Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 300 Demon Emperor Emperor Enlightenment

Chapter 300 Demon Emperor Emperor Enlightenment
"Master, you really know, tell us quickly." Qingyi said anxiously.

Dan Wenye sighed, "I know you all want to ascend, but if it is really that person, it will be very difficult and very dangerous."

"What kind of big shot?" Heifeng asked curiously.

"Devil Emperor Diqi, an existence almost like a god." Although Dan Wenye's voice was light, his expression was rare and dignified.

"Break through the tenth level of the devil emperor to become a god, so he hasn't broken through to the tenth level, right? But how did he reach the lower realm?" Qingyi continued to ask.

"He is a special existence, a ninth-level devil emperor, who has never broken through to tenth level. Once he was lucky enough to get the godhead of a demon god in the tomb of the gods, so he absorbed him.

I thought that after absorbing the godhead, he would become a god, and then ascend to the god realm and become immortal, but who knew that the godhead he swallowed was flawed, so he became a demigod.

He will never be able to become a real god in the future, breaking his dream of ascension to the God Realm. In a fit of anger, Di Qi wanted to unify the fairy world and become the king of the fairy world.

Originally, with his ninth-level demon emperor cultivation base, he still couldn't dominate the fairy world. After all, there are also ninth-level immortal emperors and demon emperors in the immortal world, whose strength is similar to his.

But it's different after swallowing the godhead. His primordial spirit has reached the existence of a god, and his physical body is also a demigod. His cultivation base is unmatched in the fairy world.

Therefore, in order to vent the anger in his heart, Di Qi led his subordinates to start his days of becoming king, conquering east and west, and everywhere he went, there were sorrows and sorrows everywhere.

In order to maintain the stability of the fairy world, and for human monks to survive in the fairy world safely, there were nine ninth-level emperors. At that time, there were only nine ninth-level emperors in the fairy world.

They managed to trap him with the taboo large array of nine spirits, but Di Qi, who was already a demigod, was stronger than they imagined, and the array couldn't trap him for a long time. The nine chose to sacrifice their souls to the array.

The power of burning the soul made the array more powerful. After all, Di Qi couldn't escape. In the end, his body should be destroyed, and his soul was also seriously injured.

It is said that due to the fierce fighting between the two sides at that time, the fairyland was unstable and the space collapsed. In the end, people did not know where the big formation and Di Qi fell. space.

Now it seems that he should have fallen into your continent. It is estimated that Di Qi's soul was awakened in the past hundred years.

If you want to break out of the formation, you must first restore your soul, and the best way to restore your soul is the soul-nourishing stone, and your Chu family has become the unfortunate with the soul-nourishing stone. "

Dan Wenye stopped here and looked at Qingyi worriedly.

Chu Yunlan didn't know about the Soul Cultivation Stone yet, after hearing Dan Wenye's words, he also looked at Qing Yi nervously, he wanted to know what was going on?

Qingyi shrugged and said: "I have absorbed the Soul Cultivation Stone, and the Demon Lord is catching me everywhere, but it's not that he hasn't caught me yet, so you don't have to worry about it.

It seems that my senior brother and I have the same guess, so what should we do now?
It is estimated that the place where they fought at that time was very close to the ascension channel of our mainland. Because of the unstable space later, they were accidentally squeezed into the channel and entered the Tianxiang Continent, and the channel was also destroyed. Qi, can the Ascension Passage be restored? "

After Qingyi finished speaking, she looked at Dan Wenye nervously.

"At that time, nine ninth-level immortal emperors were sacrificed to trap him. You still want to let him go. When he returns to the fairy world, won't the fairy world be in chaos again?"

"But if we don't let him go, how can we ascend to the fairyland? Master, don't you want to go back to the fairyland?"

Qingyi really wanted to go back to the fairyland and meet her parents.

"Hey! You didn't watch the chaos that time, and you really have lingering fears. If you want to return to the fairy world and cause chaos in the fairy world again, wouldn't you be a sinner?
Besides, is the Nine Spirits Locking Soul Formation so easy to break?Even if you can break it, how can you escape his clutches?No, no, it's too dangerous, don't try to find it. "

Dan Wenye repeatedly warned, Chu Yunlan was terrified, and quickly stopped:
"Qingyi, you can't think about breaking the formation, it's a big deal that you won't ascend."

Qingyi bowed her head without saying a word. At this time, Lan Fengli, who had been silent all this time, reminded lightly:
"Even if there is no soul stone, I guess his primordial spirit will recover almost in a few hundred years, and he will still break out at that time. It's better for us to preemptively strike."

Qingyi's eyes lit up, her senior brother always had the same thoughts as hers.

Heifeng hurriedly asked: "How to preemptively strike? Such a powerful Demon Emperor, what can we do?"

"There will always be a solution." Lan Fengli replied lightly.

Hei Feng glanced at him and said nothing more. Dan Wenye turned his gaze to Lan Fengli and said approvingly:
"You are very smart, and you think far ahead. Indeed, as you said, the Devil Emperor will break out in less than a thousand years."

"So we should quickly think of a solution now, the more time passes, the more dangerous it will be." Qingyi continued hastily.

"Shouldn't you be concerned about the affairs of Jiuyan Immortal Mansion now?" Dan Wenye reminded.

"This time with the escort of Master, we are not allowed to take the things in the Immortal Mansion." Qingyi said excitedly.

"Don't be too happy too soon. Once I show up, there will be a huge difference in strength. Can they agree to open the Immortal Mansion?"

As soon as Dan Wenye finished speaking, Hei Feng also continued, "What if Ye Fengyan brings all the loose immortals and loose demons from outside the domain?"

"Call back as many as you come, isn't it Master?" Qing Yi looked at Dan Wenye with a smile.

"Hehe, you really believe me."

"Master, are you still afraid of those loose immortals now that you are an immortal emperor?"

"My body is the strength of a ninth-level immortal. Although my soul is stronger than them, if there are too many, I may not be able to fight back."

Dan Wenye looked at Qing Yi amusedly, this girl is really a bit silly sometimes.

"Master, as long as they scare them, they won't come again. Then we can enter the Immortal Mansion with peace of mind, and then solve the problem of the Devil Emperor."

"You are very confident." Dan Wenye smiled helplessly.

"But how do we get them to agree to take out the key to enter the Immortal Mansion?"

Just as Hei Feng finished speaking, Qingyi suddenly thought of another question, looked at Dan Wenye with big eyes and asked:

"Master, if you kill that person, there will be no loose immortals who can find the location of the Immortal Mansion and pass through the Wind Realm. What shall we do?"

Several other people also looked at him, Dan Wenye said very confidently:

"It's not difficult, I can do it."

"Master, you also know how to practice?" Qingyi asked in surprise.

"At my level of cultivation, many things become very simple, and there is no way to use them at all."

"Then it will be easy. Then we can promise them that Master will no longer participate in the Immortal Mansion, so they should be relieved, right?" Qing Yi said after taking a sip of tea.

"Will they believe it?" Yu'er asked suspiciously.

"Just like grandpa that time, you can swear an oath to heaven." Qingyi said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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