Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 469 Father and Son Recognize

Chapter 469 Father and Son Recognize
After taking a sip of tea, Lan Chenghuan briefly told about Menglian.

Although he knew that looking for Tian Yunzi, this child did not have that ability, but he also hoped that the depression in his heart would dissipate.

Qingyi listened quietly, feeling sour in her heart, it turned out that Lan Fengli's mother, who was suffering from worry, had become so dangerous!

The sea of ​​consciousness is closing the primordial spirit?I don't know if the Rejuvenation Pill refined by Master will be effective?
"Uncle, don't worry, my master is concocting a kind of elixir to cure the slackness of the soul, which may be effective for auntie."

Lan Chenghuan sighed and shook his head.

"Our family's alchemist has already seen it, and he said that unless it is the Resurrection Pill, other pills will have no effect, but the Resurrection Pill has no formula."

"Return to God Pill?"

Qing Yi asked again in surprise with a happy expression on her face.

Seeing this, Lan Chenghuan's eyes lit up, and his heart beat faster inexplicably. Could it be that what her master refined was the Rejuvenation Pill?
"Well, it's the God Rejuvenation Pill!"

"Uncle, what a coincidence, the elixir refined by my master is the Rejuvenation Pill, and grandpa only needs one, so you can rest assured and wait for the master to come out."

Lan Chenghuan stood up suddenly, and the chair behind him fell to the ground unwillingly with a bang, Qingyi shrank her neck in shock.

I thought that senior brother is not like his father, no matter what happens, he will not be so emotional.

In fact, what she didn't know was that if something happened to her, Lan Fengli's usual calmness and self-control might disappear!Father and son are very similar in this aspect, once they fall in love, they are the most loving people!
Lan Chenghuan also knew that he had lost his sense of proportion in front of the junior, so he carefully lifted the chair up and sat down gently, drinking a sip of tea to calm down.

"I was so excited, I didn't expect such a coincidence, so..."

While talking, Fairy Bingxia rushed in from the gate of the palace, and the Great Guardian finally went to invite her.

Lan Chenghuan stood up again after sitting down, and bowed his hands with a gentle smile on his face:

"Ms. Lan came again and disturbed the fairy's cultivation. I am deeply sorry!"

Fairy Bingxia hastily returned the gift with a light smile, "There is no rush to cultivate, please come again in person, it must be an important matter."

"I do have something to ask for, but I don't need it now, your daughter has helped me solve the difficult matter."

Lan Chenghuan put aside Menglian's worries, and his mood changed back to the way he was when he heard the happy news of his son last time.


Fairy Bingxia looked at Qingyi suspiciously, wondering what her daughter could do to solve the Lan family's difficult problems?

"Mother, let's sit down and talk."

So the three of them sat down again, and Lan Chenghuan explained his reason for coming again, and thanked him with a smile at the end:
"Returning to the God Pill is an ancient god pill that is hard to come by, but your daughter said it without reservation. It can be seen that the kindness of the heart is also true to Li'er. It is his blessing that my son can have her company, and it is also a blessing. Good luck to the Lan family!"

"My daughter is of course the best!"

Fairy Bingxia said without humility.


Qingyi yelled in a low voice helplessly, only to realize that her mother also likes to brag!
Lan Chenghuan laughed haha, although he hasn't seen his Li'er yet, he believes that his son should also be the best.

"Yi'er, your master has been in the alchemy room for more than a month, why hasn't he left?"

"Refining a high-grade elixir is not so easy, and Master hasn't refined such an elixir for a long time.

I think he needs a familiarization process. After all, the medicinal materials of Huishen Pill are hard to find, and he is afraid that he will miss it. "

Qingyi analyzed slowly.

"Since this is the case, Patriarch Lan will stay in Lingtian Palace for a while, just in time to call Yu'er out to meet you!"

Fairy Bingxia smiled to persuade her to stay.

"This will bother the fairy!"

After Lan Chenghuan finished speaking, he glanced out of the window inadvertently, and couldn't look back after this glance.

