Chapter 475
At the innermost corner, Meng Lian lightly held an inconspicuous long box lying there, and handed it to Lan Chenghuan.

Lan Chenghuan flicked his fingertips, and a drop of blood fell on the box, click...the box lid opened.

This is the box that the ancestors of the Lan family sealed with their own blood, and only the descendants of the direct blood can open it.

In the hearts of our ancestors, we always think that this is a priceless treasure worthy of collection for generations!
Lan Chenghuan carefully held the scroll inside in his hand, and with a light shake, the scroll unfolded and was directly pasted on the opposite wall.

The eyes of Lan Fengli and Yu'er were both attracted by the picture scroll.

Between two majestic mountains, in a misty canyon, the three swords swung in three different forms with different postures, different momentums, and different moods...

Even though the three swords only exist in the painting, Lan Fengli and Yu'er can still feel the meaning, way, and momentum contained in the sword...

The two were unconsciously attracted by the artistic conception in the painting.

Three swords, one with the intent of the sword, one with the way of the sword, and the other with the momentum of killing.

However, three different swords stand on the screen, although they are different in shape, they are connected to each other. The intertwining of shape and meaning is a hazy scene, so it should be a formation?
Lan Fengli's comprehension in formation is not so high, so he only found the difference in the painting after less than half an hour.

Even a high-level fairy formation master can hardly find that the three swords in the painting are actually a formation of mutual generation of meaning and form.

When Lan Chenghuan and the others look at this painting, they usually comprehend the meaning, way, and momentum displayed by each sword in the painting...

Although this is helpful for cultivation and comprehension, it is not very effective, so it has been dusted here for so many years and no one cares about it!
This is not an ordinary sword formation, although the grade cannot be seen, but Lan Fengli intuitively cracked this formation not by looking for the eyes of the formation, but by the intent, the sword intent.

So he tried to infiltrate the painting bit by bit with the sword intent he had comprehended...

Although Yu'er is not as good as Lan Fengli in terms of formation skills, she has been very smart and intelligent since she was a child, so she discovered the difference after an hour.

It turned out that this should be a formation of artistic conceptions. He remembered the realm where Lan Fengli once told him about the unity of mind and sword, so he also tried to use his soul to send out ideas to communicate with the picture.

Both father and son are trying to break through the formation with Yuanshen's thoughts.

Time passed by little by little, and in the blink of an eye for a month, Lan Chenghuan was surprised, happy, and worried when he saw the motionless bodies of the father and son...

Surprised they got into the picture so quickly.

The joy is that the aptitude and wisdom of the two are really extraordinary, and they must have realized the difference in painting.

What is worrying is that such a state is like the soul has left the body and entered the painting. If he can't get out, won't he lose his son again, plus the grandson he just recognized?
This is even more so for Meng Lian, who has already regretted telling the picture scroll at this time, her beautiful eyes are fixed on Lan Fengli and Yu'er, she keeps rubbing her hands, looking at the two people who don't even blink, She nervously transmits her spiritual consciousness:
"Cheng Huan, what do we do now? It's all my fault!"

Lan Chenghuan quickly comforted him with his spiritual sense:

"Don't worry, this should be a good thing. I think there must be something in the picture scroll. Since Li'er can come back safely, he won't leave again. Now we can only wait and protect their bodies!"

At this time, Lan Fengli and Yu'er really had their souls separated and entered the world in the painting.

This is a world of swords, a world full of killing, a world intertwined with white, gray and red...

Fortunately, the two of them were in the same place, otherwise, facing such a world full of killings, no matter how strong their hearts were, they would still be in endless loneliness and panic.

An hour later, the two finally broke out from the massacre.

"Daddy, is this a sword formation?"

Yu'er asked out of breath.

"Well, the two of us should have entered a formation, which is a similar chess situation formed by sword formations. Not only must we break the formation, but we must also untangle the chess formation formed by the formations before we can leave."

After Lan Fengli came out, he took a look at the surrounding environment and understood the layout here, so he didn't panic too much.

"Daddy, I don't know how to play chess and I don't know how to solve it?"

Yu'er panicked.

"Don't be afraid, you just need to follow me through the formation.

Every time we crack a formation, the next one will be more difficult. If we can leave here, not only will the strength of the primordial spirit increase greatly after we go out, but also the comprehension of sword intent, sword way, and sword momentum should reach the extreme.

At that time, it will really be able to unite people and swords, and even the attainments of formation techniques will surpass the past. "

Lan Fengli's confident voice gave Yu'er strength, yes, this should be a great opportunity for him and his father.

"Daddy, should we study formations now?"

"The sword array here is the comprehension of intention, way and momentum, not the method of cracking the formation eye like in reality.

However, during the period of going to the next sword formation, it is very good to learn the formation. "

Lan Fengli looked around and said softly.

"Then when will I be able to go out? Will it delay the Dabi 20 years later?"

Looking at the gray area, Yu'er felt that the road ahead was bleak!

Lan Fengli also lowered his head. It is estimated that it will take a hundred years to break through this formation, and Dabi has already missed it!

Parents outside would be worried about them, and expected their return to make a name for themselves in the competition, but there was nothing he could do about the current situation.

And Qingyi, she will be worried if she doesn't see him and Yu'er in the Grand Competition, there are many powerful enemies, will it be dangerous without him by her side?

Seeing Lan Fengli's expression, Yu'er knew the result, and she couldn't help lowering her head. It was a good thing but now it has become like this!
After resting for a day, the father and son continued to enter the formation. As Lan Fengli said, the next formation was much more dangerous. The two of them spent five days and almost lost their lives with scars all over their bodies.

"Daddy, the second formation is so difficult, so what strength do we have to reach if we want to break into the last one?"

Yu'er sat down on the ground, a little out of breath!
"I know, but don't you think that breaking through a formation will increase our strength a lot?"

Lan Fengli was actually more injured than Yu'er. After all, he not only had to fight, but also paid attention to Yu'er all the time.

After adjusting the breath for a day, and after the body recovered almost, the father and son began to study the formation.

It took a month for Lan Fengli to break through to the fifth-rank immortal formation master, and Yu'er to break through to the fourth-rank immortal formation master, so the two started to enter the third sword formation.

In this way, in the world inside the painting, their primordial spirits break through the formations while learning the formations, ignorant of everything that is happening outside.

In the blink of an eye, a year later, Mao'er and Huan'er had already left this place and returned to the clan to practice.

Looking at the two bodies that still didn't respond, Meng Lian once again regretted why she brought up this painting.

"Lian'er, don't worry, you can see that their natal jade cards are all intact, so there is no danger.

It's just going to be hard to come back!After all, this is left by the seniors who became gods, it will not be easy, but you have to trust them. "

Lan Chenghuan comforted softly, Lan Fengli and Yu'er made natal jade cards on the day they entered the genealogy.

"Cheng Huan, it's enough for me to guard their bodies alone, there are still many things in the clan that need you to attend to.

Even if you are not busy, you should still try to break through, after all, you still have to participate in the competition. "

Lan Chenghuan hesitated for a while, got up and said:
"Alright, the elders have been asking about Li'er and Yu'er for the past few days. I haven't said the reason. It seems that I should tell the truth."

(End of this chapter)

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