Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 440 Dan Wenye's News

Chapter 440 Dan Wenye's News
"Mother, do you have space too?"

Qingyi just remembered, how she forgot to go into her mother's space to have a look.

"Of course, I haven't been in since you were sent away. I almost forgot if you didn't mention it."

Fairy Bingxia remembered that Chu Muyuan had sent her daughter away behind her back, and in a fit of rage, she never wanted to use what he gave her.

Qingyi seemed to have guessed her thoughts, hehe said with a smile:

"When you have a chance, you must go to your space to have a look. Now we are still staying here, so it's hard work for mother to take us away!"

"I want to go out too. When I woke up in the fairy world, I was hunted down. I haven't seen the scenery of the fairy world yet! Where's Yu'er?"

Mao'er wanted to go out with Yu'er, only to realize that Yu'er was gone.

Qingyi pointed to the quenching spirit fruit tree, "Take that number one strange fire to eat the fruit."

"I'm going to call him back."

"Wait, when we get to Feisheng Star, let's go out again. You can't take people with you when you teleport across the planet."

Qingyi hurriedly called to Mao'er, Mao'er stopped and nodded, and continued to run over there.

Fairy Bingxia quickly left the space, carrying the space-transformed jade pendant, and teleported towards Feisheng star.

Only Lan Fengli and Qingyi were left in the wooden house in the space, and they seemed to have a thousand words to say when they looked at each other!

"Brother...", "Sister..."

The two called out together, looked at each other and smiled.

"Junior Sister, is there something wrong in Tianxiang Continent, Master, is he alright?"

Lan Fengli took her little hand, and asked out the worries in his heart first.

Qingyi nodded, took a sip of tea and briefly talked about some things after his ascension.

"It turned out that something really happened. Fortunately, there was no danger. It's just that the ancestor..."

Although Lan Fengli didn't have much affection for his master, but he had taught him when he was a child, so his heart was inevitably a little sour.

"Senior brother, how did you meet Yu'er, and everything about grandpa, tell me in detail."

"I'll tell you if you don't ask."

Lan Fengli squeezed her little hand again, only holding it in the hand can be secure!

The two of them took advantage of this opportunity to start talking about their farewell in the wooden house, and of course, there was also the hard-to-talk lovesickness!
Huan'er ate several fruits in a row and was satisfied. As soon as Yu'er was carrying him back home, he saw the cat coming in a hurry.

As soon as Mao'er saw Huan'er, his face that he thought was handsome was instantly filled with a smile, and his voice became extremely soft:
"Huan'er, thank you for the Thunder Tribulation last time! Let me know what you want to eat later, I guarantee it will satisfy your appetite!"

Huan'er glanced at him, lazily said: "I want to eat you!"

Mao'er's smile immediately froze again, why is this little bastard still so unpleasant!
But soon the froze smile widened again, and he stretched out his hands to hug Huan'er in his arms.

The mouth of this little bastard is very annoying, and it feels really good to hold it!

Huan'er twisted her small body and wanted to escape, but Mao'er stubbornly refused to let go.

Yu'er patted his little butt and sighed:
"When will you grow up! I really look forward to the day when the three of us fight side by side to be invincible."

Huan'er rolled his eyes at him, "Although I'm still young, I'm not weaker than you. I'll grow up when you cultivate to the level of Immortal Emperor!!"

The three of them talked and laughed and soon arrived outside the wooden house. Mao'er just wanted to push the door in, but Yu'er grabbed him.

"Let's sit over there for a while, and mother will call us then."

"I still want to ask more about Shui'er, why didn't you let me in?"

Mao'er stared at Yu'er very puzzled, Yu'er smiled lightly, pulled him aside and sat on the grass, and continued his preaching:
"You, why are you so blank, father and mother have finally met each other, so they have a lot to say.

Grandpa Hei is much more stable and mature than you, and he looks better than you. If you don't learn to be smarter, Shui'er will look down on you. "

"That mouse is prettier than me? It's so dark that Shui'er won't fall in love with him. I said Xiao Yu'er, if you don't help me, you will hit me!"

The cat sniffed aggrievedly.

"Of course I will help you! But this kind of thing is still up to you, understand?"

The cat drooped its head limply.

Inside the wooden house, Qingyi and Lan Fengli were talking about their work in Niumengxing, when suddenly the idea of ​​her clone came from their consciousness.

She and her avatar are the same primordial spirit, and they share the same mind. Recently, she has been busy coming to Feishengxing, and has not contacted her avatar.

Now that she suddenly received a message from the avatar, she couldn't help being overjoyed, she could almost guess what it was.

"Junior sister, what's wrong?"

Seeing that she was talking, Lan Fengli suddenly stopped and couldn't help asking nervously.

After just a short while, Qingyi came back to her senses, and happily took his hand directly.

"I have news about Master, he is ascending to the stars!"


Lan Fengli also showed surprise, Master has ascended so quickly?But how did the junior sister know?
"Oh, it's Master Dan Wenye. My avatar sent me the news just now."

"You made a clone?"

Lan Fengli was quite surprised, he didn't expect Qingyi to become a doppelganger when he was not around!
"Well, but it's dangerous, don't think about splitting the primordial spirit to make clones in the future, Dad said that many people in the fairy world tried to make clones, but they all died in the end.

The reason why I succeeded was because I absorbed the soul stone. "

"How could this be? Since there are books and records, it should be feasible."

Lan Fengli stood up in shock, his suggestion almost hurt his junior sister.

"According to the formula, the primordial spirit can be divided into two, but the two halves of the primordial spirit are difficult to restore. Even taking Yangshen Pill will not have much effect."

"Junior Sister, I..."

Lan Fengli held her hand nervously, not knowing what to say.

"I can't blame you! And I succeeded! I should be on Ascension Star now, I'll go out and have a look."

After Qingyi finished speaking, she stepped out of the wooden house, looked outside with her spiritual sense, and saw a big room where Fairy Bingxia was sitting on the futon to adjust her breath.

"Mother, have you reached Feishengxing? Can we go out?"

"Well, you can come out now."

Fairy Bingxia's gentle voice rang in her sea of ​​consciousness, Qingyi was overjoyed, and just about to pull her senior brother away, she thought of Yu'er and Mao'er.

Hastily called over, directly brought out the space.

Seeing Qingyi's happy face, Bingxia Fairy asked softly, "Why are you so happy?"

"Mother, there's news from my avatar that the master who refined the magic pill for me is on Ascension Star. As long as I find the master, grandpa may be saved."

Fairy Bingxia was also overjoyed, she always wanted to thank this master, so she hurriedly asked:

"What does that body look like? You draw it for me, and I'll look for it in a while."

Qingyi quickly used her spiritual power to draw Dan Wenye's appearance.

"Okay, this is the inn, you stay here first, I will go out and use my spiritual sense to find your master.

I have set up defenses in the house, it's not that immortal emperors above level seven can't get in, I'll be back soon. "

Fairy Bingxia disappeared into the room after she finished speaking, Maoer stared at Qingyi with her round eyes.

"Your mother is a seventh-level Immortal Emperor, what about your father? We don't have to hide from XZ anymore, right?"

"My father is an eighth-level immortal emperor, and Lingtian Palace will be your home from now on."

"Mother, the Lan family is our home."

Yu'er corrected in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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