Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 444 Immortal Sword Gate

Chapter 444 Immortal Sword Gate

Dan Wenye did not answer right away, but flew out a ray of consciousness and directly entered Chu Yunlan's sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Chu Yunlan's primordial spirit curled up motionless in a corner, very small and illusory, and could hardly see its appearance clearly.

Soon Dan Wenye withdrew his consciousness, not without joy, he said:
"Fortunately, his primordial spirit hasn't dissipated, otherwise even the God Resurrection Pill would not be able to save him."

"Master, so Grandpa is still saved? Returning to God Pill? What kind of pill is that? I didn't find it in the pill formula you left me!"

Qingyi's tense heart relaxed a little.

"That ancient alchemy formula."

Qingyi wrinkled her nose angrily, she had never looked at the ancient alchemy formula that almost killed Dan Wenye, and she had left it in a corner of the sea of ​​consciousness, and almost forgot it.

"Your current level is not enough, even if you notice that pill formula, it's useless."

Dan Wenye said softly.

"What grade of elixir is the elixir of returning to the gods? Can the master refine it?"

Qingyi looked at Dan Wenye with wide eyes, and asked nervously.

"Returning to the God Pill is a ninth-grade primary elixir, of course I can refine it, but the most important medicinal material for refining the Huishen Pill is hard to find."

"What kind of medicinal material is that? How hard is it to find? Will grandpa get heavier?"

"Anshen Huiyang grass, anyway, I have never seen it, although there is no continuous erosion of the liquid medicine, but as time goes on, your grandfather's soul will gradually weaken until it dissipates."

Qingyi let out a sigh of relief, as long as there are recorded medicinal materials, she will definitely be able to find them.

Fairy Bingxia had been listening quietly, but now she asked, "What does the medicinal material you mentioned look like?"

Both Dan Wenye and Qing Yi looked at her, did she have this medicine?

Dan Wenye hurriedly described the growth environment and shape characteristics of the Anshen Huiyang grass that he had seen in books in detail.

Fairy Bingxia said happily when she heard the words: "The fairy grass in Mu Yuan's hand should be, it was discovered when he entered a mysterious place.

At that time, there was only a solitary grass growing in the crevices of the mountains and rocks under the moonlight, and it was still glowing with a jade-colored luster.

Although he didn't know it, he thought it must be a good thing, so he picked it carefully and kept it meticulously. "

"Really? So Grandpa will recover soon, so let's go back to Lingtian Palace now."

Qingyi's mood was instantly as bright as the sun, and she happily grabbed her mother's hand.

"Aren't you going to the demon world?"

Mao'er asked nervously, when will he see Shui'er?
Qingyi patted him and comforted him softly:

"I'm more worried about Shui'er than you are, but with her teleportation ability, there's no danger. We'll come out to find her after Grandpa is cured!"

Yu'er also smiled and hugged his shoulders, "The demon world is actually not as dangerous as the human world. I believe that Shui'er and Grandpa Hei will be safe."

Mao'er glared at him, it would be better if he didn't mention Hei Feng, he didn't know if he was afraid that after a long time, Shui'er would be preempted by that black mouse!

Yu'er blinked at him, Fairy Bingxia also nodded in agreement:
"Yi'er is right. We'd better go back to the Central Continent first, and we won't be in a hurry to find them."

Of course, Dan Wenye hoped to return to Danzong earlier, so the few people changed from the originally planned trip to the demon world to return to the Central Continent.

In the Star Lord's Mansion, He Yeqi made another cup of tea to calm down his fluctuating mood today.

It turned out that the sword cultivator boy Wan Xinghai was looking for turned out to be the grandson of Lingtian Palace, no wonder he didn't agree to go to the Immortal Sword Gate.

It seems that he has to notify Wan Xinghai immediately, he dare not arrest such a person.

Thinking of this, he took out the communication crystal ball left by Wan Xinghai.

Wan Xinghai was playing with his sword fairy puppets at this time, when he heard the sound of the communication crystal ball, he was first surprised and then delighted.

It turned out to be He Yeqi, did he already catch that sword repair boy?He couldn't wait to press the answer button.

"Brother He, but there is news about that sword cultivator?"

He Yeqi nodded, then quickly revealed a helpless wry smile and said:

"Brother Wan, do you know whose child that kid is?"

"What's the matter? Whose child is it?"

Wan Xinghai's excited heart instantly cooled down, and he asked anxiously.

"It's the grandson of the couple in Lingtian Palace, so you should give up your idea of ​​taking him as a disciple!"

"Chu Muyuan's grandson? Isn't his daughter long gone?"

Wan Xinghai quickly made a soundproof cover around his body.

"Today Fairy Bingxia brought her daughter to my Star Lord's Mansion to find someone in person, so there will be no fakes. Don't you know that kid? Does he look like Fairy Bingxia?"

Wan Xinghai narrowed his eyes, recalling the boy's appearance carefully. When he suddenly heard about the body of the sword heart that day, he was so excited that he didn't pay much attention to the person's appearance, but he still had a little impression.

"Don't tell me, there is really such a similarity. Is Lingtian Palace trying to dominate the Central Continent? That couple is almost invincible.

Now that the child with the Xiantian Immortal Physique has been found, and there is also a grandson with the Sword Heart Physique, this, this is simply against the sky! "

At the end of Wan Xinghai's words, there was a roar of envy in his voice.

"Brother Wan, calm down first. I still have one thing to say. That boy's father looks somewhat similar to the head of the Lan family. I suspect that he may be the lost child of the Lan family."


Wan Xinghai's voice shocked He Yeqi over there and shrank his neck, thinking, why is this reaction so big?
"Brother Wan, I'm just guessing, don't get too excited."

Wan Xinghai seemed to have just realized that his reaction was a little big, so he quickly coughed and said softly:

"Your guess must be true. I saw the Lan family couple at Feishengxing some time ago, and thought they were looking for qualified disciples for the family. Now it seems that they are looking for their son!"

"So, Brother Wan, I am powerless to do what you have entrusted to me!"

He Yeqi apologized helplessly.

"Okay, you can tell me these news are enough friends, we will contact you later!"

After Wan Xinghai finished speaking, he hung up the communication. He stared blankly at the puppets. It seemed that he was unable to refine the sword fairy puppet of the eighth-level immortal emperor.

However, the lost child of the Lan family has returned, and he needs to report this matter to the suzerain, after all, the Immortal Sword Sect and the Lan family have never dealt with it.

Originally, their Immortal Sword Sect should be the only holy place for sword cultivators in the fairy world, but unexpectedly, a Lan family came out.

Not only is the sword array stronger than Immortal Sword Sect, but they also specially give birth to children with the body of the sword heart. Based on this, Immortal Sword Sect has always been dominated by their Lan family.

Their suzerain is planning to drive the Lan family out of the Central Continent in this millennium competition, but now they suddenly have two sword bodies. I don't know what the suzerain will do if they know?
Thinking of this, Wan Xinghai no longer hesitated and went straight to the suzerain's main hall.

In the main hall of the suzerain, a handsome man in white is playing chess on the chessboard, and of course the opponent is himself.

Hearing the voice outside the hall, he frowned slightly, but he stopped the game and said softly:

"It's Xinghai, come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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