Chapter 257

Qingyi punched the little beast flying towards her, and kicked up again, and soon four or five of the little beasts that were rushing towards her were knocked into the air.

Immediately afterwards, several more came rushing towards her, and she marched in while beating. She believed that the yellow sand would eventually come to an end.

Although Qingyi is still wounded, it is still very easy to deal with these little beasts without spiritual power. Her body has been tempered by several thunder calamities, but it is much stronger than when she first encountered the group of red spirit rats.

A few small sand beasts bumped into Qingyi's body, they didn't hit anyone, they lost their airs, and for a while, the beasts also looked at each other, not knowing why.

Qingyi walked inward while beating. After a long time, she was exhausted. Looking at the fewer and fewer sandstone beasts around her, she could faintly feel the spiritual energy entangled in the air. She couldn't help but feel happy, but looking again The endless yellow sand in the distance, sighed again...

Seen from the top of the cliff, the bottom of this valley is not that far away, but it is only when you enter inside that you realize how big it is. It seems like an endless desert, with no oasis or sandstorm...

Just as Qingyi was thinking this way, suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, bringing up grains of yellow sand around her, instantly forming a big net, and engulfing Qingyi in it.

Before Qingyi could react, she was taken to a place by Dawang. This change was very similar to the feeling when she met the black golden mouse. Could it be that there is a Mahayana monk here?

The big net is gone, but it is another world. The yellow sand all over the ground is gone, and the sunshine and green grass are gone. This is a dark cave.

Feeling the spiritual energy in the cave, Qingyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, where is this?Was it a human or a demon who brought her here?

Qingyi looked around nervously, waiting for the mysterious person to appear.

"I didn't expect that it was a human being who came in this time. I like the body of a demon cultivator. A human body is of no use to me." An old and hoarse voice sounded in the cave.

As soon as the voice fell, the cave lit up. An old man with white hair appeared not far from Qingyi, with deep wrinkles on his face. , but the eyes are very bright and very peaceful.

This old man doesn't look like a bad person, but Qingyi felt very kind. She asked cautiously, "Senior, where is this? Are you human?"

"It's not very far from the Absolute Spirit Land, little girl, why did you come to the demon world? Here again?" The old man's attitude was very good.

"I came to the demon world to find someone, and I fell here by accident." Qingyi replied.

"You also want to fly over that cliff?" The old man continued.

Qingyi was taken aback, and quickly asked: "Senior also fell from above?" The old man nodded.

"Then you stayed here all the time?" The old man nodded again.

"Why don't you go out?" Qingyi asked curiously again.

"I can't get out. If I could, I wouldn't stay here. It's really lonely to be alone."

"Can't I get out?" Qingyi's voice suddenly became louder. Why can't she get out of the places she enters?

"Little girl, calm down, you are very lucky to be alive. Many people or demons who came down from above are no longer here, but have gone to the realm of ghost cultivation."

"Ghost repair?" Qingyi's voice became louder again, it was really an old man's words, every sentence was more shocking.

"Well, it is not far from you just now, if you go further, you will come across a black crack, as long as you get close, your soul will be sucked into the crack.

I saw that you are a human being, and you are so young, so I couldn't bear it, so I saved you, little girl, did you use the shapeshifting technique? "

The old man's words made it difficult for Qingyi to digest for a while, it was the first time she heard about ghost cultivation, and she almost entered the ghost world?Looking at the old man in front of her, she felt grateful, and quickly changed back to her original appearance, bent down and said:
"Thank you for your life-saving grace, senior!"

"You don't need to thank me, I'm also doing my best, just do something good when my life is about to expire!" The old man smiled faintly, and the wrinkles on his face deepened.

In Qingyi's eyes, she was extremely kind, and she tried to ask again: "Senior, are you a Mahayana monk?"

"When I first entered here, it was the early stage of Mahayana. Nearly ten thousand years have passed, and I have only entered the first level. Now it is the middle stage of Mahayana."

It may be that he has not spoken for a long time, but the old man's voice has been a little hoarse.

"Senior, what exactly is this place? It doesn't look like another dimension, why can't even the Mahayana monks get out?"

Qingyi asked again, is she going to be trapped here to death?
"The Mahayana period is not omnipotent. Without spiritual power, is it just a mortal?"

"But there is obviously spiritual power here." Qingyi said something puzzled.

The old man sighed helplessly: "I don't know what kind of place this is? There is spiritual power in the center, and then there is the ghost domain. If you want to leave this place, you have to fly up from the edge, but there is no spiritual power on the edge. How can you fly?" ?”

It turned out to be like this, Qingyi seemed to understand the difference in this place, this is really difficult, without spiritual power, it is really impossible for a mortal to climb hundreds of meters of bare cliffs.

"Senior, why didn't you enter the ghost world?" Qing Yi asked curiously, remembering this question.

"At the beginning, I also went to the place where the crack was. It may be that my cultivation base is high, and the primordial spirit is stronger than others. Although I was seriously injured, I still broke free from the evil spirit, which was involved in the primordial spirit, and then That's where I found it."

After the old man finished speaking, he looked into the distance, and there was a flash of pain in his calm eyes.

Qingyi was taken aback, "Senior, are you being hunted down?"

The old man nodded and said nothing, as if he really didn't want to think about the past.

Qingyi was also silent. A monk in the early stage of Mahayana was hunted down. Could it be an enemy?Thinking of the Chou family, she couldn't help but be taken aback. Could the old man in front of her be her own grandfather?

She had heard from Heifeng that the grandfather of the Chu family was an early Mahayana monk.

Qingyi's big eyes carefully looked at the old man in front of her, but unfortunately the wrinkles on her face were too deep, she couldn't see her original appearance clearly.

"Little girl, why are you looking at me like this?" The old man was puzzled by Qing Yi, and asked.

Qingyi smiled, and whispered, "I just want to see if you look like that person?"

"Which person?" The old man looked up with curiosity.

"Chu Muyuan." After Qingyi finished speaking, she looked at the old man quietly.

The old man looked at her calmly, without the surprise or other expressions she imagined, Qingyi felt a moment of disappointment in her heart.

"You are so young, how could you know him?"

The old man's tone was light, and he turned his gaze elsewhere.

"I've seen his portrait."

"Portrait?" The old man turned his gaze away, and then turned back.

"Well, I saw it in the family." Qing Yi replied indifferently.

"Family? Your surname is Chu?" The old man's calm gaze finally changed.

Qingyi nodded, "My name is Chu Qingyi, how about you, senior?"

Seeing the changes in the old man, Qingyi felt a little more certain, thinking, it can't be such a coincidence, can it?Could it be that he is really her real grandfather?
(End of this chapter)

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