become immortal

Chapter 101 His Shock

Chapter 101 His Shock
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"No.10, Chu Shuangning of the Immortal Sword Sect, is awarded the top-grade defensive treasure Yanyunsha."

As the master's words fell, Chu Shuangning watched as something like a veil appeared from Venerable Feng Tang Yihe, and it was light in his hand, as if it had no weight at all.

Chu Shuangning's heart sank, and her heart felt bitter, no way, this is the reward for the top ten, what's the use of this thing?
"After nightfall, wait." Chu Shuangning was thinking about the use of this cloud gauze, when suddenly an ethereal voice sounded in his mind, the simple four words made Chu Shuangning suddenly look up at Venerable Feng, and immediately He quickly lowered himself again, for fear that others would notice something wrong.

Chu Shuangning was shocked. Tang Yihe wanted to find her, did he mean that there was something wrong?

She put away the smoke and cloud yarn, and the next thing is to encourage everyone, and then there is the time to enter the pavilion and the time to enter the river of time.

Breaking into the Pavilion is scheduled for tomorrow morning, and entering the River of Time is the morning of the day after tomorrow. The time is very tight. When Chu Shuangning and the others return to the training ground again, there will be rays of light shooting into the sky, which also means that they have successfully established the foundation.

The senior brothers and sisters in Immortal Sword Sect are either consolidating their cultivation by successfully establishing the foundation, or they are working hard to attack the foundation.

"Elder Zhao, I will take care of you here, and I will take Yin Zhi and the others back to the small building to rest." Ji Aotian's approach made Chu Shuangning a little strange, but when he saw that other sects did the same, he stopped being surprised up.

Anyway, in Chu Shuangning's heart, Master Ji Aotian is someone who can be absolutely relied on, so it's better to leave with Ji Aotian than to stay here with Zhao Sheng and the others.

Back in the small building, Chu Shuangning, Yin Zhi and Han Zifeng were all called into Ji Aotian's room. He put up a sound-proof barrier and said, "It may not be the most innermost way to enter the pavilion tomorrow." Well, the most important thing is, what suits you best."

"Yin Zhi, you are following the route of alchemy and swordsmanship, so what you need most is a book of swordsmanship. Although Jianyu Jiutian is the swordsmanship of Xianjianmen, it is not the most suitable for you."

Ji Aotian looked at Yin Zhi and said, at the same time, he was telling Yin Zhi what he needed tomorrow. Seeing that he already understood, he turned his eyes to Han Zifeng, and said: "Han Zifeng, You are the descendant of Qi Peak in the future, so naturally you can't pull off the skill of practicing Qi, and you have obtained the top-grade defensive treasure Black Cloud Cloak, and the worst thing is a Qi Jue!"

Although Tian Xiuming is good at training weapons, but in terms of weapon skills, Xuanwumen has a huge collection, and there must be something more suitable for Han Zifeng.

Next, Ji Aotian looked at Chu Shuangning, and repeated what he said that day: "Shuangning, the worst thing you have right now is a book of wood-type exercises, you must look for it tomorrow."

Ji Aotian told them one by one, as for the river of time, he has never been there, and he is not sure what kind of situation it is inside, therefore, he didn't say anything, he just waited until tomorrow after entering the pavilion to see what everyone got. Let's talk about what kind of exercises.

After Chu Shuangning and Yin Zhi separated, they went directly to the room on the third floor. She closed the room, set up a defensive magic circle, and used her spiritual power to make the magic circle foggy, before slipping into the Linglong Room inside.


As soon as Chu Shuangning entered the Linglong Room, she was thrown down by a huge rabbit, and the rabbit was crushed on her body. If she didn't feel the breath of platinum, Chu Shuangning might have made a move long ago.

"Baijin, why have you grown so big?" Chu Shuangning swallowed, and looked at the enlarged Baijin, who no longer had four ears as before, but five ears. It's a rabbit!
It's only been a few days of work, even if it's one day outside, ten days inside, it's still about a month at most, how can there be such a big change?
"Ning~" Platinum's body got bigger, and the golden eyes also got bigger. The big and cute eyes used to look big, but after several times the size, they looked a little scary.

"Well, Bai Jin, can you change back again? Isn't that too big?" Chu Shuangning pushed Bai Jin up with all her strength, and sat on the ground in the yard, looking at Bai Jin's huge body with worry.

"Yes." Platinum nodded, and with a flash of golden light, her huge body just now changed back to its previous small and cute appearance, which made Chu Shuangning feel relieved. On Platinum's body?
"It's still so cute." Chu Shuangning hugged Bai Jin, and rubbed her soft head with her cheek. The white hair was so white that it looked extremely beautiful. The golden eyes were not too big or too small, they were really cute. .

"Ning, you are bad." Bai Jin's voice was still tender, but the three words were very clear.

Chu Shuangning looked at Baijin in surprise, and said, "Baijin, you speak much more clearly now than before." Chu Shuangning carried Baijin around the spiritual field, and all the elixir that had been planted before had survived. It looks vibrant, very beautiful, the leaves are green, and the color is better than that in Linggu.

