Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 431 Betting

Chapter 431 Betting
At this time, the monks who were onlookers shouted, "How about we make a bet as well?"

"I think it's okay. This time I'm in the manor, and I just got a sum of fairy crystals in the previous stage."

A casual cultivator in white at the ninth level of the Celestial Immortal hurriedly agreed, turned around and chose a place, sat down cross-legged, took out a storage bag and put it aside.

Hula, a group of onlookers all turned to him in an instant, and Yu'er and Mao'er looked at each other and moved over.

Soon two names appeared on the ground: Eldest Senior Brother and Sword Cultivator.

Yu'er curled her lips, this code name is quite easy to distinguish.

"Who will win the bet?" A casual cultivator hesitated holding a storage bag.

"Of course it's the elder brother of the Qingyue Sect, there's no need to hesitate."

The person next to him said that and pulled the hesitant monk aside, and directly put 100 yuan of immortal crystals on top of the senior brother's name.

In a short while, there were more than a dozen monks placing bets on top of Senior Brother, and there was only one pitiful one on top of Sword Cultivator, who was put up by a young female cultivator, probably because Lan Fengli was pleasing to the eye!
The hesitant man finally made up his mind, put 1000 Yuan of Immortal Crystal on top of the words "Jianxiu", and did not forget to say something.

"The opposite is often the winner."

"You'll know when you lose in a while, your opposite is simply luck!"

The person who picked him up just now replied with disdain.

Of course, the elder brother also saw that almost all the monks onlookers bet the fairy crystal on him, and he was very proud for a while. It seems that he still has great prestige in Qingmangxing!

He looked at Lan Fengli with a smile, cupped his fists and said boldly:

"Are you ready? You move first!"

"it is good!"

Lan Fengli only said one word, and the fairy sword in his hand flew out, like a ray of light, it went straight to the chest of the senior brother.

The elder brother was surprised, this guy's fairy sword is not low-level, and this guy controls the sword with his mind?

The sword light coming towards his face made him dare not be careless, he quickly used his immortal power to form a defense around his body, and then took out his fourth-grade immortal weapon - the meteor cone.

The small star-like cones spread out in an instant, and the big octopus-like tentacles rushed towards the fairy sword flying over.

However, the fairy sword turned an arc and went straight to his left shoulder. After Lan Fengli's fairy sword flew out, it immediately released the sword world.

Facing a cultivator at the level of Xuanxian, he must go all out to win quickly.

The elder brother struck out with a single awl but failed to stop the sword. Facing the galloping streamer, his body instinctively dodged to narrowly avoid it.

The fairy sword quickly flew over his left shoulder, then turned around quickly, and went straight to his right shoulder.

The elder brother spun around to avoid it again, only to find that his actions had slowed down.


Finally, he didn't dodge it completely accidentally, and a sword passed through his right shoulder, taking away a small piece of flesh and blood.

Looking at the fallen piece of meat and the part of the robe that was stained red, his pupils dilated and shrank instantly.

This fairy sword is at least a fifth-rank fairy weapon, otherwise it would be impossible to break through his fourth-rank defense.

He could have avoided it just now, but there seemed to be something hindering his action, and he suddenly realized that he was in a gray-white sword light.

It was this light field that affected him, what is it?area?Or is it a world that few monks can cultivate in the legend?

The senior brother's pupils dilated again, no wonder his tone was so wild, it turns out he is an extraordinary swordsman!
The first move was injured and stained, which made him very embarrassed in front of everyone.

The fairy sword quickly returned to Lan Fengli's hands. Looking at the meteor cone flying over from the opposite side again, the fairy sword rose again, and a large piece of sword glow enveloped it.

However, those tentacle-like cones quickly passed through the sword light, and shot straight at Lan Fengli's face.

Lan Fengli jumped back and quickly avoided it, but was still injured by the fierce force carried by the meteor cone.

The strength of Xuanxian level one should not be underestimated!

