Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 416 Manhunt

Chapter 416 Manhunt
Back in the main hall of the Star Lord's Mansion, Qi Chenguang took out a crystal-like ball of light and lightly pressed a protrusion next to it.

The sphere of light was instantly covered with a layer of light, and after a short while, a majestic face of a middle-aged man appeared on the sphere.

Qi Chenguang hurriedly called out respectfully:


"What's the matter?" the man asked lightly.

"Qi Mintian of Niulangxing was killed in Liuyuexing."

"What? Why did he come to Liu Yuexing? Is he chasing someone?"

Having just said this, the middle-aged man frowned, and continued:
"Three months ago, he sent back a message saying that he had found a young female cultivator with very good aptitude and strong fighting skills. She was a fourth-level monk who had just ascended to heaven. Could it be that he was chasing her?
The family has already sent elders to Niumengxing just to bring that woman back, it must be her. "

"But patriarch, how could a cultivator at the fourth level of the Celestial Immortal perform such a powerful exercise, and five people died in it."

Qi Chenguang said carefully.

"Oh? Why are you so strong? Tell me quickly."

The head of the Qi family seemed to be curious about the powerful exercises he mentioned, so he asked quickly.

Qi Chenguang carefully described what he saw and the sounds he heard.

"Haha, it must be that woman. Mintian also described the characteristics of her kung fu in the report. It is a kung fu that allows attributes to be fused and then exploded. It seems that she hides her strength when fighting.

Hurry up and watch the entrance and exit of the planetary teleportation array, and mobilize the power of the entire planet to arrest her. Such a good seed must be used by our family. "

Unexpectedly, the patriarch laughed out loud after hearing this, as if he was very happy, how could he see the anger of a family member who died.

Qi Chenguang responded and asked cautiously:

"I don't know what the female nun looks like, what are the characteristics, how to catch it?"

"The two elders of the family who went to the bully star should have arrived there. I will notify them in a while, and arrest a monk who knows the woman for a soul search, and then they will go to your planet.

During this period, as long as they are female cultivators at the celestial level, any suspicious ones will be arrested. "

Qi Chenguang nodded again and again.

"Okay, go get busy! I have something to do too."

As the patriarch's words ended, the ball of light became dim again. Qi Chenguang exhaled and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

There was a bitter smile on his lips. This is a big family in the world of cultivating immortals, and interests always come first.

Qi Chenguang didn't dare to be negligent, so he quickly summoned the guards of the Star Lord's Mansion, divided into several teams, and began to arrest young female cultivators at the Celestial stage all over the planet.

Half a month later, the two elders of the Qi family who went to Niumengxing finally arrived at Liuyuexing, two sixth-level immortal emperors.

In order to bring a good seedling back to the family, the Qi family actually sent two elders. I don't know if they really value talents or have ulterior motives.

After seeing all the female cultivators who had been arrested, the two elders shook their heads in unison. There was no one they wanted to arrest here.

So they put back all the hundreds of female cultivators who had worked so hard to catch them back.

The two elders spread their consciousness and carefully searched every corner of the planet. They searched for two full days, but they did not find the woman.

The two narrowed their eyes at the same time. According to the information they obtained through soul searching, the female cultivator was indeed a rare talent.

Moreover, the female cultivator's appearance reminded them of someone, the famous Fairy Bingxia in the fairy world, could it be her and Chu Muyuan's daughter?

At the beginning, the birth of their daughter attracted Lei Jie, and also caused a sensation from various forces.

Lingtian Palace, which has risen in recent years, has obtained another innate immortal body that is rare in ten thousand years. I don't know how many forces are envious and jealous, and even a few hostile forces are trying to kill that baby in the cradle.

But Lingtian Palace has two strong emperors in one palace, Chu Muyuan, the killing god with white clothes and jade face, and the unparalleled beauty Bingxia Fairy, even though they are just two seventh-level immortal emperors, a husband and wife teaming up can defeat the ninth-level immortal emperor.

Later, when they heard that their daughter had disappeared mysteriously, and her life and death were unknown, the forces of all parties finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fairy Bingxia stayed in Lingtian Palace without caring about the world because of the loss of her beloved daughter.

Although there were also hostile forces who wanted to take the opportunity to destroy Lingtian Palace, but Chu Muyuan broke through to the eighth-level Immortal Emperor at that time, and the few forces that were about to make a move died down again.

After the two elders of the Qi family searched for their souls, they immediately explained the matter to the patriarch, and suspected that the female cultivator was the missing daughter of Ling Tiangong.

After hearing this, Qi Jihai raised his head to the sky and laughed three times, hahaha!Chu Muyuan, I didn't expect your daughter to be used by me!
The Qi family and Ling Tian Palace were already at odds with each other. Back then, Chu Muyuan had beheaded an elder of a seventh-level Immortal Emperor in their family.

Excited, Qi Jihai asked the two elders to rush to Liu Yuexing, and no matter what, he wanted to catch that woman, and he wanted Ling Tiangong to be devastated from now on!
After thinking about it, he was still uneasy, and sent the Great Elder of the clan, an eighth-level Immortal Emperor, to Liu Yuexing.

Qingyi, who was hiding in the space, didn't know that she was already in danger of being rounded up by the big monks of the Qi family!

The spiritual senses of the two elders of the Qi family searched Liu Yuexing almost all over, but they couldn't find the woman, so they withdrew their spiritual senses again.

After asking the management personnel of the teleportation array that day, it was known that she did not leave, so where could she hide?
The two looked at each other, and thought of a possibility at the same time, that is, this woman must be hiding in the space fairy, after all, her father is a powerful master of refining.

It's just a big planet, how will they find the space fairy that turns into something?

"Old Ba, I guess she must still be on that mountain. The monks in the city rushed over quickly at that time. She didn't have time to escape, so she should have entered the space directly."

The elder known as the eighth man's eyes lit up after hearing this, and said with a smile:
"Seventh brother is still smart, it must be like this, haha, this time we have a range, and we will find that space fairy soon."

"It still takes some time."

The seventh elder is not as optimistic as the eighth elder.

"We will definitely find it within half a year, and we will go there."

The Eighth Elder teleported to the foot of the big mountain after speaking. He glanced at the whole mountain covered by vegetation, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips.

His Purple Flame Underworld Fire can burn everything, and he doesn't believe that even if he burns up the entire mountain, he can't find that space fairy.

Thinking of this, with a wave of his hand, a large purple flame shot out from his body in an instant, and soon covered the entire foot of the mountain.

The scorching flames stretched more than ten feet high, and spread towards the top of the mountain with a crackling sound of burning, leaving no blade of grass in their path.

The monsters, ferocious beasts and even the little monks who practiced here in the mountains ran away in fright, but the flames of the Immortal Emperor level were too powerful, they couldn't escape at all, and soon became innocent souls under the fire.

The fire burned for more than ten days, leaving only a bare piece of the whole mountain, and even most of the sand and rocks were burned.

The Eighth Elder looked at his masterpiece and nodded, seemingly very satisfied, and the next step was to search for the space fairy among the many sandstones left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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