Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 407 Returning to the Samurai Family

Chapter 407 Returning to the Samurai Family
On Niumengxing, Qingyi finished her first retreat in Ascension to the Immortal Realm. During the 50 years of the Time Formation, she took a Hunyuan Pill and cultivated from the first level of the immortal to the fourth level of the immortal.

Her avatar is already at the sixth level of the Celestial Immortal, and the primordial spirits of both bodies have fully recovered and have reached the sixth level of the Celestial Immortal.

Qingyi is quite satisfied with this kind of cultivation results, she believes that she will be able to easily defeat Wu Chengyi now.

After cleaning up her body and changing into a white dress, Qingyi came out of the Time Formation. Seeing that Li Shuangwan and Shangguan Yutong were still practicing, she didn't bother her.

She should also go out to find out the situation. She always practiced in closed doors and felt that the advancement was not so fast.

The divine consciousness poked out and found nothing unusual, so he stepped out of the space.

Using the invisibility technique, he flew towards the city. The city seems to be very lively today. There are many more monks coming and going than usual, and most of them are rushing in one direction.

Qingyi also moved forward with the flow of people, and learned from the chats among the monks that in two days it would be the election of the city lord of Wangxing City, which occurs once every century.

And those who rushed over early were all casual cultivators and monks from small families, who wanted to come early to occupy a better seat near the ring to watch the game.

Qingyi didn't follow the crowd anymore. It turned out that it was the city lord's century-old election. If she could become the city lord, would she be able to meet the star lord?
It's just that the city lord must be a monk from the three major families to have the capital to compete. How can she sit on the seat of the city lord?

While walking, she still thought of the Wu family, maybe she should go there again and meet that Wu Chengyi.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and flew directly to the land of the Wu family.

Qingyi didn't walk through the gate of the Wu family's land openly, but sneaked into the family's land by using invisibility, and entered Wu Chengyi's Patriarch's Mansion with just one move.

Wu Chengyi was sitting alone, tasting the fragrance of tea, as if he was thinking about something on his mind, when he suddenly felt the fluctuation of the breath in the room, he quickly stood up.

"who is it?"

As his voice fell, Qingyi also revealed her figure.

"It's you!"

Wu Chengyi's voice changed from surprise to surprise, thinking, he didn't go to look for her, but the beauty came to her on her own initiative, is it because the five years of wandering have suffered so much?Come to join him again today?
"It's me. I came here today to discuss something with you. If you dare to think otherwise, believe it or not, I will destroy your entire family!"

Qingyi stared at him with beautiful eyes and said in a cold voice.

Wu Chengyi looked at Qingyi carefully again, and his heart was terrified. This girl has cultivated to the fourth level of Tianxian after five years of absence. Is this still a normal person?

Wu Chengyi didn't dare to underestimate the enemy when he thought that he would be able to escape from him at the first level of Tianxian. To be the head of a family, apart from being strong, his brain is certainly not stupid.

The only disadvantage is that he likes beauties, when facing beauties, his thinking and actions can easily deviate from the direction.

But Qingyi's words just now made his soul tremble slightly, he woke up from the fantasy of the beauty, straightened his expression and said with a light smile:
"Then let me hear what you want to talk to me about first?"

"The election of the city lord."

Qingyi directly stated her intention.

"Do you want to run for the city lord?"

Wu Chengyi quickly realized and asked in surprise.

Qingyi nodded, "I don't know what kind of identity I have to take to participate in the competition?"

"If you become my wife, you can participate in the city lord election."

Wu Chengyi looked at the beauty and unconsciously said what was in his heart.

"Your memory is really bad. It seems that we need to use force to solve it."

When Wu Chengyi heard it, his eyes lit up and he clapped his hands in praise:
"Your words really reminded me, why don't we solve it by force now, and if you lose, you will be my wife.

If I lose, I will give you the seat for the city lord election two days later, how about it?That's fair, right? "

Qingyi looked at him suspiciously, "Is your word believable?"

"If the fairy is worried, I can swear to heaven that I, Wu Chengyi, am actually a very trustworthy person."

"Okay, then you swear first and then we will go to the fighting field."

Qingyi also felt that this method was feasible, and said happily.

Wu Chengyi immediately raised his hand and swore an oath to heaven, thinking to himself, although your means of escaping are very powerful, but fighting skills depend on strength.

Could it be that he can't beat a little girl who is a fourth-level Celestial Immortal?Haha, he has been really lucky recently.

Wu Chengyi, who became more and more beautiful as he thought about it, laughed, Qingyi rolled her eyes secretly, thinking, she must give him some color later.

Wu Chengyi seemed to be aware of his gaffe, quickly restrained his smile, and said seriously:
"Let's go to the Dou Fatai right now, and I'll call the Great Elder and other elders, don't worry, I've sworn the oath of heaven, and I will never let the elders surround and kill you.

I just want everyone to be a witness, so that if you win and participate in the city lord election, they will not have any objections. "

Qingyi didn't say a word, thinking to herself, even if she was besieged and killed, she wouldn't be afraid.

Soon all the ten elders of the Wu family were called out by Wu Chengyi, and they all rushed to the family's martial arts arena.

The elders didn't know what was the reason for the patriarch. Could it be that the patriarch wanted to fight for the position of city lord because he wanted to use them to practice his skills?

They were even more confused when they arrived at the fighting stage. On the fighting stage, their patriarch and a beautiful fairy were standing on both sides. What's going on?
Competition?But that woman is only at the fourth level of the Celestial Immortal, and their patriarch is at the eighth level of the Celestial Immortal. Isn't this obviously bullying!

Only the Great Elder knew Qingyi, so he couldn't help being surprised, when did this girl come again?

Because he cured his daughter's body, Wu Chengye was very grateful to Qingyi and didn't want her to have any harm.

At this time, many clansmen seemed to be alarmed, and rushed to the fighting field one after another.

Wu Chengyi coughed twice first, cleared his throat and said loudly:

"This fairy is the benefactor who cured Wu Zimei's body, and she came here today to participate in the city lord election two days later.

In order to thank this benefactor, I really want to give her the spot, but you also know that all the candidates for the election of the city lord are those of the ninth or tenth level of the immortal.

If you can't even beat me, you will probably lose your life if you go, so I decided to let her fight me first.

If she wins, I will give her the place to participate in the election. If I win, this fairy is willing to stay and be my wife.

Please be a witness now, I have sworn to heaven, so even if I lose, you can't embarrass her. "

After Wu Chengyi finished speaking, the audience was quiet, Qingyi secretly despised him, this guy spoke really nicely, but now she only cares about the result, not what he says.

The elders were speechless for a while, but their hearts were like a mirror, and they couldn't help feeling sorry for Qingyi.

What a beautiful fairy!It's a pity that she's a bit silly. She didn't know she was on the old thief ship of their patriarch. It's really whimsical that she wants to fight for some kind of city lord as a fourth-level Celestial Immortal.

Anyway, it would be good for them if the patriarch won, so after a moment of silence, all the elders raised their hands in agreement.

Only the Great Elder showed concern. He knew that Qingyi ran for the city lord only to meet the star lord and then leave, but was it too impulsive to do so?
(End of this chapter)

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