"Haha, in the first move, I let you accidentally get injured. Although you are very strong, you must remember that the strength between Xuanxian and Tianxian is insurmountable."

Seeing that the counterattack was successful, the elder brother couldn't help laughing and said something, and he was also explaining to the surrounding monks that he was injured just now because of humility and carelessness!

"I just said how could the elder brother of the Qingyue Sect be injured in one move, so it turned out to be like this."

"Isn't that right! I was so scared that I bet all 1000 yuan of immortal crystals on him."

"Me too, but that swordsman is also very strong! The result is really hard to say."

"How could our elder brother lose? Don't worry, your fairy crystal will double in a while."

A younger brother of the Qingyue Sect hurriedly smiled and comforted the few people who were talking beside him.

"Yes Yes"……

Those people smiled politely and nodded in agreement. It seems that the Qingyue Sect is indeed very strong on this planet.

Yu'er secretly despises, a group of people who love to save face and step on the low and praise the high, his father will not lose!

Lan Fengli glanced at the elder brother with a calm expression, and the fairy sword flew out again, followed by countless Qi swords coming out of his body.

The sword shadow was like a shooting star, and soon formed a second-rank air sword array in midair, enveloping the senior brother.

The elder brother only paid attention to the fairy sword, but he didn't expect that he was in the sword array in the blink of an eye.

The fairy sword also stayed in the formation, and the second-rank fairy formation can kill monks below the tenth level of heavenly immortals.

For the first level of Xuanxian, although it cannot be beheaded, it will be trapped for a period of time. Coupled with the influence of the sword world, it is very difficult to break through the formation.

While he was about to break the formation, he also had to deal with the fairy sword controlled by Lan Fengli's mind, and he was in a hurry for a while.

Meteor Cone could only keep his eyes on the immortal sword, fearing that another small piece of flesh would be cut off.

However, he lost sight of the other, within a few breaths, he was wounded in the stomach by the Qi swords that kept appearing in the sword array and the killing intent contained in the Qi swords.

His eyes narrowed, he must not lose this time, otherwise, how can he be a senior brother admired by all the younger brothers and sisters in the sect?
Thinking of this, a second-rank immortal talisman immediately appeared in his hand. As long as this immortal talisman is detonated, this sword cultivator will be seriously injured if he does not die!
This can't be blamed on him, he really can't afford to lose and can't lose!

There was a stern look in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the fairy talisman flew towards the edge of the sword array.

He quickly retracted the meteor cone, and the tentacles at the end of the cone quickly wrapped him. This is another use of the meteor cone, and it is equivalent to a fifth-grade fairy weapon in defense.

Boom, a bang came from the formation.

The light dissipated, and the sword array broke apart in an instant, and the powerful energy impact swept straight towards Lan Fengli.

Lan Fengli was already tired of controlling the formation of the Immortal Sword and Qi Sword, but he did not expect that he would detonate the second-grade Immortal Talisman.

Few monks in the fairy world use fairy talismans, after all, there are fewer and fewer fairy talisman masters.

The Qi Sword Formation was forcibly blasted and hurt his inner abdomen. Thanks to his quick dodge, he was not involved in the explosion energy of the Immortal Talisman. Even so, he was seriously injured, and his body shook a few times and almost fell to the ground.

In fact, he detonated the Qi Sword Formation and could completely kill this senior brother.

Because he didn't want to make too many enemies, the momentary kind thoughts in his heart gave others an opportunity to take advantage of.

Yu'er and Mao'er were startled and wanted to rush over, but Lan Fengli stopped them with a wave of his hand.

Before the competition, there was no reputation that the use of immortal talismans and pills was not allowed, so what the big brother did was not too much. Once Yu'er and Mao'er participated, they would lose completely.

Lan Fengli wiped the blood from his lower lip, and looked at him coldly. Since he could detonate the fairy talisman, he would detonate the air sword or the formation of air swords.

(End of this chapter)

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