Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 442 Going to the Star Lord's Mansion

Chapter 442 Going to the Star Lord's Mansion
Li Hanxing's gloomy face softened slightly, a cruel smile appeared on his lips, he patted the table lightly and said in a concentrated voice:

"From here to Feishengxing, it will take ten days at the fastest to sit in the teleportation array, and she may have left by then, so you all stay in the family, and the Great Elder and I will be enough to kill her!"

The second elder wanted to say that he would go too, but he knew the patriarch's temper well, so he swallowed the words again.

In order to behead Fairy Bingxia and wipe out those little geniuses, the head of the Li family actually went there in person. Two eighth-level immortal emperors, the Li family really thinks highly of Fairy Bingxia!
Fairy Bingxia led Qingyi and the others in no rush to the Star Lord's Mansion, but first went to meet the two disciples of Lingtian Palace staying in Feisheng City, both of the ninth rank of Jinxian.

The two were very surprised when they saw Fairy Bingxia, they quickly got up and called respectfully: "Palace Master."

Because Lingtian Palace was jointly founded by Chu Muyuan and Fairy Bingxia, the monks or disciples below respectfully call them the Palace Masters.

Fairy Bingxia responded lightly, pulled Qingyi to the front of the two and said softly:
"Your young palace master has returned. From now on, the two of you will stay here to take care of the monks who ascended from the Tianxiang Continent. The appearance and characteristics of the main people are left in the jade slips for you."

After Fairy Bingxia finished speaking, she took out the jade slips that Qingyi had just made and threw them to the two, and gave them two bottles of elixir and a storage bag of immortal crystals.

"The fairy power here is thin, which will affect your cultivation speed. These pills and fairy crystals are compensation for you."

The two quickly took it, saluted respectfully again, and then called Qingyi respectfully, "Young Palace Master."

Qingyi was a little uncomfortable. In the past, when she saw monks with higher cultivation levels than her, she would respectfully call them seniors.

Now she turned out to be a person of status and status, and the big cultivator still wanted to salute her respectfully, and quickly returned the salute to the two with a smile.

Fairy Bingxia introduced Lan Fengli and Yu'er one by one. As disciples of Lingtian Palace, of course they need to know their future masters.

After arranging things in Feisheng City, Fairy Bingxia took a few people to the Star Lord's Mansion.

"Mother, I heard from senior brother that the elders of the Li family who hunted him down are probably still on Ascension Star. Will we be found out by them and cause trouble?"

Thinking of the mighty Li family, Qingyi asked worriedly.

"When I searched for your master with my spiritual sense, I found the three elders of the Li family. I didn't expect that the Li family sent three immortal emperors. It seems that Feng Li is very important to them. Maybe the Li family has already guessed that he is the blue elder. lost child.

Transfiguration and invisibility will all be discovered by them, unless they enter the space fairy, but why do we sneak around?

I can still handle these three elders, but I am afraid that they will send the Great Elder or the Patriarch to come in person.

But even if the two of them come, I can take you and escape, don't worry! "

Fairy Bingxia comforted softly.

"Then let's get to the Star Lord's Mansion as soon as possible, otherwise things will change easily!"

"Okay, take my flying fairy treasure, this one is very fast, and it will take less than half a day to arrive at the Star Lord's Mansion."

After Fairy Bingxia finished speaking, she took out a small flake that resembled a cloud, and the flake quickly turned into a small flying boat.

Yu'er was the first to sit in and asked excitedly:
"Grandmother, is this a flying fairy treasure? Was it made by my grandfather? It feels different, but my dad can refine a flying fairy weapon in the lower realm, isn't it amazing!"

Yu'er never forgets to say good things to his father no matter what.

"Really? It's really unusual to be able to refine a fairy weapon in the lower realm. In the future, it will be even higher than your grandfather's refining level."

Fairy Bingxia is also very good at complimenting her son-in-law. In fact, the more she looks at Lan Fengli, the more she likes Lan Fengli. Not only is she good-looking and strong enough, but it can be seen from some details that she cares about her daughter.

The cat experienced the flying speed of the fairy treasure, and was so excited that he wanted to shout, is this the flying speed of the fairy emperor?One breath can reach tens of thousands of feet away.

Huan'er grinned and laughed non-stop, it turns out there are so many fun and delicious things left in his original place.

Several people sat in the Flying Immortal Treasure, talking and laughing, and soon arrived at Yefeng City, the city where the Star Lord's Mansion is located.

Fairy Bingxia put away the flying celestial treasure, this city is not allowed to fly, so a few people can only hand in the fairy crystal and enter through the city gate.

This city is the city with the strongest immortal aura on the Ascension Star, and there are many monks coming and going in the city, and the shops on both sides of the street look grand and beautiful, very pleasing to the eye!
Perhaps it is this style that has attracted many monks to stop.

The outstanding appearance and good temperament of the few people naturally attracted the whispers of passers-by on the street. Maoer deliberately raised his head and chest, as if he was admirable.

Yu'er didn't forget to strike at the side and said:

"Stop posing, they only see the four of us."

"Xiao Yu'er, you are becoming less and less cute, how can those people look at you holding a child, even if they look at you, they are looking at the cute and invincible Huan'er, right?"

The cat retorted disapprovingly.

Soon the gate of the Star Lord's Mansion appeared in front of him, and Yu'er and Mao'er stopped bickering and joking.

Fairy Bingxia took out a jade tablet and handed it to the monk at the gate, and said softly:

"Notify your Star Master that Liu Yanxia from Lingtian Palace is coming to visit!"

The monk at the door looked at the jade plaque, and then at the people standing in front of him.

They have been staying in Feishengxing, and they don't know much about the big powers in the Central Continent, especially Lingtian Palace, which has only risen in the past thousand years.

However, he didn't dare to be negligent when he saw the good temperament of a few people, and hurriedly took the jade card to see the star master.

He Yeqi was sitting in the room drinking tea, remembering what Wan Xinghai from Xianjianmen entrusted, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Almost half a year later, he sent people to search almost the entire planet, and there was no monk with the body of the sword heart as he said.

Why!It is a matter of inheriting the kindness and loyalty of others, but I always feel ashamed if I fail to do it!

While sighing, the gatekeeper came in a hurry.

"what's up?"

He Yeqi put down his teacup and asked.

The visitor quickly entered the room, respectfully offered the jade plaque with both hands, and carefully replied:

"Liu Yanxia, ​​who claims to be Lingtian Palace outside the door, is going to visit the Star Lord."

He Yeqi took the jade tablet and looked at it twice, then got up quickly and went out of the house, and arrived at the gate of the courtyard in a few breaths, smiled and said:
"Haha, I don't know if it's Fairy Bingxia who came to visit, and I'm not far away to welcome you. Who are these?"

He Yeqi looked directly at Lan Fengli, because Lan Fengli's facial features were three or four points similar to his father, Lan Chenghuan.

Some time ago, Lan Chenghuan and his wife came to Feishengxing, he knew about it, didn't it?
Fairy Bingxia hastily returned the gift, smiling and saying:
"I have something to discuss with the star master, so come to bother me, they are my daughter, son-in-law and grandson."

"Congratulations to Fairy for finding her beloved daughter back. Come on, please follow me into the house and we will talk in detail."

He Yeqi smiled and congratulated immediately after hearing this, but he was a little timid in his heart. Could it be that this fairy came to settle accounts with him?But seeing that her attitude was very polite, she was a little relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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