Under the setting sun, two figures, one black and one white, came slowly, and the one in white with black hair and jade face was Chu Muyuan.

The man in the back is dressed in black and has a tall and straight figure. The silver hollow trim on the sleeves forms a little silver glow under the reflection of the setting sun, and his black hair is flying in the air, showing an illusory and exquisite fairy appearance!
That's his Lier!It was very similar to what he had imagined and outlined!

Fairy Bingxia followed his gaze and couldn't help being overjoyed. How did Mu Yuan refine the weapon so quickly this time?
Soon two figures walked into the hall, and Chu Muyuan looked directly at Lan Chenghuan. He heard the news as soon as he left the refining room, so he rushed over with Lan Fengli.

However, Lan Chenghuan's eyes were always glued to Lan Fengli's body, and Lan Fengli also saw Lan Chenghuan.

The four eyes are facing each other, and there is a silent exchange of light intertwined with each other, but the different moods have the same excitement.

Is this his father?Although it was the first time we met, this glance seemed to have been seen for thousands of years.

Just like when he saw Yu'er for the first time, it was bound by blood and family ties invisibly. Maybe thousands of people can feel the slight difference between each other with just one glance.


With a cry from Li'er, he expressed the sadness he had lost for so many years and the excitement when he saw goodbye!
Lan Fengli knelt down slowly and silently, there was no need to worry about why he was lost in Tianxiang Continent in the first place, because this sound was full of a father's debt to his son and many unspeakable emotions!
If he hadn't known Qingyi and Yu'er before, he might not have cared about his parents' family, nor would he have experienced this kind of blood relationship.

But since he met them and became a father, he has understood a lot of emotions, and he can also understand the helplessness and sadness of being a parent who did not abandon them intentionally.

Just like how I felt when I was afraid that Yu'er would not recognize him...

Lan Chenghuan stepped forward and helped him up with trembling hands, "Li'er, it's good to be back, I'm sorry!"


Finally, he yelled "Daddy", and Lan Chenghuan gently hugged him into his arms...

Here is the joy of father and son getting acquainted, while Chu Muyuan's family stood obediently aside to communicate with each other.

"Mu Yuan, why is the refining so fast this time?"

"Because it's different with the first strange fire, how did the Lan family know?"

"The head of the Lan family has already been here once, this time because of his wife Menglian."

"What's going on? Tell me."

"Daddy, isn't senior brother's weapon refining technique very good!"

"Let's be so-so."



After a cup of tea, Lan Chenghuan recovered from the joy of meeting his son, and apologized to Chu Muyuan, saying:
"In a moment of surprise, I forgot to thank Brother Chu first. I'm really sorry."

"In any case, getting to know your son is the most important thing. As parents, I understand very well, and I would also like to congratulate Patriarch Lan for finding his son.

After a while we set up wine to celebrate, and we have already expressed our joy and congratulations! "

"Okay! Then I won't be polite, we will be in-laws in the future!"

There was an unconcealable joy on Lan Chenghuan's handsome face.

"Are you satisfied with my daughter?"

Chu Muyuan asked modestly, thinking, if you dare to show a little dislike, he will definitely not let his daughter go to Lan's house.

"It's more than just satisfaction, it's my heart! In short, I also want to thank you for your recognition of Li'er! It's rare that you can personally guide him in making weapons."

Lan Chenghuan said sincerely.

"Your son's accomplishments in refining weapons are beyond my reach, and it won't take long for him to surpass me!"

Chu Muyuan praised from the bottom of his heart.

"It's not easy to get Brother Chu's approval! Haha..."

Lan Chenghuan and Yourong Yan!Laughed out loud.

"Their children are already that old, so there is no need to hold a marriage ceremony, Yi'er..."

As Chu Muyuan spoke, he looked at Qingyi, Qingyi understood, and went straight to Lan Chenghuan to kneel down in front of Lan Chenghuan, but was stopped by Lan Chenghuan.

"You don't need to be so polite. From now on, you will be my child just like Li'er. Don't worry! It's the same when you arrive at Lan's house and in Lingtian Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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