Dan Road Xianhua

Chapter 480 Intact?

Chapter 480 Intact?

Qingyi thinks that Senior Brother Mu is too bad, why push her out?

"Brother, how do you know that I will win?"

"Because you are my junior sister!"

"Then you go compare..."

"I don't know how to make alchemy!"

"You can compete in martial arts! I heard that the senior brother is super strong and invincible at the same level!"

"That's just what I heard..."

Qingyi was communicating with Mu Shaoyang's spiritual consciousness, when she heard Huang Deguang's words about the competition between disciples, she just wanted to ask Dan Wenye what grade the disciples of the Dan sect were, but Dan Wenye decided on the word, "Okay "

Qingyi rolled her eyes secretly, she was pushed onto the stage by her senior brother and master, and the two didn't ask her what she meant.

What if someone's apprentice has a seventh-rank elixir master?Isn't she doomed!
Seeing Dan Wenye answering so happily, Huang Deguang felt suspicious.Could it be that this girl is already a sixth-rank elixir teacher?After thinking for a while, he said:

"Since she is your new apprentice, she is also a disciple of Danzong, but she will not be recognized by the sect without the entrance examination.

Why don't each peak produce a disciple, and three days later, they will have a competition on the alchemy platform in the square, which will be regarded as her entrance examination, if she wins the championship in one fell swoop, I have nothing to say!
Elder, what do you think?In this way, the disciples can also know that there is such a relationship between Danzong and Ling Tiangong. "

"You push back and forth because you are afraid that my little apprentice will win, and your secret will be discovered, right? In these three days, you can completely change my apprentice's place."

Dan Wenye looked at him and said coldly, Shi Tianyi looked at this and that, and suggested with a smile:

"Wen Ye! Let him return your apprentice to you first. I think the competition that De Guang said is feasible. Otherwise, this child will also have to accept the examination of the sect. I also want to see your new disciple Danshu What's the matter?
Your tone must be extraordinary, even the suzerain and the elders of the peaks will come out to watch, why don't we gamble on something else? "

Dan Wenye really wanted to see the two apprentices soon, but he also knew that it would be difficult to enter his secret room.

"Let go of you for now!"

Huang Deguang hurriedly cupped his hands and said with a smile: "That's right, you go to my cave to taste tea first, and I'll be back in a while."

After speaking, he disappeared in a flash, afraid of being blocked again, Dan Wenye hummed twice.

"Forget it, as long as it doesn't harm the sect or your disciples, there is no need to worry too much."

The Great Elder now knows that the two are not friends at all but hostile. I don't know what happened during this period?
However, Dan Wenye felt that his secret was very dangerous, and that person's inconsistency might endanger the sect, but he also knew that without evidence, he could not casually check other people's privacy.

The few people did not enter the cave but waited outside, and within half an hour they saw Huang Deguang flying up from the canyon with the two of them.

A man in a green shirt and a woman in a yellow dress are walking towards this side. Both of them look very young, and their fairy appearance is very seductive!

As soon as he saw the master, he quickly bent down and knelt down, but was stopped by Dan Wenye. He held one up and down with one hand and looked carefully up and down. He was relieved when he didn't find any scars or anything wrong.

Looking at Huang Deguang with doubts in his heart, how could he take care of his apprentice so kindly?

"Master, where have you been all these years?"

The woman in yellow asked with a sob in her voice.

"Something happened and you were trapped outside, how are you all doing here?"

Dan Wenye took a disciple with one hand and asked with concern.

"Master is very kind to us!"

The man in the green shirt smiled lightly.

"I don't know why you targeted me when you came back this time. For the sake of being friends for many years, I won't bother with you."

Huang Deguang snorted, and became confident at this moment.

Dan Wenye also snorted with his nose, feeling that there was something wrong, but the two apprentices looked normal and ignored him, pulled Qingyi to introduce:

"This is your little junior sister, Chu Qingyi!"

Qingyi smiled and called "Senior Brother" and "Senior Sister"

The two also called "Junior Sister" very affectionately. On the surface, there was really nothing wrong with it.

Dan Wenye didn't want to stay on this peak any longer, so he cupped his hands to Shi Tianyi and said:

"Great Elder, I will take my disciples back to my mountain first, and I will pay a visit another day!"

"Okay! Three days later, I will let the disciples and your little apprentice Bidan meet, and I will go back and report this matter to the masters of the peaks."

So a group of people walked down the mountain.

Huang Deguang looked at the few figures going away, heaved a sigh of relief and at the same time snorted, "Dan Wenye, since you're back, he will definitely get that Dan Fang again."

Qingyi also knew that there must be something wrong, so she asked Mu Shaoyang with her spiritual sense while walking.

"Brother, is it because the elder tampered with the memory of their life here?"

"Well, there is also a possibility that it is under control."

"What should I do?"

"It's hard! It would be better if the memory was tampered with. If it is controlled by the soul talisman, unless it is killed, it cannot be lifted even if it is discovered!"

"Then kill him. Once he is controlled, these two brothers and sisters will become his people."

"Is it that easy? It's hard to kill him without leaving the sect!"

Xue Bingyan, who had been silent for a long time, gently pulled La Qingyi's corner at this time, and sent a voice transmission with his spiritual sense:

"Junior Sister, these two senior brothers and sisters of yours have been controlled. Will bringing them back like this be detrimental to your master?"

"How did Senior Sister find out? I think Master should also know, but there is no evidence, so he will be careful."

Qingyi thinks that the monks in Lingtian Palace are not ordinary, but this senior sister is also so smart?
"Hehe, because I know a mind reading technique!"

"I've heard of mind reading, what does this mind reading mean?"

"It's actually very simple, that is, you can tell which side the monk's heart is leaning towards. I heard some of the reasons from your conversation just now, so I used the mind-reading technique on them.

As a result, the hearts of both of them were biased toward that elder. If you think about it, even if he was really good to them, how could he compare with the master who taught them since childhood, so I said they were controlled. "

"Senior sister, you are amazing! Can you learn this mind-reading technique?"

Qingyi asked spiritually.

"I can't learn it, it's a kind of ability I was born with, but it's actually useless at all, hehe..."

Soon, Dan Wenye led them to a mountain peak, which was not too far from the peak just now.

"Master, is this your mountain?"

Qingyi thinks that this peak is bigger and more beautiful than the one just now, and the fairy aura is stronger than that one. It seems that the master's status in the sect is quite high.

"Well, this is my mountain, how is it? Is it better than his?"

Returning to the familiar place, Dan Wenye's depressed mood just now eased a little, and he said with a smile.

"Of course, that peak feels depressing and dull to me. Master's status in the sect is also higher than him, right?"

Qingyi laughed.

"In the alchemy school, we pay more attention to alchemy. I am a ninth-rank intermediate alchemist, and he has not broken through to the ninth rank, so although his cultivation is not as good as him, his status is higher than him."

Dan Wenye is also very proud when talking about alchemy.

"Because the master has a junior sister, he has forgotten me and the senior brother, and hasn't come back for so long."

The woman in yellow was named Ye Shanshan, and she said something coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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