Chapter 423
"Our grandson, your son?"

The voices of Chu Muyuan and Fairy Bingxia suddenly rose, and they all asked in surprise, only to find that there were two people beside them, and quickly coughed to withdraw their outward emotions.

This can't be blamed on them. From the moment they saw their daughter, surprises followed one after another. Even the two seasoned immortal emperors couldn't hold back hearing so many explosive messages one after another.

They couldn't imagine that their daughter had ascended so quickly, how could they still have time to find a Taoist partner to have a son?
Qingyi glanced at her parents' expressions, then looked at Li Shuangwan, as if asking for help, she didn't seem to know what to say.

Standing aside and rubbing her hands, Li Shuangwan was also a little nervous. She didn't know that the reaction of these two people would be so strong. She took a breath to calm down, and quickly explained softly:
"Qingyi's brother is a very powerful swordsman, and he seems to be from the fairy world.

We saved her several times in the past, our Chu family is thanks to his help, otherwise we might have been wiped out by the demon cultivator long ago.

And Yu'er looks a lot like Qingyi, she has very good aptitude and is also a swordsman. "

Seeing Li Shuangwan's cautious reply, Fairy Bingxia quickly took her hand and said with a light smile:

"As long as you think it's good, it must be good. Of course, Mu Yuan and I don't have any opinions, but we were a little surprised when we heard it.

Unexpectedly, her daughter came back and brought back a grandson and so many relatives. Well, Lingtian Palace will not be so deserted in the future. "

"How do you know that he may be from the fairy world?"

Chu Muyuan listened very carefully. Since the facts were already the case, of course he would not say anything else, let alone forcefully interfere, so as not to upset his daughter who had just admitted.

But for this boy who suddenly appeared and robbed his daughter, he was still very concerned.

"Daddy, do you have friendship with the Lan family?"

Qingyi opened her beautiful eyes and asked in a low voice.

"The Lan family? Could it be that he is from the Lan family?

Chu Muyuan's voice was unavoidably surprised, as if he could already guess who it was.

Qingyi nodded and continued to ask cautiously:

"I'm not sure yet, but Daddy, have you heard that the Lan family has lost a child?"

Fairy Bingxia hurriedly nodded her head beside her, and rushed to ask: "Could it be that he is the child of the sword body lost by the Lan family?"

After hearing this, Qingyi said happily: "Senior brother is indeed the body of sword heart, he was picked up by master, he was only one year old at that time."

Chu Muyuan's long and narrow eyes narrowed. If it was really the lost kid from the Lan family, he would barely be worthy of his daughter.

"The Lan family and I don't have any friendship, their family is one of the eight major families of the Immortal Cultivation Family.

Although we now have a lot of power, we still can't compare with those big families with deep foundations.

But it's not a hostile relationship. The head of the Lan family is a seventh-level immortal emperor, and the lost child is his son.

At the beginning, because of the son with the body of the sword heart, there was a great sensation in the fairy world. The Lan family, which had been silent for thousands of years, will rise again, and I don't know how many forces I envy and envy for a while.

Unexpectedly, a year later, it was mysteriously lost, and since ten thousand years ago, the ninth-level immortal emperor of their Lan family fought with eight other ninth-level immortal emperors against Di Qi. After the fall, no monk in the Lan family broke through to the ninth level. Immortal Emperor.

The current Lan family is not the head of the eight major families, without the ninth-level immortal emperor sitting in charge, and without the next generation of the sword heart body.

Those other families, including Xianjianmen, wanted to drive the Lan family out of the Central Continent.

20 years later, the major families, sects, and the big competition of the three major forces, I think it should be the time when the Lan family was kicked out of the Central Continent.

If your senior brother is really the lost boy of the Lan family, then the other big families will be disappointed, they have worked hard for so long in vain. "

Chu Muyuan said a lot slowly.

"Daddy, what does Dabi have to do with being kicked out of the Central Continent?"

Qingyi was a little confused, and asked again in puzzlement.

"The Central Continent is the place with the best cultivation resources and fairy aura in the fairy world, and it is the place where every family and monk wants to come.

But for a long time, there have been only [-] factions in the Central Continent.

In order to give other families and sects or capable monks a fair chance to enter the Central Continent.

The human monks in the fairy world jointly formulated a rule, that is, a grand competition will be held every thousand years, and all families, sects, and forces of all parties can participate.

Only those who rank among the top [-] at the end can stay in the Central Continent. Of course, the strong are always strong, so the Central Continent has always been left behind by the eight major families, seven major sects, and three major forces.

Even Dabi, which family and force can squeeze in? "

Chu Muyuan patiently told his daughter some things about the fairy world.

"Dad and mother were among the top [-] in the last millennium competition?"

Qingyi couldn't help secretly admiring her, her parents were really extraordinary!

"Yes, it's all thanks to your mother."

As Chu Muyuan said, he looked at Fairy Bingxia tenderly, and Qingyi laughed heartily. Father's affection for mother is really good.

Both of her fathers have a deep affection for her mother, which is really rare in the world of cultivating immortals with indifferent feelings!
"Yue'er, I'll call you Yi'er in the future, my grandson also has the body of Jianxin, right?"

Fairy Bingxia ignored Chu Muyuan's affectionate gaze, and asked Qingyi softly.

Qingyi's big eyes instantly brightened like a full moon in the sky, how did mother know?It seems that her intelligence comes entirely from her mother.

When Fairy Bingxia saw her, she smiled happily, like a hundred flowers blooming, almost shedding tears from Chu Muyuan's eyes. She hadn't seen her smile like this for many years.

"Since he is also a sword cultivator, and he is about to ascend so soon, he must be the body of the sword heart. This time, the Lan family has suffered a lot, and will soon become the head of the eight major families again.

However, I really want to know who made the magic pill for you back then?How could there be such an expert in the world? "

"Mother, he is Dan Wenye from the Danzong of the Immortal World, and also the master who taught me alchemy, do you know him?"

Fairy Bingxia shook her head, "We have no connection with the alchemy sect. I only heard that their suzerain is a ninth-rank senior elixir teacher, and is currently the highest elixir teacher in the fairy world."

"I think Master's alchemy skills are also very high, it shouldn't be inferior to that suzerain.

Daddy, did you prepare the nine-level fairy puppet that you refined for me back then for him? "

Qingyi said and looked at Chu Muyuan again.

"I don't know, the materials for refining puppets are extremely difficult to find, so many great monks in the fairy world use living bodies to refine puppets.

At the beginning, I only prepared one for you, but it happened that Tian Yunzi found out that he was willing to give half of the materials so that I could refine another ninth-level celestial puppet that can raise the spirit.

He only said that it would be of great use to you, so I spent all my time refining it, and when I wanted to release the fairy crystal, he said that it was not necessary. Anyway, Dad believed his words.

It seems that this Tianyunzi is really miraculous, even your master destroyed his body and arrived in Tianxiang Continent. I really admire him more and more. "

Fairy Bingxia didn't seem to have a good impression of Tian Yunzi, she snorted and turned her head back.

"Daddy, I am very worried about Master, can you find a way to find his current body?"

"What's wrong? Is he in danger?"

Qingyi explained some things about Dan Wenye in detail again, and then looked at Chu Muyuan expectantly.

(End of this chapter)

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