Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 448 Crisis

Chapter 448 Crisis
Hei Feng also felt that what Shui'er said was very reasonable. Although the space in his body would not be destroyed by the fire, it was easy to be discovered.

Because once he enters the space in his body, what is exposed outside is just a small piece of black gold stone, and he will not transform his space into something else.

No matter where the black gold stone is, it is extremely hard to find, once found, wouldn't he become someone else's dinner?

"Okay! Let's use the invisibility technique to move away from this mountain, but it will be difficult to escape once found by those people! This time I killed you!"

Hei Feng looked at Shui'er and apologized.

"Don't bother, I will take you directly to Feisheng Star, maybe Qingyi and the others will be there."

Shui'er raised her head, her bright eyes were full of confidence.

"Can you teleport across planets? And can you find your way?"

Hei Feng grabbed Shui'er's little hand in surprise, Shui'er rolled his eyes and slapped his big black hand away.

"Didn't I just take you to teleport last time and leave the planet that hunted you down?"

Heifeng touched his head annoyedly, then laughed and said:
"I thought the place you teleported to was still that planet, but we have already arrived at another planet, and the next one is going to Feisheng, so excited!
Shui'er, you are really amazing! "

Heifeng did not forget to boast at the end.

Shui'er raised her chin, feeling very proud, remembering that when she first saw Hei Feng, his strength was something she looked up to, but now it seems that she is stronger than him!
"Let's send it quickly! The fire is already burning."

Heifeng looked at the fire that was about to hit his face and said anxiously.

"In the fire, I can also teleport."

Although Shui'er said so, he still took his hand, and the light instantly enveloped the two of them, leaving the mountain like a stream of light.

The fire covered up the streamer, so that those who burned the mountain didn't know that the two demon cultivators they were looking for had already arrived on another planet.

Hei Feng was very happy in his heart, it seemed that his luck was really good, why did he meet Shui'er?
Although this girl's current strength is not very strong, but this means of escape is unmatched by anyone!

No wonder he was able to escape from the demon world early!At the beginning, I was worried that she would be trapped in the demon world, but as a result, she will grow up as soon as she ascends!

Heifeng's mood is flying beautifully with the speed of teleportation, there are free teleportation arrays to sit on, and there are beauties to accompany, hey!It's better to have such a long time!

The place where Shui'er teleported this time happened to hit the cliff of the valley.

The two figures fell into the valley at a very high speed, and the mood of the black wind flying stopped abruptly. They blinked their starry eyes, shook their dizzy heads, and stabilized their falling bodies.

Seeing that Shui'er was still falling, he pulled her up and led her to fly up the valley.

"I saw Huaguang appearing on the other side of the valley, and there was a sound coming out. Could it be the arrival of a divine beast?"

There happened to be a group of monks in this mountain, and a sharp-eyed female nun saw the brilliance of the water falling, and hurriedly said to the monks beside her.

"Really? Then let's go and have a look."

So this group of people huffed and flew towards the valley at once.

Hei Feng quickly flew up with water, and when he saw a group of monks watching them, he wanted to faint again.

"Shui'er, the places you choose to teleport every time are not very good."

Heifeng's spiritual sense transmitted sound to Shui'er, and Shui'er transmitted it back without showing any weakness.

"Before I met you, the place I teleported to was never found."

"So it's all because you brought me with you?"

"Of course, can it be the same to take a person to teleport? It is estimated that the light is too bright to attract their attention."

The two were communicating with their spiritual consciousness, and the group of people surrounding them were also whispering:
"Xiao Li, there are only two people, how can there be any beasts?"

"I clearly saw it! The dazzling brilliance should be the arrival of divine beasts."

The nun muttered softly.

Heifeng took a closer look at the cultivation of this group of people, and couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. It turned out that they were just a group of little monks, and the highest cultivation was only the first level of immortals.

Listening to the mythical beasts in their mouths, I secretly laughed in my heart, the divine beasts are by your side without knowing it, what a bunch of idiots!

But they have to leave quickly, so as not to attract powerful monks and may cause trouble again!
After all, his body hasn't recovered yet, and Shui'er can't teleport continuously.

However, a loud voice came from behind these people:
"What beast? Why did you come here?"

After the sound fell, two middle-aged men appeared in front of these young monks.

"Uncle, Uncle, my younger sister said that she saw Hua Guang and thought it was a divine beast descending, so we followed, but it turned out that there were only two of us."

One of the young men replied respectfully.

"Oh? Those two?"

The square-faced middle-aged man pointed in the direction of Hei Feng and Shui'er.


The square-faced middle-aged man glanced at the long-faced monk beside him, and whispered:
"Just now we checked the entire mountain with our spiritual sense, and we didn't see any monks inside. Where did they come from? Can you tell if they are demon cultivators?
The black pupils of the long-faced cultivator flickered, and instantly turned gray-white, and a ray of light shot out from the eyes.

Hei Feng and Shui'er immediately felt uneasy when they saw their appearance!They can't see through the cultivation base of these two people, and they feel very strong in momentum!
"Shui'er, let's cast invisibility and move away."

Heifeng quietly transmitted the sound with his spiritual sense, then took Shui'er's hand, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the two middle-aged monks.

The long-faced cultivator just cast the spell, but he disappeared and said angrily:

"It turned out to be invisible, there must be something wrong with these two, brother, didn't you just get a fairy weapon that can see through invisibility?"

The square-faced man quickly took out the fairy artifact, stuck it between his eyebrows, and began to search with his consciousness.

"Tian Guang, take them back to the family, we still have things to do."

The square-faced man turned his head and said something to the young man who had just answered, and then flew away with the long-faced monk.

Heifeng and Shui'er moved to the foot of another big mountain on the other side of the valley. Looking at the surrounding environment, Heifeng sighed and said:

"When you arrive in the fairy world, why are you being chased everywhere, and the invisibility technique is not very useful, I wonder if these two people will see through the invisibility?

Shui'er, can you feel Qingyi?The things Lan Boy refines are not easy to use in the fairy world, and I have always been the only spot on it. "

Shui'er shook her head, her eyes were obviously disappointed, she couldn't feel Qing Yi at all, could it be that the distance was too far?
What she didn't know was that Qingyi and the others had just left Feishengxing on the teleportation array.

"They seem to be chasing after them. These two are also very strong. Shui'er, let's run away!"

As Hei Feng said, he grabbed Shui'er and fled to the distance again, followed by the two behind him.

"I can't escape like this anymore, I will eventually run out of immortal power, and I won't even have a trace of resistance!"

Shui'er frowned and said.

"Then what should I do? I don't have the ability to beat them now."

Heifeng didn't dare to be brave at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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