Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 458 3 to 3

Chapter 458 Three on Three

Fairy Bingxia raised her eyes to look at the three people, and said calmly: "No, I'm afraid of losing my daughter again with a pack of wolves around me."

"Wolf? There are no wolves here? There are only three people!"

Tian Yunzi turned his head to look at the three people with different expressions, and said with a smile:

"Old man Qi, why do you have the time to come out? The head of the Li family, the great elder, aren't you busy with the competition in 20 years' time?"

Qi Pengtian snorted coldly. For Tian Yunzi, after his request was rejected, not only did he not have any good feelings for him, but he even had the intention to kill him!
Li Hanxing and Li Hanye replied in a friendly manner:
"I don't know why the pavilion master came here? We have some grievances with Fairy Bingxia, and please ask Tianji Pavilion not to interfere!"

"You still want to fight? Three eighth-level and ninth-level fairy emperors are against a seventh-level fairy. Are you afraid of being laughed at?
If there is any grievance, it is better to fight again in the big competition, how about it? "

Tian Yunzi played with the bottle in his hand, looked at the three of them and said with a chuckle.

"If there is a grievance, it should be resolved on the spot. I don't like procrastination the most, so please get out of the way!"

Qi Pengtian was not polite to him.

"Oh! I said old man Qi, you are so long live, if you have any grievances, you should let those children and grandchildren of your family come here, is that fair!"

Tian Yunzi was still smiling, as if he was someone who would never get angry.

"How can there be so much fairness in the world of cultivating immortals? How dare you say that you have never bullied someone who is weaker than you? No matter how blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

Qi Pengtian got angry when he saw his smiling face, and he was rejected with the same smile at the beginning.

"Haha, too much temper is not the foundation of a fairy's practice, no wonder you can't break through.

What about you two?Do you think the same as him? "

Tian Yunzi smiled and looked at the head of the Li family and the great elder.

Li Hanxing hid the sharpness in his eyes, and smiled apologetically:
"The pavilion master might as well go back to the Tianji Pavilion and do a divination. Will Fairy Bingxia still survive?"

"You don't need to do fortune-telling. It's a long-lasting appearance. That's why I kindly advised you not to waste your efforts. Otherwise, you might lose your life. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Tian Yunzi stroked the scattered long hair on his forehead.

Li Hanxing and Li Hanye glanced at each other, what did Tian Yunzi mean by this?
"Don't be fooled by him, if Fairy Bingxia is released today, will she still have a chance when she returns to Lingtian Palace?

Even with his help, don't the three of us still be afraid of him being a magic stick who can only play tricks! "

Qi Pengtian wanted to chop Tian Yunzi to death with his palm right now, but he knew that Ling Tiangong and Tianji Pavilion had a very close relationship.

"Old man Qi, I just love to listen to what you say. When did I become a magic stick? Haha, since you have said that you are a magic stick, why don't you believe me?"

Tian Yunzi smiled happily!
"You, have you done the math for yourself, you will die today!"

After Qi Pengtian finished speaking, he immediately attacked Tian Yunzi. He was not afraid of him. If he could kill Tian Yunzi, he would be a great helper in getting rid of Lingtian Palace.

Seeing that Qi Pengtian had made up his mind, Li Hanxing and Li Hanye exchanged glances, and they went to attack Fairy Bingxia together.

They also had the same thoughts as Qi Pengtian, and they also knew that Tianji Pavilion and Lingtian Palace had a good relationship. It would be great if Qi Pengtian could kill Tian Yunzi today.

Otherwise, the Lan family will also be involved with the Tianji Pavilion in the future, how will the Lan family be driven out by then?

"Old man Qi, don't think that you can do whatever you want because you are a ninth-level immortal emperor. You must know that there are people outside of you. In less than a hundred years, you will be beheaded by the rising new generation!"

While fighting back, Tian Yunzi still forgot to say the last sentence.

"Your stinky mouth will make you unable to speak again after today."

What Qi Pengtian hated the most was hearing others say he was dead, so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood, and the intensity of his attack increased again.

"Haha, I forgot to tell you, I will live much, much longer than you..."

Tian Yunzi seemed to fight back casually, but in fact he used all his strength. After all, Qi Pengtian had been immersed in the ninth-level immortal emperor for many years, and his strength was not ordinary.

"It's not up to you whether you die or not, the final outcome is the result. I don't believe that I can't kill you, a stickler who can only play tricks."

Qi Pengtian used to like to maintain a better image outside, which was completely exposed in front of Tian Yunzi.

Because he felt that in front of Tian Yunzi, he would strip away any cover-up, so he might as well vent it out.

Over there, Fairy Bingxia faced the two eighth-level immortal emperors of the Li family again. Although she lost, she would not lose quickly.

The situation seemed to be back to the beginning, when the two of the Qi family were chasing and killing Fairy Bingxia.

Why!A helper came, and she seemed to need to use the Blood-devouring Ice Lotus.

Fairy Bingxia knew very well that Tianyunzi would be very good if he could hold Qi Pengtian, and he would even lose after a long time.

"Old man Qi, you are nothing more than that. If Chu Muyuan comes, you may not be his opponent."

Tian Yunzi said another sentence out of words.

"A junior who came out of nowhere deserves to be compared with me. You are behind his back to help him. If he dares to come, I will definitely kill him!"

Qi Pengtian always felt that Chu Muyuan's rapid rise was due to Tian Yunzi!

"I'm here, what can you do with me?"

As soon as his voice fell, a voice as warm and pleasant as the warm sun rang in the ears of several people.

"You, Chu Muyuan?"

Qi Pengtian looked at the fairy-like man in white who floated and landed beside Fairy Bingxia, and was surprised but also very jealous.

Why is it that some people are born with a combination of luck and luck, Chu Muyuan is not only good in aptitude, but also in appearance!

In just over [-] years, he cultivated to the eighth-level Immortal Emperor, becoming a figure who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him!

Thinking that he lived for more than 4000 million years, went through untold hardships, and only became a ninth-level immortal emperor with black hair and white silk. Why is the law of heaven so unfair!
"Why did you join forces to deal with my Taoist companion? Li family, we have no enmity with you, right?"

Chu Muyuan looked at the three of them, but there was anger in his faint voice.

Li Hanxing squinted his eyes, Chu Muyuan and Tian Yunzi appeared here one after the other, it must be Tian Yunzi's opportunity, it seems that he should find a way to get rid of Tian Yunzi first.

Li Hanye snorted coldly:
"We didn't have any enmity before, but from then on we have an indissoluble enmity!"

"What happened during this time?"

Chu Muyuan looked at Fairy Bingxia and asked softly.

"I'll talk to you later when I get back. In short, it's indeed like what they said about the unresolved hatred!"

"I said Mu Yuan, I just mentioned you, why did you come here? We can't be telepathic!"

Tian Yunzi approached with a smile and asked.

"I would also like to thank Brother Tian for helping Xia'er. When we get back, go to my place. Let's have a good drink."

"Okay! I haven't been to your place for a long time, and it's just to celebrate your finding your daughter back, haha..."

When Tian Yunzi mentioned wine, his sharp eyes seemed to be filled with the immortal wine stored in Lingtian Palace.

"Since you are all here, don't even think about going back. It happens that we are one-on-one. This time is very fair. Who will fight me?"

Qi Pengtian interrupted their conversation coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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