better. Therefore, they are not defeated in the battle against the two early-stage monks, but they cannot win quickly.

If you want to get away from these two people, you have to choose the right time to escape, otherwise, if another accomplice comes over later, it will be difficult for them to get away.

Therefore, the three retreated while fighting, until they retreated to the direction of the valley, and then fell from mid-air.

Those two monks at the fusion stage originally wanted to show off their prestige in front of their young lady, so that Ye Lian would look at them differently.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, they could not be captured. At this time, they were impatient and angry.

If they can't catch these three people today, they will be ashamed to see Ye Lian again. Their young lady has a very strange temper. Once she is in a bad mood, she will abuse her subordinates. It is obvious that she is in a bad mood today.

Although the two monks at the early stage of fusion did not know why the three of them fought well in mid-air, they fell to the ground. Is there anything to escape from the bottom of the valley?

No matter what the reason was, they could only follow the whereabouts, so the air battle turned into a ground battle.

Chu Mulou and Yiyang both have the power of fire, and the flames are not ordinary, so they worked together to develop a powerful combined attack spell of the fire system, named Hell Lotus.

When the five people landed, Lu Bei raised his hands, and the vegetation in the surrounding valley excitedly entwined towards the two early-stage monks.

Although there are many vegetation and menacing aura, it can only be a temporary obstacle in the face of two monks in the early stage of integration.

The two quickly rushed out of the cage of vegetation. As a result, red lotus flowers ushered in again, and the scorching temperature instantly surrounded them.

They don't know whether they are in a sea of ​​fire or a sea of ​​flowers?The flames quickly penetrated their defenses and entered their bodies.

The three of Chu Mulou looked at each other, it was the opportunity to escape, and the three of them rushed towards the exit of the valley.

However, a powerful aura hindered the three of them from escaping. Chu Mulou felt a chill in his heart, and he did not expect to be discovered by him.

I shouldn't have entered this city this time, it hurt me, and I also implicated them.

Chu Mulou glanced at Yiyang and Lu Bei apologetically, "I didn't expect to hurt you in the end."

Yi Yang shook his head, "It's me, if I wasn't so impulsive, maybe I wouldn't fight, then he wouldn't be able to find you either."

"Haha, you don't have to be humble, Chu Mulou, you are still alive, it really fulfills my wish.

You said, how should I treat you?You hurt me back then, but your elder brother beat me half to death, so painful, how could you not pay it back? "

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Fengyan's Wei'an figure appeared in front of the three of them.

Dressed in a purple robe, coupled with a face with sharp edges and corners, but full of personality, it is luxurious and flamboyant.

Although Ye Fengyan's lifespan is more than half over, her face is not old at all, she looks younger than Chu Mulou, only a little over 30.

His eyes looked at Chu Mulou playfully, as if he were looking at the ants on the ground.

"Since today, I am no longer as good as you, I can only do as you please, but the two of them are innocent, I hope you can still take care of it, and let them go because of the reputation you have earned so hard."

Chu Mulou's voice was calm and his expression was calm, without the fear and timidity Ye Fengyan imagined.

"You are still so affectionate. Unfortunately, I won't let them go. If I let them go, my reputation will be damaged. If I kill them, no one will know."

At this time, the two early stage monks had already escaped from the hell lotus. Although they were in a panic, their lives were not in danger. Seeing Ye Fengyan, the two were so shocked that they could only fight on one side, not daring to leave, nor did they dare near.

Chu Mulou smiled lightly, "You are still the same as you, and I really don't know how you have cultivated to the Mahayana stage with your temperament?
In fact, with your aptitude, if you didn't have this temperament, you would have already ascended like your big brother.

Although it seems that you have won by destroying the Chu family and me today, you and elder brother will never be able to compare. You can only dominate in this corner, while elder brother has become invincible in the fairy world.

This is the defect in your xinxing, and you will never be able to achieve the great way. "

"Haha, I didn't expect you to still be in the mood to preach with me at this time, even if it's as you said, so what?

Revenge makes me happy, so I live happily. I have 2 years to squander. This life is enough, and living too long will be boring.

It's a pity that in the future, you will bear the pain of your life under my happiness! "

Ye Fengyan was not angry at all, and was not in a hurry to catch him back, chatting as if seeing an old friend.

Although Chu Mulou was calm on the surface, his heart was overwhelmed. He didn't hide from his heart that he had died to the point that it hurt others.

He has always been calm in his affairs, but this time he was too impulsive, and his elder brother asked him to take care of Qingyi, but now...

Seeing that Chu Mulou was silent, Ye Fengyan laughed again: "Don't think about running away or self-destructing. Everything is futile in front of me. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes? Maybe I can help you."

Chu Mulou looked at him calmly, "You are really hypocritical as always. Although I am not as strong as you now, I will not let you kill me."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yiyang and Lu Bei, and the three of them understood.

"Haha, I still want to resist. As long as I raise my hand, you will follow me obediently. Fighting depends on strength, not loyalty, understand?"

Ye Fengyan has a very good temper and is not worried about their resistance at all.

"Night maniac, I haven't seen you for many years, you are still so hypocritical and annoying"

A wild man's voice suddenly came from mid-air, resounding in everyone's ears.

Ye Fengyan was startled, and Chu Mulou was also startled, Qiqi looked up...

(End of this chapter)

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