Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 274 Yu'er's Gift

Chapter 274 Yu'er's Gift

What just happened here, the other three hall masters, including the cultivator of Dark Night City who are still following behind, have all seen it.

Unexpectedly, in just a few breaths, those monks who came over from their deacon hall were wiped out.

For a while, they didn't know whether they should chase him or not?These people are kind of wicked.

But if you don't chase after him, how will you explain to the city lord after you go back?
The three palace masters glanced at each other, hesitating, the woman who appeared suddenly was obviously a monk of the Mahayana period, and the sword cultivator, chasing after her would probably cost her life in vain.

Rather than die, it would be better to be reprimanded by the city lord after returning. Thinking of this, they turned their heads and flew back in unison.

Those children of Ye Fengyan didn't force their subordinates to chase after them anymore. They were not fools. Once the monks on their side lost too much, how would they fight for power in the future?

So the group of people who chased them out aggressively flew back to Dark Night City in less than half an hour.

"I'm still going to hit the next one. Why are you running back? Do you want to chase after him?" Qingyi said, looking at Lan Fengli with big eyes.

"You, those people just now, if you didn't help me, I suffered internal injuries." Lan Fengli said, clutching his chest and coughing a few times.

"Brother, are you injured?" Qingyi looked at him nervously.

Yu'er turned her head, unable to bear to look directly.

"Are you lying to me? Go out for a stroll, and learn badly again." Qingyi reacted instantly and gave him a blank look.

"I was running for my life. Who would go wandering in the demon world if they have the leisure time." Lan Fengli said helplessly.

"Father, mother, what happened? I seem to have missed a lot of interesting things." Yu'er hurriedly came over and asked.

Qingyi raised her finger lightly, and pointed at his forehead, "It's not all because of you, last time Lei Jie caused an accident, this time you haven't improved your memory."

"I'm not alone. I went out with the three of them, thinking that they could contact Daddy if something happened, but who knows, you guys are hiding." Yu'er's voice became smaller and smaller.

Xin Quan patted his head embarrassingly, and said, "I dragged Luo Yu out, and I was excited because of Huashen."

"Although I was surprised, I think you have gained a lot. It is not easy for Jiaolong to transform into a dragon. What adventures did you have?"

Lan Fengli asked curiously, he didn't expect that his three spirit beasts have all turned into real dragons now, and if they cultivated to the Mahayana and ascended through the thunder tribulation again, they would become divine beasts.

"We were blessed by misfortune. We didn't expect to cross the magma river, but we came to an ancient palace. There should be a dragon palace. There is a pond of transforming dragons and a pond of phantom thunder. Therefore, the three of us brothers are lucky to be transformed into real dragons." Xin Quansan Brother is happy.

"Yu'er, what about you? It's been less than half a year since becoming a god, and you've already reached the peak of the early stage. What good things have you got? Are there any more?" Qing Yi stretched out her hand while talking.

"Mother, when did you become so greedy? But I really got a treasure, specially reserved for you."

After Yu'er finished speaking, she stretched out her hand mysteriously, as if she was holding something in her hand.

"Guess what it will be? Only if you guess right can I give it to you."

"There are so many good things, how do you guess, why don't you learn something good after going out for a while."

After Qingyi finished speaking, her small hand immediately grabbed Yu'er's big hand and started to grab it.

"Father, look at how rough Mother is!"

Lan Fengli raised the corners of his lips, and said with a smile, "I guess it must be a bead."

Yu'er was taken aback, and praised: "Daddy, why are you so smart! Mother, learn a little bit, don't use force at every turn, and always use your brain."

Qingyi let go of her hand and hummed: "So it's a broken bead, which is also called a good thing."

"Mother, don't you like beautiful beads the most?"

"That was before."

"What's the matter now?" Yu'er asked curiously.

Qingyi was silent at the side, and Lan Fengli raised her lips and smiled.

"Daddy, you know?"

"Well, it took several days to research the beads I bought last time and the beads from Shui'er, but there was nothing she wanted, so that's it."

Yu'er laughed, Qingyi rolled his eyes at him, "What's so funny about that?"

After laughing, Yu'er put her hands together and said, "But the beads this time are definitely good things, take a look, mother."

Qingyi still looked over, her eyes were obviously bright, and she took it with her little hand.

"Well, this is very similar to the wood origin bead I got that time. Could this be the origin of water?"

"It should be. I found this in the water." Yu'er replied.

"Try it when you go back, won't you just get this thing?" Qingyi looked at Yu'er suspiciously.

"Xiao Yu'er, don't you have any beads for me? I want soul beads."

Mao'er asked unwillingly, Yu'er didn't think about him at all, he was a little sad.

"You want it?" Yu'er asked.

Isn't this nonsense, Mao'er rolled his eyes.

"How could I forget you, this time I really got a baby that suits you."

The cat was overjoyed, and quickly stretched out his hand, "Take it out and show it to me."

Soon there was a small bottle in his hand, the cat saw that it was just an ordinary bottle, and cried out in disappointment:

"I want soul beads, soul beads, what's the use of giving me a broken bottle?"

Shui'er also saw the bottle at the side, glanced at Mao'er again, and said with contempt:

"You are really ignorant. This is a soul-absorbing bottle, and it contains living souls. If you swallow it, it will be of great benefit."

"Soul?" the cat muttered.

Lan Fengli looked at Yu'er with concern, and said, "It must have been very dangerous to subdue him back then."

Yu'er nodded, thinking of the scene at that time, she was still a little apprehensive.

"It was almost sucked away by him. In the end, I was superior and put his soul here. I thought it might be useful to return it to the cat."

"Little Yu'er, you are so kind to me!"

Mao'er happily held the bottle, and when he went back and absorbed this powerful living soul, his strength would be stronger than Shui'er.

Seeing the cat's stinky expression, Qingyi blinked, she patted Shui'er, and comforted:
"My next Thunder Tribulation, there will definitely be Zi Lei, and you will catch up with him then."

The cat snorted disdainfully, and said in a low voice, "Do you think Tianlei will listen to you? You say Zilei is Zilei."

"How about taking a gamble?" Qingyi said confidently.

Mao'er looked at her suspiciously, could it be that she could find out the secret after seeing her for a few days?
Shui'er also stared at her with big beautiful eyes, with suspicion on her face, Qingyi laughed and said:
"I don't know how to survey the sky, it's just a feeling."

Mao'er breathed a sigh of relief, "It feels like what you said is true. I thought you became the second lucky person."

"But don't forget, monks' senses are often very accurate." Qing Yi still had a confident expression.

"Mother, Dad, what's the matter with you? What's the demon world like? Is it fun?" Yu'er was still curious about how father and mother went to the demon world?

"Could the demon world be a fun place? It's so big, you still know how to play." After Qingyi finished speaking, she knocked on Yu'er's forehead.

"Mother, I'm already this old, you still beat me?"

(End of this chapter)

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