Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 263 Small talk

Chapter 263 Small talk
Seeing Heifeng, Chu Yunlan thought of his two sons for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh:
"Xiao Hei, more than 1 years have passed, and you are still the same as before, but I have aged so much, and I have reached the end of my life, so it is hard for you to recognize me."

Heifeng scratched his head, and said with a chuckle: "Our demon cultivators have a much longer lifespan than humans, so we grow old slowly. I didn't expect to see uncle again. You, why are you together?"

Qingyi glared at him from the side, "Uncle Hei, tell me first, why did it take you so long to come here?"

Hei Feng's eyes dodged, he was a little afraid to look at Qingyi, and whispered: "I was caught by Ye Fengyan because of my carelessness."

"At the beginning, when Ye Fengyan chased and killed me, it was only in the early stage of Mahayana, but his weapon was very powerful, and Xiao Hei was able to get away from him safely, which is already very powerful!"

Seeing Hei Feng's appearance, Chu Yunlan was amused. This guy seemed a little afraid of his granddaughter, so he kindly said something for him.

"Uncle Hei, where is my senior brother now? Quickly take out that thing and let me see it." Qingyi said urgently.

"Girls are really extroverted." Hei Feng muttered, took out the small disc, and threw it over.

"Look for yourself, this kid is amazing!"

Hearing Heifeng's tone, Qingyi breathed a sigh of relief, but when she saw the small dark spot on the disc, she almost cried out in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yunlan asked with concern.

"Senior brother is currently in the Demon Realm."

Qingyi really couldn't believe it.

"A few days ago, I was still in the Demon Realm, so I escaped to the Demon Realm so soon?" Chu Yunlan was also surprised.

"Her senior brother is amazing. After entering the Demon Transformation Pond, he was able to escape unharmed. Even the Demon Emperor failed to catch him. It seems that he is really not an ordinary person!" Hei Feng's voice also had admiration.

"The Pond of Transforming Demons?" Qing Yi's big eyes looked at Hei Feng.

Heifeng coughed twice, avoided her gaze, and said:
"I didn't find you when I went to the demon world, but I also heard some news. I don't know how this kid escaped to the princess mansion.

He was seriously injured and was rescued by the princess, and because of this, the princess fell in love with him at first sight, but the kid was almost healed, so he ran away, and was caught by the demon emperor, who wanted to kill him, thanks to the princess' pleading.

Because the demon emperor loves the princess, he also obeyed his daughter's wishes, but he had to be thrown into the demon pond before he could agree to their big marriage.

The Demon Transformation Pool is to transform human beings into demon cultivators, and they will lose their previous memories after they come out. "

Qingyi was terrified when she heard it, and her heart went up and down, but Chu Yunlan laughed beside her.

"I didn't expect that this kid has a lot of affection for you, and it's really impossible for a human to come out of the Demon Transformation Pool intact.

It seems that my granddaughter has a really good vision. For this point, grandpa will not bother with him. "


"Okay, then shall we go to Demon Realm now?" Chu Yunlan quickly changed the subject and asked.

Qingyi glanced into the distance, shook her head, "No, let's return to the Hui tribe first."

"Why? Aren't you always worried about him?" Chu Yunlan couldn't understand the change in her granddaughter's mind.

"I believe in brother! Since I can escape from the demon realm, I will also leave the demon realm."

Heifeng glanced at Qingyi secretly, and said solemnly again:
"Don't worry about him, even the Demon Emperor couldn't catch him again, not to mention that he is not as powerful as the Demon Emperor's Demon Lord.

This kid can't be saved by ordinary people, he has many methods. "

Qingyi glared at him angrily, thinking, it's all because of you.

Hei Feng shrunk his neck, thought for a while and straightened his chest and said, "If it wasn't for me, how could you come to the demon world, and you wouldn't be able to find your grandfather, right?"

Qingyi looked at Chu Yunlan. This old man with white hair and many vicissitudes was her own grandfather. She never thought that her own grandfather was still alive. In this way, she really has to thank Heifeng.

But she won't thank him, who made this guy's mind impure from the beginning, in her heart, she lost respect for Heifeng and her elders, and a little more willfulness.

Chu Yunlan laughed beside him, patted Heifeng on the shoulder, and said:
"Xiao Hei, thank you uncle, if Qingyi hadn't strayed into Jue Ling Cliff, I would have died of old age there."

"It turns out that the girl fell into the cliff of Jue Ling. No wonder, you can't see your bright spot on the disc."

When Hei Feng said this, Shrew's eyes widened instantly.

"But how did you get out? No matter whether it was a human or a demon who entered there, they never came out again."

Chu Yunlan stroked a few white beards on his forehead, and proudly said: "It's all because of Qingyi's clever mind, but I also saw that big snake."

"Big snake?" Heifeng was taken aback for a moment, but then he understood.

"Is it Ye Fengyan's spirit beast, Ba Snake?"

Chu Yunlan nodded, "Well, he is now in the late stage of Mahayana."

"What? In the late stage of Mahayana, how did you advance so quickly? It wasn't as strong as mine back then."

The sound of the black wind suddenly rose, thanks to the sound insulation in the magic weapon, otherwise, it would be heard far away with the wind.

"Uncle Hei, you have to work hard and don't fly behind me."

"Ascension? Can you still ascend? I heard that not long after your father ascended, something important happened here.

Not only is the spiritual energy getting less and less, but even the ascension channel is gone. If you can't ascend, what's the use of cultivation? " Heifeng said while shaking his head.

"Since it has existed, there will always be a reason, so you can't take the opportunity to be lazy." Qingyi is still very confident.

"Yes, Xiao Hei, you have to work hard to cultivate, so that you can ascend to the fairy world in the future, so that you can take care of Yuan'er." Chu Yunlan said with longing eyes.

"Grandpa, you want to ascend too, don't you want to see Daddy again?"

"I think, of course I want to. Back then he ascended without warning, and I didn't have time to say a lot, but I, even with your longevity pill, it's only been 500 years, and the ascension is hopeless!"

Chu Yunlan's smile was faint, and his wrinkles were shallow, as if he had taken everything lightly.

"Within 500 years, as long as grandpa breaks through to the late stage of Mahayana, he will be able to ascend."

After Qingyi finished speaking, she winked at him.

Chu Yunlan was stunned for a moment, but also realized that they got the Earth Fairy Fruit, as long as they refine the Feisheng Pill, there is really hope for Feisheng.

Thinking of this, he chuckled, Hei Feng was puzzled and looked at the grandfather and grandson suspiciously.

"Uncle Hei, will you return to the family with us, or to your place?"

"Of course I will go back to Chu's house with you, and I promised Chu Mulou that I will protect him."

Heifeng looked at Qingyi, didn't understand what she meant, but answered truthfully.

"That's good. When you break through to the late Mahayana stage, I'll give you a Ascension Pill." Qingyi said with a smile.

"Flying Pill? And this pill?" Hei Feng's slender eyes narrowed and then widened again.

"You got the fairy fruit?"

Qingyi nodded again, but Chu Yunlan looked worried, and said: "That big snake has been guarding the fairy fruit, but we got it. It must not be reconciled. We will have a lot of trouble in the future."

"Haha, that's great. What are you afraid of? Anyone who dares to snatch it will fight back." Heifeng smiled indifferently.

"Ye Fengyan has been pestering you for several days, and then there is Ba Snake in the late stage of Mahayana, how can you fight?" Qing Yi said in a blow.

Heifeng instantly lost his voice...

(End of this chapter)

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