Chapter 420
The two of them looked at each other, and rushed towards Fairy Bingxia with two beams of light on the left and right.

The Eighth Elder's Purple Flame Underworld burst out in an instant, and the sea of ​​fire faced the sea of ​​ice.

The Seventh Elder took out his Ninth Grade Immortal Artifact——Seven Stars Turning Compass, raised his hands, the compass instantly became larger, spun and went straight to Fairy Bingxia.

The two of them found the right time, Fairy Bingxia controlled her Voice of the Frozen Sea, it was difficult to deal with them separately.

However, their ideas are good, but the results are not very satisfactory.

Fairy Bingxia lightly lifted her left hand, and an eye-sized ice bead floated on her chest. The ice bead shone with a faint light and grew bigger in an instant.

Lines of ice flew out of it, directly entangled with the flying compass.

The ice bead is also called the Ice Soul Throwing Silk. This is a ninth-grade high-level fairy artifact specially refined by Chu Muyuan for her. Compared with the seventh-rank elder's ninth-grade low-level fairy artifact, it is of course stronger.

The compass was quickly entangled in ice threads, and some ice threads bypassed the compass and directly attacked the seventh elder.

The Seventh Elder was startled, and quickly formed an earth wall around his body. Unfortunately, his earth element has not yet been fully realized, and his defensive ability cannot withstand the attack of the ninth-rank fairy weapon.

The ice silk penetrated through the earth wall and entered his skin, even though he was wearing a protective clothing of the eighth-rank immortal weapon, it could not stop the ice silk's intrusion.

Looking at the small holes on his body, but no trace of blood gushing out, the Seventh Elder really felt the death feeling of the cold air entering the body and blood coagulation.

His eyes widened with horror and disbelief, he was always careful and finally lost his life!

The Eighth Elder originally thought that his sea of ​​fire could melt the sea of ​​ice, but the Purple Flame Underworld Fire, which was able to burn everything in the past, could not melt her sea of ​​ice.

Especially when he saw Seventh Brother who fell to the ground in a few breaths, he really wanted to run away again without any spine!

Of the seven people who were baptized by the sound of the ice sea, only the soul of the second elder woke up after being lost for a while.

Looking at the other elders who had fallen into the sea of ​​ice, he was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

With a sharp turn of the body, a golden man covered in gold rushed out of the sea of ​​ice, and a big golden palm grabbed Fairy Bingxia.

Seeing this, the Eighth Elder didn't think about running away any more, and cooperated with the Second Elder to quickly unleash his strongest attack - Dragon and Phoenix Shuangxiang.

One dragon and one phoenix, the carrier Ziyan Minghuo went straight to Fairy Bingxia on both sides.

In the battle between immortal emperors, not only does the energy spread over a wide range, but even the sound is extremely powerful.

A grain of sand transformed into Qingyi's space is now under their fighting skills.

After the teleportation was gone, she didn't look carefully at the place, and quickly entered the space.

After careful inspection, she found that the place was at the foot of a barren mountain, and after waiting for a few days, no one was chasing her. I couldn't help but rejoice, it seemed that she had escaped again.

Just as he was about to let go of his mind and practice for a period of time, such a loud sound came from outside the space.

Qingyi was startled, thinking, was discovered again?But the sound seemed to be a battle, and it was a battle between the strong.

After listening to it for a while, she still poked out her divine sense and looked carefully at the place where the sound came from.

Just in time, I saw Fairy Bingxia's face that was [-] to [-]% similar to her, and her voice of ice sea.

Qingyi's eyes widened immediately, her small mouth opened again and again, she really wanted to rush out and shout out, that woman is her biological mother!

How did her mother come to Liu Yuexing?Did you come to find her?How did she know she was here?

Mother is so amazing!Qingyi's staring eyes twinkled instantly, and the ice attribute spells can be so powerful, so she has to learn them in the future!
Qingyi once asked Dan Wenye, did her mother hear about it?After Dan Wenye smiled lightly, he only said one thing, and Chu Muyuan and Chu Muyuan can be called the twin walls of husband and wife in the fairy world!
Haha, she has such a powerful mother and father, who will the fairy world be afraid of in the future?

When she was in Tianxiang Continent, especially in the Western Continent, her family was weak and her enemies were strong. At that time, she needed to practice hard to become stronger quickly so as to protect her family.

Sometimes I really feel very tired, thanks to Lan Fengli who has been helping her, the family was saved from suffering.

Later, although she found Uncle Hei and Grandpa, she also had a strong person to rely on, but she still couldn't relax willfully.

In short, in the lower realm, she seems to be thinking about protecting the family all the time, and wants to play the role of a strong person every moment.

Now that she is back in the fairyland and by her parents' side, she can also be the little princess of the fairyland who is protected by her parents.

After being happy, Qingyi started to get nervous and worried again, can mother beat so many people?

She has been carefully watching the battlefield with her spiritual sense, and she gave a thumbs up when she saw that the seventh elder was killed with one move.

When the sea of ​​ice dispersed, there were six corpses, Qingyi's small mouth was opened into a circle, mother is simply too strong!

Thinking that I also have the ice attribute, but I can only use the Ice Sealing Technique, I am really ashamed.

It's not her fault, Chu Muyuan prepared an ice attribute skill for her whoever let her in the space, she thought it was the strongest.

In her heart, she always thought that ice-type spells could only be used to fight at the same level, but she couldn't kill them. It turned out that it wasn't that she couldn't kill them, but that her spells were not strong enough.

When seeing the second elder's big golden hand grabbing Fairy Bingxia, there was also the eighth elder's dragon and phoenix.

She clenched her little fist nervously, wondering if her mother could beat them.

Looking at it, her heart seemed to be pierced out, that golden man is so strong, almost like mother, is this the realization of the perfection of metal nature?Really strong too!
Mother seems to be in danger, what should I do?It's useless for her to go out, she can't get close to the range of the immortal emperor's fighting skills, and she will even die tragically from the energy!

Qingyi's heart twitched, seeing the eye-catching blood on Fairy Bingxia's lips, and her pale face, she knew that her spells had exhausted her physical strength.

But the second elder became more and more courageous as he fought more and more, and trapped Fairy Bingxia with the eighth elder!

Fairy Bingxia bit her lower lip, and once again cast the ice flower magic illusion, but as soon as the ice flower was released, it was scattered by the second elder who was already prepared, a row of dense golden swords, and it was impossible to form the magic illusion again.

"You have no way out. It will be your time soon. After killing so many of our elders, I will let you die in pain!"

Qingyi could hear the second elder's vicious words clearly in the space, and wanted to rush out impulsively, but she knew that her appearance would not only be of no help, but would also distract her mother.

At this time, the big golden hand patted Fairy Bingxia's head again, and the eighth elder had an extra fairy weapon in his hand at some point.

It was a spherical monster with spikes all over the ball, and the spikes elongated instantly, like silk threads, intertwined in mid-air, quickly forming a large net.

The Eighth Elder grinned grinningly and covered Fairy Bingxia with the big net.

Even if Fairy Bingxia escaped from the golden palm, she would be covered by the big net. The eyes of the second elder shone with excitement. No matter what this time, she would not be able to escape from his golden palm.

So what if you are stronger?It's not the same as dying under his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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