Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 277 The ever-changing

Chapter 277 The ever-changing
Seeing this figure, Chu Yunlan's heart sank, and the original surety of victory turned into a disadvantage in an instant.

He and Xiao Hei may not be able to defeat the big snake, let alone Ye Fengyan and Bai Fengxian.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunlan hurriedly communicated with Heifeng Divine Consciousness: "Xiao Hei, let's run away."

Heifeng also had this intention, so the two fled south in unison.

"Want to escape? Haha..."

Following Ye Fengyan's laughter, the three figures also fled past like shooting stars.

Ba Snake was the fastest, but he stopped Chu Yunlan within a few breaths, and he looked at Chu Yunlan gloomily.

"Old man, where do I see you fleeing today?"

Ye Fengyan, who was intercepting the black wind with Bai Fengxian, was obviously stunned when he heard Ba She's words. It was obvious that they had met recently, and seeing Ba She's face so ugly, could it be that place?
The sudden realization in his heart caused Ye Fengyan to have a bad premonition. Just because he saw Ba She, his excited heart became tense, so he hurriedly contacted Ba She with his soul.

"A Yuan, have you seen him? Is he in that place? Did you get the fruit?"

"Even the trees were dug up by him."

"What?" Ye Fengyan's figure flickered and almost fell.

He managed to confirm the news through various means, and learned that there was an earth fairy fruit in that place, so he specially sent A Yuan to wait for it. Is this the result of thousands of years of waiting?And it was snatched away by the old Chu family.

He is still waiting to get the fruit. After eating, he will have a chance to ascend. Even if he can't ascend, he can break through to the late stage of Mahayana.

"A Yuan, you are already in the late stage of Mahayana, how can you not beat him?"

Ye Fengyan was no longer in the mood to chase Hei Feng, and flew directly in front of Chu Yunlan.

"There was an accident, and he still has a helper, a little girl, who has a late Mahayana puppet in her hand. That's why I lost."

Ba Snake's voice was very unwilling.

little girl?For some reason, Ye Fengyan thought of the little female cultivator who possessed the phoenix fire.

The Chu family, why do you always have trouble with him?
Bai Fengxian saw that Ye Fengyan also turned to Chu Yunlan. Although there were doubts in his cold eyes, he didn't step forward to ask, and he didn't chase Heifeng anymore, but stopped quietly in midair.

Hei Feng, who was fleeing in front, suddenly felt that something was wrong. When he turned around, he saw Chu Yunlan being stopped by the two master and servant. He was startled, and quickly fled back. He couldn't run away alone.

Ye Fengyan looked at Chu Yunlan at this moment, as if he could spew fire.

"You old man, why do you always spoil my good things?"

Chu Yunlan was very calm at this moment, looking at him with a faint smile.

"You have bad intentions, but you always blame others. There is a saying in the world of cultivating immortals that those who are capable will get it. If you don't get it, then you are an incompetent person."

"Okay, if I kill you today, the things will still be mine."

"You didn't kill me back then, and you still can't today."

Ye Fengyan laughed, "Old man, where did you get the confidence? Counting on that little black mouse? It's ridiculous, A Yuan, today he will let you vent his anger, Fengxian, I will deal with that little black mouse with you .”

Bai Fengxian glanced at Ye Fengyan and asked indifferently: "What is the good thing you just said?"

"It's nothing special. It's not very useful for our current cultivation base. I want to leave it for the children."

"Really?" Bai Fengxian looked at him suspiciously.

Ye Fengyan nodded naturally, "When did I ever lie to you?"

"You let Ba Yuan guard the things for children for so long?" Bai Fengxian obviously didn't believe it.

"Then what do you want?" Ye Fengyan seemed helpless.

"Of course the good things have to be shared, otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of help for you." Bai Fengxian said directly.

"Don't forget, the Chu family also has the credit of your Bai family today, so it's not helping me, but helping each other."

Bai Fengxian snorted and said nothing, as if she knew that talking too much would be useless, so she and Ye Fengyan faced the black wind unwillingly.

Ba Snake looked at Chu Yunlan at this time, wishing to pull out his muscles and bones, so he made a ruthless move as soon as he started, directly attacking the vital point.

Chu Yunlan has been fighting for a long time, and his strength is not as good as that of Ba Snake, so he will soon be at a disadvantage.

Ba Yuan looked at Chu Yunlan coldly, "Today is your death day!"

"Even if I die, I will take you with me."

Ba Yuan snorted, and the phantom of the big snake appeared again, and the snake head went straight to Chu Yunlan, "How do you hide this time?"

"Why should I hide, at worst, I will die with you." Chu Yunlan did not back down.

"Okay, let's see how you end up together."

After Ba Yuan finished speaking, the snake shadow avatar controlling him was about to directly entangle Chu Yunlan, when he suddenly felt a powerful aura coming from his back, he quickly dodged sideways, but it was too late, and he was slapped on the shoulder .

Staggering, the snake shadow immediately entangled Chu Yunlan paused for a moment, just in time to be slapped by Chu Yunlan's condensed big palm, and the snake shadow instantly dissipated.

Ba Yuan turned his head and only saw a figure from the back, but he remembered it deeply, it was the puppet, and it turned out that the girl was also there.

Last time, it was because of belittling her that he was seriously injured, so that he lost the earth fairy fruit that he had guarded for so many years.

There was another sneak attack today, Ba Yuan wiped a trace of blood from his lower lip, and looked in that direction with cold eyes, wanting to kill that nasty little girl directly with his eyes.

Chu Yunlan took the opportunity to cover another mountain.

Ba Yuan didn't dare to underestimate him, so he quickly turned his head and raised his hands to face the mountain that was pressing down on him. The puppet came from behind again, still slapping him hard on the back with his spiritual palm.

Ba Yuan was extremely depressed, but he had no choice but to change back to his body. When the snake's tail swept away, the mountain collapsed, and he also took the opportunity to escape the palm.

Although Hei Feng not far away was one-on-two, he was not defeated. His spatial blockade could not lock Ye Fengyan, but he could lock Bai Fengxian.

As soon as Hei Feng started the battle, he directly used his space to block and lock Bai Fengxian inside.

Therefore, he only needs to deal with Ye Fengyan with all his strength, and he can barely handle it now.

Just as Ba Yuan rushed out of the pincer attack of Chu Yunlan and the puppet, something flew towards him, so fast that he didn't see it clearly, and instinctively wanted to avoid it.

"Bang!" There was a soft shout in the distance, and the flying object flashed a light, and it exploded beside him.

The energy of the explosion of the ninth-level array swept across his huge body, and the poor Ba She had just healed his scar, and it was broken again.

Just as he rushed out of the encirclement of energy, he was covered by Lan Fengli's nine-level Qi sword array. Before he could show his power and rush out of the sword array, there was another bang.

The mighty Mr. Ba She was attacked by blasting energy twice in a row. No matter how strong his body was, he couldn't stand the repeated bombing. His body was crumbling.

Chu Yunlan took the opportunity to send out another big mountain pressure. If he was hit this time, he would probably be thrown from mid-air directly.

Ba Snake raised its head helplessly, raised its head to the sky and roared, swept its tail to the side, and fled eastward at high speed.

He couldn't catch these two hateful humans today. The last time he was injured, he hadn't fully healed yet. This time, he was injured more and more. He needed to rest for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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