Chapter 499
Qingyi also knew that she asked something she shouldn't have asked on the spur of the moment, so she quickly drank a sip of tea and changed the subject with a smile, asking about Tianxiang Mainland.

Since her ascension, the Tianxiang Continent has been very stable, and the Chu family has also developed very well. Now it has become the head of the four major families in the central region.

Chu Mulou will fly up in less than a year, Chu Qinghao is already in the late stage of fusion, Chu Mingyang has also broken through to the middle stage of fusion, and Chu Nantian has just reached the late stage of transformation.

The two brothers of the Jin family practiced fastest. In just over ten years, Jin Wenhua has broken through to the fusion stage, and Jin Wenyuan has also reached the late stage of transformation.

Listening to Yiyang talking about those familiar people and things in Tianxiang Mainland, Qingyi seemed to be back there again...

She really misses that place with good memories!
"However, it's more than ten years behind you, but there are so many changes, and Feng Li has also returned to his family, so I feel at ease.

This time, without your monks who stayed on the Ascension Star, it would be very difficult to survive. "

Yiyang couldn't help but sigh with emotion at the end, Qingyi already knew the reason of the matter from Chu Muyuan, and comforted softly:
"In the fairy world, everything becomes no longer mysterious. There are many fairy artifacts that can not only see through invisibility but also see through the monk's body.

The strange fire fused in the master's body will naturally be peeped by some monks, and the person from the Qizhen sect will never give up, so the master stays here to practice with peace of mind during this time.

Brother and Yu'er seem to be retreating, I haven't been able to contact them. "

"I heard that there will be a millennium competition in more than ten years. They must be busy practicing, so I won't bother. Do you think I can participate in that competition?"

Yiyang asked hesitantly.

"With Master's aptitude, the Time Formation can definitely reach the ninth level of Immortals in 1000 years, and the level of Lingtian Palace is weaker.

At that time, Second Uncle and Uncle Lu should also be able to participate. With the perfect combination of the three of you, you will definitely get a good ranking!Master can also become famous in one fell swoop, let's see who dares to covet your treasure! "

Qingyi already had this idea in mind, seeing Yiyang speak out on his own initiative, she quickly affirmed that it seems that Master is also warlike in his bones.

"Really? Then I will go to retreat and practice now."

Yiyang's eyes were shining with excitement, to have the opportunity to participate in the competition in the fairy world, it is not in vain to practice immortality once in this life!

"Master, don't be so anxious, or wait for the second uncle to fly up, and then retreat together.

During this time, you can spend more time with your mother!Choose some exercises that are suitable for cultivation, and get familiar with the environment and disciples here.

It's getting late and I should go back too. "

After Qingyi finished speaking, she blinked, and walked out of the room to Li Shuangwan's residence.

Li Shuangwan didn't practice, she was sitting quietly in the room as if thinking about something, when she saw Qingyi smiled and greeted her.

"Mother, I have news about my father and brother."

Qingyi took her hand affectionately and said with a smile.

"Really? Who ascended?"

"My master Yiyang."

Qingyi told the news about Chu Mingyang and Chu Qinghao again.

"Mother, in less than 50 years, both father and elder brother will be able to ascend, and you only need to retreat a few more times to see them."

Recently, Li Shuangwan calmed down a little anxiously because she was concerned about the father and son. She patted her hand and said with a smile:
"The cultivation environment here is very good. You see, I will be able to transform into a god soon! When the two of them ascend, try to break through to the fusion stage."

"So it's no longer a dream for mother to break through to the immortal stage. By then, you will have at least 10 years of life to accompany daddy."

Qingyi smiled happily, what a correct choice it was to bring Li Shuangwan to the fairy world.

The mother and daughter chatted for a long time, and Li Shuangwan was finally able to calm down and retreat to break through the stage of transformation.

After finishing everything, Qingyi returned to her practice room, took out the communication crystal ball again, and looked at it expectantly, but there was no response like the one that day.

Is it really a retreat or something happened?The heart that was not worried about their father and son also became a little uneasy at this moment!
Half a year passed in the blink of an eye, and Chu Mulou finally ascended to the Immortal Realm as he wished. This time, the two men brought him back to Lingtian Palace smoothly.

The father and son finally meet in the fairy world after thousands of years!
The brothers embrace each other passionately!Silently expressing the joy and longing in my heart...

They are only three years apart. They practiced together and went out to fight together when they were young. Of course, their relationship is extraordinary.

I thought that we would never see each other again in the ends of the earth, but I never thought that we could still embrace each other in the fairy world!

Heifeng, who had been retreating all the time, seemed to sense the arrival of Chu Mulou, and also left the customs at this time, successfully breaking through to the level of Xuanxian.

It was hard to hide the excitement and pride in my heart when I passed the thunder tribulation, and the speed of cultivation after evolution was really fast.

On this day, the aroma of tea and wine in Chu Muyuan's main hall was full of joy and laughter!
The three father and son, Chu Qingyi and Heifeng tasted wine and chatted together, experiencing the warmth of being together for a rare moment of relaxation...

Time flies and half a year later, Lu Bei, Meng Tianyi, and Qin Shuihan also ascended one after another, and all entered Lingtian Palace to become disciples.

They are lucky. They don't have to go through the days of working hard at the bottom to join the big forces and enjoy the cultivation resources that are difficult for others to obtain in their lifetime. Of course they know that all this is because of the Chu family...

After Yiyang, Chu Mulou and Lu Bei got together, they selected the most suitable exercises for cultivation, and then began to retreat and practice painstakingly. The three of them are looking forward to showing their glory in the Grand Competition!
This year, Qingyi's cultivation was firmly at the level of Xuanxian, and there were still 13 years before the Millennium Competition.

Qingyi bid farewell to Chu Muyuan, quietly left Lingtian Palace with Mu Shaoyang, and began her first days of traveling and exploring in the fairy world.

In order to avoid being discovered by the old man of the Qi family, the two used the teleportation array refined by Chu Muyuan before they left the gate, and directly teleported to the most dangerous misty mountain area in the fairy world.

This is a large area of ​​countless mountains covered in fog all year round, winding into a mountain range.There are medicinal herbs and poisonous weeds in it, and many big beasts live there.

Although the fierce beast does not take human form, it has survived for tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years, and its strength is very strong. In the innermost area, there are also giant beasts at the level of immortal emperors.

Although this stretch of white mountains is dangerous, it is the best place for cultivators in the Central Continent to practice.

Looking at such a large foggy mountain area, Qingyi's eyes shone with excitement.

She likes this kind of trial, for beasts instead of humans, she wants to kill more beasts here, and search for some herbs by the way.

"Brother, I'm going from the outside to the inside, don't worry about me until the moment of life and death!"

Mu Shaoyang chuckled softly, "I know, it's best to experience the moment of life and death when you come out to practice, only then can you know how strong your own strength will be!
But we can't enter the most central place, and I don't dare to provoke the big beasts there. "

Qingyi nodded, indicating that she already knew.

The brothers and sisters ignored the curious and scrutinizing eyes of the monks who came out to practice at the foot of the mountain, and ran directly into the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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