Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 411 Leaving Wangxing City

Chapter 411 Leaving Wangxing City

Qingyi wasn't too surprised by the appearance of Star Master.

Because every time the city lord campaign ends, the star lord will issue a new city lord identity card, and only with this identity card can he enter the star lord mansion.

Qingyi saluted lightly and stood there quietly, waiting to get her city lord ID card.

Qi Mintian didn't take out any brand, but looked at her carefully again and asked with a light smile:

"Are you a warrior monk?"

"It's the elder guest of the Wu family."

Qingyi answered truthfully, and Qi Mintian nodded.

"Your aptitude is very good, and your fighting skills are also very strong. You don't look like a monk on Niumengxing. I don't know where the fairy came here from?"

"I'm a monk who just ascended."

Qi Mintian was very surprised by Qingyi's answer, he frowned and smiled lightly.

"There has never been a monk who has ascended on this planet. The fairy talks very funny."

Qingyi rolled her eyes secretly, and said directly that she didn't believe what she said, and it was over, and she was trying to be funny, I don't know what this person wants to do by asking so many questions?
Seeing that his attitude is still friendly, she can only emphasize one more sentence helplessly:
"I did ascend, and I really don't know why I ascended here."

Qi Mintian narrowed his eyes slightly, and was delighted to see that her expression did not seem to be lying. A monk who had just ascended and had no one to rely on just happened to bring her into the family.

So the smile on his lips became more cordial, and he said softly:

"With your aptitude, it's a pity to stay here as the city lord. It's better to go to my family. I'm a direct disciple of the Qi family in the Central Continent."

"The Qi family?"

Qingyi seemed to be puzzled and asked repeatedly.

"Well, the Qi family is one of the eight major families in the Central Continent. If you go to the Qi family with your aptitude, you will become a core disciple. The cultivation environment is much better than here. Would you like it?"

After Qi Mintian finished speaking, he stared at her without blinking and waited for an answer, thinking that if this girl didn't know what to do, he would forcefully take her away.

Qingyi lowered her eyebrows as if she was thinking, then raised her head after a while, and asked with joy on her face:
"Can I really go to your family? Where is the Central Continent in the fairy world? Is it very big?"

"Of course it is true. The Central Continent is the largest and most prosperous continent in the Immortal World. It has the strongest spiritual power and the most abundant resources. It is the holy land for cultivation that any monk yearns for."

Qi Mintian said several times in a row, and his expression was full of yearning.

"Sounds very good, Star Master, do you have a map of the fairyland? I want to see with my own eyes how big the Central Continent is, and where your family is located."

Qingyi wanted to get the map of the fairy world, so she tried to ask for it.

Qi Mintian was obviously stunned for a moment, not understanding why the fairy first thought of looking at the map instead of asking about other things.

"Why do you want to see a map of the fairy world? Do you have a place you want to go?"

Qingyi quickly shook her head, looked at him with big eyes and asked in bewilderment:
"I'm just curious about how wide the fairyland is? Is it difficult to see the map of the fairyland?"

Qi Mintian looked directly at the clear eyes in her eyes, and felt that he was too careful. Where would a newly ascended monk have anywhere to go, so he laughed loudly and said:
"Okay, then I will satisfy your curiosity. In fact, in the Central Continent, the map of the fairyland is not very difficult to get."

After speaking, she threw a jade slip over, Qingyi quickly took it, and her spiritual sense penetrated into it, this map was many times bigger than Wu Chengyi's planet map.

Her consciousness quickly scanned every place on the map, and then copied, memorized, and imprinted again.

After about a cup of tea, a map of the fairy world clearly appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Qingyi slowly withdrew her consciousness, feeling extremely tired, returned the jade slip to Qi Mintian, blinked and exaggerated:
"The fairyland is really big! I haven't remembered a few places after looking at it for so long, but I saw the location of Qi's family.

Star Lord, if I promise to go to your family, will you take me away or will I go by myself? "

The smile on Qi Mintian's lips became more and more cordial, he shook his head and said softly:

"No need, the family will send someone here, and then take you away."

Of course Qingyi would not join the Qi family, so she didn't refuse right away, one was to get the map of the fairy world, and the other was because she was afraid of offending the Star Lord and taking her away by force.

Now she is not the star lord's opponent, so she can only find a way to delay the attack, wait until the star lord's mansion and then find an opportunity to leave, maybe this is more convenient than being the city lord.

Qi Mintian was very happy. This trip to Wangxing City was really rewarding, so he waved his big hand and announced loudly:

"The winner of the city lord election this time is this fairy, but the fairy is willing to join my family and follow me to the Star Lord's Mansion.

Therefore, Wang Xing City's city lord is still the second Wang Yipin to continue to serve. "

After Qi Mintian finished speaking, he took out a new ID card and threw it to Wang Yipin.

Wang Yipin didn't expect this result, the city lord position that he thought he had lost would return again, and the hand holding the identity card trembled slightly.

The monks of the Zhang family were very dissatisfied, and quickly shouted:

"Star Lord, Wang Yipin and I haven't decided yet."

"It's okay, this time it's a special situation, so I have to leave earlier."

Qi Mintian's current thoughts are all on getting Qingyi, a good seed, so he is in no mood to watch the game again, so he waved his hand and made a final decision!
Although the monks of the Zhang family were very dissatisfied, they didn't dare to say any more, and could only stare at Qingyi fiercely.

It's all the fault of this woman, who came to join in the fun to run for the city lord, but in the end she won and attracted the star lord, and she was not the city lord, so she handed it over to the Wang family in vain.

Wu Chengyi's eyes kept staring at Qingyi, shouting in his heart countless times: You mean to leave the city lord to our Wu family!

With Star Lord's attitude towards her, as long as she said something, the city owner would belong to the Wu family. When she said she would leave, she would give him the city owner.

However, Qingyi didn't say anything until she left, and she didn't even look at the Wu family.

Wu Chengyi finally withdrew his gaze and lowered his head.

If he hadn't had such bad intentions when she rescued Wu Zimei back then, and the Wu family had treated each other well, this fairy might have remembered their family's love, but now...

Why!Wu Chengyi sighed, it was a blessing not to cause a catastrophe, what else could he expect!
All the monks looked at Qingyi enviously, and left with the star lord.

This beautiful fairy who won the star master's favor after only participating in two games, left the monks of Wangxing City as if they were only a flash in the pan, but they still have a deep memory!

The Star Lord's Mansion is far away from Wangxing City. Although there is no teleportation formation between the cities, their Star Lord is a direct disciple of the Qi family, so naturally they have flying fairy weapons.

Qingyi sat in the flying fairy along with Qi Mintian and the two protectors. The future of this trip is unknown, so she needs to be careful!

From the map of the Immortal World, it can be seen that Niumengxing is the most remote planet in the west, and it takes a teleportation array of hundreds of planets to reach the Central Continent.

Although she knew that Lan Fengli was probably waiting for her on the Ascension Star, but it was farther away from the Ascension Star than the Central Continent, so she couldn't be farther away.

So she decided to leave Niumanxing and head all the way to the Central Continent, looking for her father Chu Muyuan first.

If she follows the monks of the Qi family, she should be able to return to the Central Continent soon, but in case the Qi family has any means of controlling foreign disciples, she will be kept in the Qi family forever.

She can't put herself in danger at any time, and she must not wait until the monks from the Qi family arrive, otherwise it will be difficult to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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