Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 285 Looking for the Last Sword

Chapter 285 Finding the Last Sword
Although Ye Fengyan was happy in her heart, she put on a troubled look on her face, sighed and said:
"The practice of a monk is not as simple as you imagined. Not only will it cost your cultivation, but it will also lose ten years of life."

"Ten years is absolutely dispensable for cultivators, so don't be fooled, just tell us what you need. I don't like twists and turns." Mozun said impatiently.

"Hehe, I'm just telling the truth, and I didn't go around at all. Since you said that, I'm not being polite. Once you can determine the location of the sword, the two of you can no longer participate in the competition."

Ye Fengyan said with a faint smile.

"It's easy to say, neither Long Yan nor I will want that sword again, call Bai Fengxian over quickly, I just want to know the whereabouts of that sword quickly." Di Heng said without hesitation.

"Also, once the sword is found, how will the quota for entering the Immortal Mansion be determined?" Ye Fengyan said again after thinking about it.

Diheng didn't answer this time, but looked at the Yaohuang. The Yaohuang, who had never spoken, looked at Ye Fengyan.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Fengyan took a sip of tea, said with a light smile, "Actually, you and I have the same idea."

"What's your idea? Tell me." The Demon Emperor asked with interest.

"I just don't want the opportunity to be shared by more people."

"Haha, you are honest, so what do you think of the four of us?" The Demon Emperor said with a big laugh.

Ye Fengyan shook his head.

"I don't know who took that sword away. If I don't get it, I won't have the right to speak."

"If you all go to the Mahayana period of human law cultivation, the demon emperor and I will suffer first in terms of numbers. Wouldn't it be even worse if you unite again at that time?"

Mozun immediately protested.

The Demon Emperor didn't really care. Would he still be afraid of the number of people in the late stage of Mahayana?At that time, all good things will be his.

"If you don't deal with me first, I can guarantee that I won't join forces with them."

Diheng looked at him and asked suspiciously, "Is your word believable?"

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Once you try to find the sword, it will definitely disturb the Meng family and the Qin family.

So I can't promise to get that sword. "

Ye Fengyan continued.

"Di Heng, don't be silly, they've all gone for only four Mahayana periods, don't you and I still be afraid of them?" The Demon Emperor patted Di Heng on the shoulder.

"In the face of interests, can you guarantee that you will not be hostile to me?" Di Heng was very suspicious.

"You are too careful, a bit unlike the decisive killing of the demon cultivator." The demon emperor despised him a little.

"Okay, then it's up to you, let's act as soon as possible."

Mozun didn't want to be said to be timid, so he readily agreed, then suddenly remembered something and asked:
"If someone finds that sword and puts it in the interspatial ring, can you still find out what your monk did?"

"After the practice, it relies on the mutual induction between the swords. Even if there is a space, they should stay nearby. Also, those who have touched the sword before will be able to stick to the breath of the sword."

"Then I don't worry, call that Bai Fengxian over quickly." Di Heng was in a hurry, and urged again.

Ye Fengyan didn't speak anymore, but he was proud in his heart. He still has a spirit beast in the late Mahayana period. Once he enters the Immortal Mansion, all the good things will be his.

But thinking of the Chu family, he frowned again. Last time they were defeated by the Chu family. If the Chu family had a chance to enter the Immortal Mansion, then his chances of winning were not great.

Immediately, his eyebrows stretched again, and a sinister smile bloomed quietly on his lips. It would be a good thing if the Chu family could enter the Immortal Mansion, and they could all be buried there.

Soon Bai Fengxian and the cultivator who practiced the method came over. Although Bai Fengxian hesitated, but under Ye Fengyan's guarantee, he still took out the sword.

The three swords were placed in front of the cultivator. This cultivator was in the late stage of fusion and was very good at this kind of spell.

He flipped his hands and recited the formula silently. The three swords in front slowly began to emit light, getting brighter and brighter, and then approached each other tremblingly, like lovers who had not seen for many years, excited and lingering.

After the lingering, the three swords separated again, but flew towards the south in the same direction.

Ye Fengyan and others hurriedly followed, and the three swords and several Mahayana monks who suddenly appeared in midair quickly alarmed the monks in the nearby cities, including the Meng family and the Qin family, of course.

The Mahayana period monks of the two families understood everything in an instant, and quickly chased after them with a streak of light.

Meng Tianyi, a Mahayana monk from the Meng family, and Qin Shuihan, a Mahayana monk from the Qin family, met each other very quickly.

"Tianyi, another sword has been found, and there is only the last one left. After the merger of China and the West, I have been sending monks to the Western Continent to look for it, but there is no news. What about you?" Qin Shuihan asked when they met.

"I also sent monks, and the result was the same as yours. Look, the direction of the three swords is still the western continent. If the last sword is obtained by Ye Fengyan, we probably won't even be able to see the shadow of Jiuyan Immortal Mansion." .”

There was helplessness in Meng Tianyi's voice.

"We must not let Ye Fengyan get it, our two families will join hands." Qin Shuihan replied with divine sense.

"It's difficult, I may not be his opponent if we team up with you, let alone Bai Fengxian."

"Our background is still much stronger than his Dark Night City, we can't let him grow bigger, otherwise we may also follow in the footsteps of the Chu family."

Qin Shuihan replied with consciousness again.

"He has an enmity with the Chu family, and he won't do that to our two families. We'd better catch up quickly."

After Meng Tianyi finished speaking, the two speeded up again, and soon caught up with Ye Fengyan and the others.

"Brother Qin, Brother Meng, you guys came really fast." Ye Fengyan saw the two of them and greeted them warmly.

"Don't call us if you have something good to do, you really want to take everything for yourself." Qin Shuihan replied bluntly.

"You're not right. I don't even have one now. How can I take it all by myself? It's the two of them who decided this time."

After Ye Fengyan finished speaking, he pointed to the Demon Emperor and Mozun.

Meng Tianyi and Qin Shuihan greeted the Demon Emperor Mozun lightly. Normally, they were not very friendly or even enemies with the Demon Cultivator and Demon Cultivator. Now it would be good if they met and didn't fight.

The Demon Emperor didn't care, he didn't pay attention to these people at all, as long as the interests of the demon world were not involved, he was too lazy to deal with these cunning humans.

Almost all the monks of the Mahayana period in Zhongyu had gathered, they tacitly said nothing, and continued to fly south with the three swords.

The speed of the sword's flight was not very fast, and it took more than ten days to arrive near Wanliu City. At this time, there were countless monks flying in midair with the sword.

Of course, those monks could only follow from a distance, and no one dared to approach the Mahayana monk's brow.

When the three swords flew to Wanliu City, their speed slowed down obviously, and they stopped in mid-air as if hesitating for a while, then turned to fly southwest.

Several Mahayana monks were stunned. This direction is not to the Western Continent, but to those mountains. The two swords did not fly in this direction last time. Could it be that the sword has changed places?Or was it taken by someone else?
(End of this chapter)

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