Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 413 Lingtian Palace

Chapter 413 Lingtian Palace

In the hut at the entrance of the teleportation array, four monks were chatting, but the faint fluctuation of immortal power in the hall caught their attention.

"Someone broke in, I'll go out and have a look, you must guard here."

One of the skinny black-faced monks got up quickly, and rushed out after a confession.

"No way, Heizi is just careful, who can break into the Star Lord's Mansion silently and come here again?"

Another fat-faced monk said indifferently.

"Heizi's reactions are always accurate, we should be more careful!"


Qingyi saw a person rushing out of the hut, she moved again and went directly to the teleportation array.

"Someone really came in, it should be on the teleportation array, hurry up and don't let him activate the teleportation array."

One person said and went straight to the opening of the teleportation array, but was one step too late.

A beautiful woman floated down to that place, and with a quick flip of her little hand and a light press, the teleportation array opened, and she disappeared.

This is Qingyi's avatar, her plan is to directly move the deity into the teleportation array, and her avatar is responsible for opening it.

For her who is proficient in arrays, it is not difficult to activate the teleportation array. When the teleportation array is activated, she is connected with the clone and is directly taken into the space.

This was a strategy she thought of on the spur of the moment, and the result was perfect, except that two monks at the ninth level of the Celestial Immortal followed into the teleportation formation.


Qi Mintian had just passed the news back to the family, and the patriarch was very happy, and promised to send two elders to pick him up.

It can be seen how much he attaches great importance to the well-qualified monks in his mouth. Thinking that he may return to the Central Continent again, he has never been in a good mood.

For that woman, he was still a little uneasy, so he spread his consciousness, wanting to see what she was doing, but in the end, an isolation array was set up in the house.

Qi Mintian had a bad intuition, so he quickly took out a small chip and stuck it between his eyebrows. This is the fairy weapon that can see through invisibility.

In the fairy world, the children of the big families generally have this kind of fairy weapon. After all, there are many monks who can invisibility and hide their bodies.

Qi Mintian spread his consciousness again to check carefully, but there was no woman in the house. His consciousness began to search the entire Baiyue City, and soon found where Qingyi was.

Qi Min Tian's already pale face became even whiter, and his teeth were chattering.

very good!He was actually deceived by that little girl. She was not a newly ascended monk at all, and she had no intention of joining his family, but left premeditatedly.

In vain he has always been careful in handling things, but he was careless in the hands of a woman. He just sent back a message to the family. If she is allowed to escape, how should he explain it when the family members come to Niulangxing?
Thinking of the consequences, Qi Mintian turned even paler. He got up and called the two guardians on the left and right. After a few breaths, he came to the entrance of the teleportation array, but it was still a step late.

The gloomy and pale complexion and the low air pressure exuding from the whole body made the two monks who were still in the teleportation circle dare not breathe out, for fear of being struck to death by the palm of the star master.

Qi Mintian didn't have time to deal with them. He didn't expect that girl to activate the teleportation array and leave in such a short time.

very good!He wanted to personally take the teleportation array to Liu Yuexing to catch her back.


The two celestial ninth-level monks who followed Qingyi into the teleportation array were just about to cast their spells when the teleportation array was already activated. They had no choice but to wait until they left the teleportation array to capture her.

However, as soon as they left the teleportation array, they suddenly realized that they didn't know what the escaped person looked like, and how to find it in the vast strange planet?
The two stood blankly not far from the exit of the teleportation array, wondering if they should stay here and search aimlessly, or take the teleportation array back?

Going back, not only would they have to bear the wrath of the star master, but they might not even have enough immortal crystals to sit in the teleportation array, but if they didn't go back, they wouldn't be able to survive on another planet for long.

All the monks in the bully Star Lord's Mansion are under the control of the Star Lord's soul talisman. When the two of them didn't know what to do, the exit of the teleportation array flashed, and three more people came out.

"Star Master!" "Star Master!"

When the two of them saw the person coming, they forgot to bear the anger of the star master, and shouted excitedly, Qi Mintian responded lightly and asked:
"What about people?"

"That person can be invisible, we..."

"They're all idiots!"

Qi Mintian ignored the two of them, spread his consciousness and began to search carefully. This planet is also the sphere of influence of the Qi family. The star master is a disciple of the previous generation, with the strength of Jinxian ninth level.

He didn't go to the Star Lord's Mansion first to get in touch with the monks of their family, he felt that one person would be enough to catch a little monk of the fourth level of the Celestial Immortal!
And once the family members know about it, they will lose face and don't mention it. Even if the girl is caught in the family, not only will he have no merit, but he may have done something.

There is a big mountain not far from the exit of the teleportation array. As soon as Qingyi got out of the teleportation array, she flew towards the mountain, then chose a place and directly entered the space.

She knew that the star master would come after him soon, so she took refuge in the advanced space, and then thought about the next countermeasure.


In Lingtian Palace, one of the three major powers in the Central Continent, in a quiet jade hall, Chu Muyuan dressed in white once again took out the small jade token he had refined, which contained his daughter's blood essence.

When I sent Qingyi away, I took a drop of blood essence and left it on it, thinking that when I ascended in the future, I would be able to know where she is the first time?
Although he knew that his daughter would not be able to ascend so quickly, but seeing that there were still no bright spots above, he was inevitably disappointed.

It was because he was too impatient. It is less than 150 years now, how could he soar up so quickly?
He looked at the Flying Star and sighed...

Just when he was about to put away the jade tablet, his gaze swept away. What did he see?The spot of light that had never appeared turned on.

Chu Muyuan stared at the spot of light, his hands trembling slightly, his daughter is back!

He disappeared in a blink of an eye, and at the end of the hallway, a beautiful woman in white was sitting on a jade pillar, looking at the fairy flowers and grasses in the distant mountains.

She is Qingyi's biological mother——Liu Yanxia. Because she has a single spiritual root of the ice element, she not only cultivates beauty very quickly, but also has strong ice spells.

However, she has cultivated to the first level of Immortal Emperor in more than 8000 years, so many monks in the fairy world respect her as Fairy Bingxia.

It has been 140 years, and although she knows that her daughter is still alive, she will not be able to practice with peace of mind if she does not ascend for a day, and her current cultivation base has been stopped at the seventh level of the Immortal Emperor.

"Xia'er, our daughter is back!"

While she was thinking, a nice man's call made the woman turn her head, and she stood up with a jerk.

"Look, here she is."

After the sound fell, Chu Muyuan came to the woman's side, and presented the jade tablet in front of her like a treasure.

The woman's beautiful eyes were astonishingly bright for an instant, but when she looked down at the jade tablet, the light dissipated little by little, like a sudden dark cloud covering the sky full of stars.

Chu Muyuan kept looking at her face, hoping that the long-lost bright smile would reappear.

However, the instantly darkened color surprised him, and he quickly looked at the jade tablet, but there was no light spot on it.

"It was bright just now, it was really bright."

Chu Muyuan seemed to be talking to himself, but suddenly said anxiously:
"Xia'er, our daughter must have encountered danger, and she must have entered the space fairy artifact I gave her now."

Fairy Bingxia looked up at him with beautiful eyes, and there was a trace of eagerness in her plain voice:

"Which planet did the light spot appear on? Is it the Ascension Star?"

(End of this chapter)

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