Chapter 261
It turned out that the man in white was the mythical beast Ba Snake. Qingyi saw the timing and controlled the four dragons, merging two by two, merging her space power, quickly forming two space cracks at the head and tail of Ba Snake.

Boom, boom, two loud noises exploded around Ba Snake. The man in white didn't care about the four bugs at first, but thought it was the little girl who let them out to scare people.

However, the moment he just became the main body, he found that the four bugs were missing, and he was suspicious. When he saw the two expanding space cracks around him, it was a bad secret, but unfortunately it was already too late.

Two loud bangs, although he didn't kill him, he was seriously injured, the tail of the snake was broken off a little, and the head of the snake was still intact, but it was still bleeding profusely.

Ba She let out a wild roar, and rushed towards Qing Yi, this tiny human being actually hurt him, and he wanted to swallow her into his stomach as a sacrifice to his stomach.

How could Chu Yunlan at the side let him hurt Qingyi, and seeing the right moment, he slapped the snake's head hard with a big palm.

If it was Ba Snake in the era of complete victory, Chu Yunlan would certainly not be his opponent. Unfortunately, now that he is injured, Chu Yunlan can definitely fight him.

Although Qingyi lost her combat power, her primordial spirit was still able to control the little puppet, and once again it was filled with spirit stones. The little puppet flew up, and a small hand instantly grew bigger. .

Ba Snake, who was already seriously injured, was attacked by one person and one puppet again, and his injuries were compounded. He glanced at the closed door unwillingly, turned and fled to the north.

"Chu Yunlan, sooner or later I will kill you all."

Leaving a word, Ba Snake disappeared, and the grandfather and grandson did not chase after him. A monk in the late Mahayana period is not so easy to be beheaded.

The reason why he was seriously injured today was because he underestimated the enemy and underestimated Qingyi, an uncertain factor.

Chu Yunlan heaved a long sigh of relief, looked at Qingyi with brighter eyes, and the wrinkles on his face became much lighter, Lao Huai nodded in relief, and praised:
"As expected of Yuan'er's child, it is also the pure phoenix blood of the Chu family. The exercise you just did is not the exercise of the Chu family. What is it?"

"It's the exercise that daddy left in the space. It's very suitable for me, so I practiced it. It didn't have such a great power in the first place. Since it was integrated into the power of space, it has become much stronger."

After retreating from the strong enemy, Qingyi was in a good mood and said with a smile.

"You also learned the attribute of space and possessed the power of space?"

"Well, I learned it with the help of Uncle Hei."

"Xiao Hei? He still has a bit of conscience. Back then, when your father ascended suddenly, we thought he had encountered misfortune at first, but the natal jade tablet left in the family was always intact, and it was only later that we confirmed that he had ascended.

Since then, I haven't seen Xiao Hei again, and I thought he had gone to the fairyland too. "

Chu Yunlan thought of the spirit beast that followed his two sons, and wanted to see him again.

"Grandpa, that big snake just now is Ye Fengyan's spirit beast, right?" Qing Yi asked what she had guessed in her heart.

"How do you know? When the Chu family was destroyed, he hadn't broken through the early stage of Mahayana. He didn't expect that he has already reached the late stage."

"Guessed from your conversation."

The grandfather and grandson pushed open the door on the left while talking, and a strong aura came in.

Qingyi was overjoyed, there was a huge open space on the other side of the door, although it was very dark, she could still clearly see the big tree standing in the middle.

The color of the leaves of the tree is very close to that of the soil. The thick branches are rooted in the soil layer and extend around. What surprised Qingyi the most is the two fruits hidden under the leaves.

What kind of fruit is this?The color is similar to its leaves, and it looks like a piglet. It is fat and cute. Such a big tree only bears two fruits, which is definitely a rare good thing.

She looked at Chu Yunlan, saw her grandfather's eyes turned from surprise to joy, and thought that this must be a rare fruit.

"Grandpa, what kind of fruit is this? It seems that the aura around the outside was absorbed by it."

Chu Yunlan couldn't hide his excitement, he laughed and said, "This is a rare tree from the earth, and its fruit is the legendary Earth Immortal Fruit, also known as Feisheng Fruit."

In Qingyi's memory, there really was this kind of fruit, and it was in her Consciousness Sea's alchemy formula, the Ninth Grade Advanced Pill, Feisheng Pill.

The most important material for refining Feisheng Pill is the Earth Fairy Fruit. Because it is extremely hard to find, she didn't pay much attention to it, and she didn't expect to meet it here.

Feisheng Pill is a kind of elixir that is close to elixir. A monk in the Mahayana stage can break through the first level after eating a Feisheng Pill.

As for the monks in the late stage of Mahayana, as long as they eat a flying pill, they will directly break through the peak of the late stage of Mahayana, attracting thunder calamity, and ascending through thunder calamity.

Eating the Ascension Fruit directly will also have an effect, but it is a waste of such a rare fruit. One fruit can produce ten pills, so it is more cost-effective to refine it into a pill.

How many monks stayed in the late stage of Mahayana, but were unable to break through the last small barrier. Unexpectedly, such a rare fruit was found by the grandfather and grandson inadvertently.

"Grandpa, let's pick it off quickly. If the snake comes back again, it may not necessarily snatch him. He should be here for these two fruits." Qingyi said anxiously.

"It's a pity that it's not yet ripe. If you pick it off like this, it will be wasted."

"It looks almost there, how long do we have to wait?" Qingyi looked at Chu Yunlan and asked.

"The color of the fruit must be darker before it is ripe, and it will take at least ten days."

Chu Yunlan was also a little helpless, and estimated that the snake would come back in ten days.

Qingyi lowered her head and wondered, could the tree be moved into her space?The different trees in the earth like to grow in the earth, and they need a lot of spiritual power to nourish them. She is really afraid that her space will not be able to support them.

Chu Yunlan seemed to know what she was thinking, and asked, "Do you want to move it to your father's space?"

"Well, anyway, we have to remove this tree, otherwise the aura around it won't be able to recover."

"It makes sense. It's just that its roots extend far and deep. How can we dig it out?" Chu Yunlan sighed.

"Just dig out the taproot. I'm alive. I believe I can survive. Anyway, it's better to give it a try than to wait for the big snake to come back."

Qingyi still wants to get it into the space.

"Okay, I'll listen to you,"

The two of them did what they said. Chu Yunlan was a single spiritual root of the earth type, and he pulled out the big tree without much effort. Qingyi directly entered the space with a single thought.

Qingyi didn't plant it in the medicine field, the aura was absorbed by it, what about her medicine?
In the innermost small world, I found a place and planted different trees from the earth in the ground. After finishing everything, the grandpa and grandson went back to the wooden house to rest.

Chu Yunlan saw at a glance that the male puppet placed by Qingyi in the corner of the wooden house was startled at first, and then asked uncertainly:
"Is this also a puppet?"

"Well, this is also left by daddy, it is more powerful than that, but it needs fairy crystals."

After Qingyi finished speaking, she made a cup of Qingxin tea, handed it to Chu Yunlan, and said again:

"Grandpa, we still have to leave quickly, there is a big snake nearby, it's not safe at all."

"Okay, after finishing this cup of tea, let's leave and see if there is any change in the aura around us?"

(End of this chapter)

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