"Delicious." Platinum's outstretched claws said: "Fruit."

The separation of the two words was very clear, and the golden eyes looked at Chu Shuangning expectantly.

Chu Shuangning hadn't realized it before, but when she said the four words separately, and when she thought of Bai Jin's appearance, she knew what it wanted to eat, the condensed fairy fruit.

Although Chu Shuangning had a lot, she couldn't let Platinum eat all of them at once. If she ate too much, she was afraid that there would be a riot if she absorbed too much spiritual power at once. After careful consideration, she decided that ten were given to Platinum. Then let it obediently stay outside the yard to play.

When Chu Shuangning returned to the house, he first took a warm bath in the jade pool. Although he usually used the dust-cleansing technique, he felt as if he hadn’t washed it without water. Therefore, whenever Chu Shuangning came from outside When I came back, if I had time, the first thing I would do was to take a bath in the jade pond.

After changing into a fresh set of clothes, Chu Shuangning felt much more comfortable. She took out the storage bag containing the congealed fairy fruits. There were nearly 1 fruits. Except that she had eaten a lot, there were still a lot left. Then , how much should I give to Master?

Chu Shuangning was in trouble looking at these congealed fairy fruits.

Give it all, Chu Shuangning is also a little reluctant, give it [-]%?Sixty percent?Or [-]%?
Chu Shuangning has been thinking about it, and finally agreed to take out 5000 pieces, leaving more than [-], which can be kept for her own use, or it is appropriate to keep it as a gift later.

Moreover, she has planted all the congealed fairy fruits around the Lingtian. After 160 years, these fruit trees will all mature, and by then she will definitely have the largest number of congealed fairy fruits.

Just do it!

Chu Shuangning made a decision at the bottom of her heart, and then began to adjust breath and meditate. After advancing to the twelfth level of Qi training, the green fire was a little bigger than before, but it still didn't increase significantly, just like a candle flame The same, the shaking seems to be blown out by a gust of wind at any time.

Perhaps, only by advancing to the foundation stage can one truly grow up?

Chu Shuangning was not sure, so she turned out Qinghuoyin and looked at it carefully. She had already memorized the previous page backwards. She wanted to see if there was a second page, but there was no response. She sighed in her heart. Tone, I am afraid that the cultivation base is not enough.

Guessing that it was almost evening, he ate roasted rabbit meat with Bai Jin, then escaped out of the space, went directly to Master, and said mysteriously: "Master, I have something to give you! "

Ji Aotian looked at Chu Shuangning suspiciously, set up a soundproof enchantment, and asked: "Is this a good thing?"

Chu Shuangning didn't speak, but just handed over a storage bag containing [-] condensed fairy fruits and said, "You'll know it when you see it."

She has unlocked the identification of the owner of the storage bag, and Ji Aotian only needs to re-identify the owner to read it. No one here knows if there is a third eye, or people from the Xuanwu Sect. If you stole it, who knows if you will go crazy, even if you don't go crazy, you will definitely have thoughts in your heart.

"This is……"

Ji Aotian looked at these congealed fairy fruits, and swept his consciousness inside, the number is naturally very clear, five thousand congealed fairy fruits, for Xuanwumen, that is not a small number, after all, he entertains guests with one per person Congealed fairy fruit, also know the preciousness of its fruit.

Outside, occasionally more than a dozen fairy fruits are revealed, and the price is very high. After all, it is better than Yangqi Pill, and it is delicious. Many female cultivators like it, even male cultivators are no exception. After all, the spiritual power in this fairy fruit It is more pure and easier to absorb.

"Master, I fell into the cliff by mistake, so I found it." Chu Shuangning explained very succinctly. Of course, let's not talk about her crazy collection of elixir. Anyway, after ten years, who will know the elixir? Who picked it? Besides, after ten years, her cultivation must have improved to a higher level!
"Since you found this, it belongs to you." Ji Aotian could also know from Chu Shuangning's calm and breezy words that there must be other things. Besides, what Chu Shuangning got was Hers, however, she was willing to give so much.

"Master, I still have more." Chu Shuangning said hesitantly, "I only took out half of it." She lowered her head and said, not daring to meet Ji Aotian's eyes again, although this fairy fruit is very important to Jin Danqi. The effect is small, but regular consumption is also good for the body, not to mention such a large amount.

Ji Aotian was shocked at this moment. Looking at Chu Shuangning, he has grown a lot taller. He is no longer the lonely and helpless little girl he saw four years ago. Although he is only 13 years old, in a few years, A change is about to take place, and those clear and lively eyes, I am afraid that few people can refuse it.

Ji Aotian collected his thoughts, and said: "In this case, I will accept one thousand, and you will keep the rest." As Ji Aotian said, he put the thousand congealed fairy fruits into the storage ring, and then put the storage bag He handed it back, and his tone was so tough that she would not allow her to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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